
Asura the eternal god

In ancient era, the asura god was betrayed by his friends, loved ones; he was besieged and was killed. In present era there is a teenage boy name xiuluo who is blind and get crippled. He gets the remants of the asura god and ask to take revenge for them . What destiny awaits for the boy, will he take revenge for them, will he be against the fate?

Xiuluo · Eastern
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37 Chs

Culprit Zhu Yun

In Zhu clan hall Xiu Luo is standing in the center of the hall and all the people had dark face and are glaring at Xiu Luo.

"I know the elders will agree with me, so I want to ask the patriarch to provide me with these materials." Xiu Luo removed the scroll from his storage bag and the scroll is as long as him. And Xiu Luo prepared this scroll beforehand in Zhu Jia room after he changed the cloths. He know that Zhu clan have auction house so it is easy for them to have these items.

The items in the list are the herbs to refine pills and the weapons refining materials.

Seeing this all the elders have dark faces and they got to know what it meant to be broad day light robbing. And their corner of the mouths are twiching.

"All right, it will be given to you." Patriarch Zhu said looking at Xiu Luo with interest. But Zhu Jia is enjoying as she had covered her mouth with her hands tried to hide her laugh.

"Thankyou for your benevolence senior, this junior will spread your generous name throught out the eastern region." Then Xiu Luo praised the Patriarch Zhu. 

"I know senior is rewarding me for saving his daughter and I can't take advantage of senior generosity." Xiu Luo said.

Hearing this all the people present have a impulse to beat the latter as they thougt 'what not taking advantage you are clearly robbing' but they held back.

"Are you not going to take the items." But one elder asked staring at Xiu Luo in disbelief. But he was bound to be wrong.

'Hell not...' 

"cough elder how could I reject seniors generosity." Xiu Luo said with innocent expression.

"Senior I heard the conversation between the men who kidnapped Miss Jia that they were ordered by young master Yun to kidnap, that's why they had kept Miss Jia from other ladies." Xiu Luo said to the Patriarch Zhu and the whole hall become deathly silent. And the killing intent could be felt that is coming from patriarch Zhu.

"Xiu Luo are you sure you heard correct." Patriarch Zhu asked Xiu Luo in deep voice as he exerted pressure.

"Kukh...senior what I said is true, its up to you whether to believe me or not." Xiu Luo didn't back away due to pressure but said in a deep voice.

"Father..." Zhu Jia called her father seeing that the latter is using pressure on Xiu Luo.

"Hmm..." Patriarch Zhu coldly snorted seeing his daughter's reaction and removed the pressure.But he looked at Xiu Luo with different view because if there is someone else he would have already fainted but Xiu Luo not only not fainted but also replied in that situation.

"Xiu Luo are you still hiding something from us." Patriarch Zhu said, this time his voice is different as there is mixture of emotion.

"Cough...Senior that is all." Xiu Luo know that the other party may be gentle but he is threatening him.

"Bring him here." Patriarch Zhu ordered the guards in deep voice. Xiu Luo didn't know who the person Patriarch Zhu is calling.

After sometime the guard brought the boy if you look at him closely you will see he is the same person who had beaten Xiu Luo during interrogation. But Xiu Luo didn't know who was brought.

"Zhu Yun did you really ordered someone to kidnap my daughter." Patriarch Zhu started interrogation as he exerted the same pressure before he used on Xiu Luo.

"Kukh..kiekh..." the latter doesn't reply but felt dizzy. Seeing this Patriarch Zhu removed the pressure and looked at Xiu Luo with disbelief. He could see that Zhu Yun cultivation is peak of foundation establishment realm and Xiu Luo's cultivation is just peak of sixth rank spirit gathering realm but the latter withstand against his pressure but Zhu Yun doesn't.

And he know what he exerted is the pressure that is nothing to do with the cultivation strength. The pressure is the killing intent on the person's deep soul. And it requires too much experience to withstand that kind of pressure.

"Cough...cough..." Zhu Yun spit out mouthful of blood that is remaining in his chest due to the pressure he withstood.

"Patriarch I didn't do something so despecible and I can't even think of lady Jia getting kidnapped." Zhu Yun replied hastily.

"May be that boy is telling lies." Zhu yun said as he tried to justified and blamed Xiu Luo. 

"Hey young master I didn't said anything, elder Jin had interrogated the person who you have ordered and they confessed their crime and told your name that you have ordered them." Xiu Luo intervene and said that he didn't said any thing. And he said elder Jin name because he heard from Miss Jia that the latter had brought the captured ladies to the clan.

"Elder, I am innocent I didn't do anything they were telling lies, elder believe me I am innocent." Zhu Yun said in a panic to a old man standing near Miss Jia. From his facial expression everyone could guess that may he had done something wrong but Xiu Luo can't see so he continued.

"You despecible man do you still not confess, guards bring those man." Xiu Luo said as he turn back to face the entrance but before anyone could say. 

"Patriarch, please forgive me I know my crime please forgive me, I just want to let the young lady know about the outside world that's the reason I ordered them." Zhu yun kneeled down in front of Patriarch Zhu as he asked for forgiveness.

But no one was looking at Zhu Yun but Xiu Luo because when Xiu Luo stepped in the interrogation they want to stop the latter to not meddle in their family buisness but their Patriarch waved his hand to stop and let Xiu Luo continue. Now they were looking at Xiu Luo in disbelief how easily he lied and turn the table because they could not have made Zhu Yun confess his crime without taking action.

"Cough..." sensing the atmosphere beacome silent Xiu Luo coughed thinking that he had stepped into their family matter.

"Senior, junior ask for forgiveness as I had oversteppped my boundaries." Xiu Luo politely bowed to patriarch Zhu and the latter is looking at Xiu Luo as he is looking at antique peice.

"Patriarch, you can interrogated them I had told them not to use any offence on the young lady, that's why friend Xiu Luo was able to sve the young lady." Zhu Yun said in a calm voice but he is panicking inside and doesn't show outside.

"You bastard I will..." Miss Jia became angry as she removed her sword and tried to come and kill.

"Jia'er stop." The patriarch stopped his daughter in a deep voice.

"But father, he..." Miss Jia tried to argue with her father but someone brought her back.

"Miss Jia wait for full interrogation." Elder Jin brought back Miss Jia and she stayed grinding her teeth glaring at Zhu Yun.

"Then what do you want to say about the abduction of common ladies by your men." This time Patriarch Zhu said in deep voice. Hearing this Zhu Yun become dumbfounded as he did not expect this.

"Patriarch, I don't know about this matter may be I had trusted the wrong people but I clearly ordered them not to harm the young lady." Zhu Yun said truthfully and this time the patriarch also watching the other reaction but sees that Zhu Yun is telling truth.

"Zhu Yun what you are saying is it true, is there not a single lie." One Elder intervene and asked in a deep voice.

"Elder what I had order them is not to harm the young lady and I really don't knoow the abduction of other people, if there is a single lie in my words you can kill me." Seeing other also started believing Zhu Yun said non chalantly. 

"Heee hee hee..." but someone intervened by laughing and that is none other than Xiu Luo.

"Seniors, sorry for my offence but it's funny." Xiu Luo said as he tried to stop his laugher.

"And what is funny." The same elder said in annoyance .

"Cough...if he really wanted Miss Jia to know about the outside world he could have taken permission from the patriarch..."Xiu said but he was cut short midway by Zhu Yun.

"I can't ask the Patriarch because the patriarch loved lady Jia so much and he would have not given me permission." Zhu Yun said as he cut short Xiu Luo speech

"Well I agree with you that the patriarch really love his daughter, Miss Jia is really lucky to have Patriarch Zhu as father." Xiu Luo took this opportunity to coat the sugar on Patriarch Zhu and it really work because Patriarch Zhu exppression is changing as he tried to smile but the latter is controlling it.