
Asura, the Celestial Emperor

Eight years ago, the thunder of the ancient city of one night shock, the young city master Qin Wen escorted into the Qing Yun Sect as a servant, 200,000 people driven into the Great Green Mountain as a slave. Eight years later, quenching the spirit in the martial arts, Asura awakened, unyielding young man rose against the sky. Give me a sword, can break the sky, give me a sword, can point to the sky. The Golden Lin is not a thing in the pool, once it meets the wind and clouds, it will turn into a dragon. When Asura Son, Immortal King, Thunder War Zun, Ancient Sea Barbarian Emperor and so on one by one titles fell on Qin Wen, this all proud of the bones of the young man stepped on the sky, leading a group of friends red face, proudly fight the eight deserts, sweeping the six, compose a song of bloodshed war song that can be sung and wept over and over again.

DaoistcEb2lQ · Eastern
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49 Chs

Chapter 0032 - Ignorance

The next day, Patriarch Qing Yun summoned Leng Shan and Cao Wujiang to the Main Peak's main hall.

"Has Elder Brother thought about it clearly?" Leng Shan sat down and looked at the various elders in the hall with a smile.

"I want to hear your opinions once again." The patriarch of the Green Cloud Sect motioned for his disciples to serve tea before asking them all to step back.

The smile on Leng Shan's face deepened as he picked up the cup of tea and sipped at it leisurely, exchanging an 'unsurprising' look with Cao Wujiang beside him.

"Without further ado, Duke Wujiang met Yueqing yesterday and fell in love with her at first sight. The two of them are a good match in terms of status talent and so on, and have a mutual liking for each other, so I would like to take this opportunity to finalize the marriage between the two of them and fulfill this beautiful affair."

"What dowry will the Python Royal House give?" The patriarch of the Green Cloud Sect picked up his teacup and took a sip as well.

Cao Wujiang couldn't contain his excitement and coughed twice as he sat upright, "As long as the Patriarch is able to offer, our Python King House will definitely try our best to do what you are satisfied with and marry Yueqing into the Python King House in style and splendor."

Leng Shan said, "Both sides are joined in marriage, they will be in-laws in the future, your affairs are our affairs, advancing and retreating together, seeking common development."

"Sounds good, but we don't seem to have any problems at the moment." The patriarch of the Green Cloud Sect looked at the other elders.

The elders exchanged opinions and deliberately said, "What trouble is worth marrying our daughter for survival? There doesn't seem to be any."

"Senior Brother, there are no outsiders here, so I'll speak frankly about Pill Mountain. ..."

The slightly chubby elder pretended to be surprised, "What about the Pill Mountain?"

Leng Shan looked at them, his smile unbroken, "The matter of the former Qing Yun Sect Patriarch."

"Our previous Qing Yun Sect Patriarch lived a decent life and never did anything unethical."

Leng Shan's smile slowly tightened, and Cao Wujiang also realized that something was wrong.

The Patriarch of the Green Cloud Sect said indifferently, "I admire Prince Wujiang, but the matter of marriage must be handled with care."

"Senior Brother, do you need to make it clear? If the Pill Mountain threat isn't resolved, the Green Cloud Sect could be in danger at any time."

The slightly plump elder added, "I really don't understand, what kind of threat does Pill Mountain pose?"

"Elder brother, don't take any chances if the matter is known by people outside ..."

The female elder laughed coldly and reminded with an implied meaning in her words, "There is a conflict between you, Leng Shan, and the Qing Yun Sect, but it's not like you're fabricating an accusation that's not necessary. Don't let it get to a point where outsiders not only don't believe your words, but also doubt your character."

"Are you really sure that you can hide the secret of Pill Mountain?" Leng Shan's eyes turned cold as he finally understood that the Qing Yun Sect clearly did not know the secret of the Pill Mountain.

"I really don't understand what secrets Medicine Mountain has, if you're wondering about the strange noises last night, I can tell you very clearly that it was a Medicine Mountain elder practicing and getting injured, it's no big deal."

Cao Wujiang said in a deep voice, "Patriarch Li, don't joke about the survival of the Qing Yun Sect.

Leng Shan signaled to Cao Wujiang to take it easy for now. "Do you dare to take me to Pill Mountain to have a look?"

"Please!" The Patriarch of Qing Yun Sect stood up personally and left the main hall with a few elders.

The group quickly arrived at Pill Mountain and came to the place where the previous suppression had taken place, the deep pit had already been filled in, and the chains and rocks were no longer there.

Leng Shan stared and walked around a few times, he really couldn't find any trace of the Eight Bitterness Qiankun Formation, it seemed to have completely disappeared.

Transferred to another place?


The Qing Yun Sect only had the spiritual power of Pill Mountain to maintain the formation, moving it to another place would require huge resources and manpower, it could not be done without a word.

Did you just kill it?

That is also impossible!

The Green Cloud Sect couldn't afford that responsibility, or else they would have executed him directly back then, it was impossible to keep the remnants of his soul.

The female elder reminded once again, "No one will believe the false accusations against the sect from someone who has turned his back on the sect.

"Duke Boundless, the hospitality is not enough. I still have some work to do, so I'll take my leave." The patriarch of the Green Cloud Sect walked away directly, seemingly not even interested in entertaining.

"Arrange for some human disciples to see off the guests." A few elders looked at her with a sneer and left one after another.

Soon, only a few middle-aged disciples remained, guarding them with unpleasant faces.

"Uncle Leng, what's going on?" Cao Wujiang's face was unsightly, how could the Qing Yun Sect change their attitude overnight, it looked like they were very confident and didn't fear the threat of the Python King's House at all.

"Let's go back first, this mystery can't be solved by playing tricks, something must have happened." Leng Shan had arranged eyes in the Qing Yun Sect, let those people investigate secretly first.

"Just leave?" Cao Wujiang hadn't received the marriage contract yet, and he hadn't brought up Ling Xue's matter yet.

"We'll be back, trust me." Leng Shan reassured Cao Wujiang and left with a sullen face.

At the top of Pill Mountain, the patriarch of the Green Cloud Sect stood with his hands behind his back, looking at Leng Shan and the others who had left, his current expression wasn't as relaxed as it had been a moment ago.

The Pill Mountain Elder slowly walked over, "Don't worry, the remaining soul has already been transferred, I'll inform you when I've taken care of it."

"Thank you." The patriarch of the Green Cloud Sect was quite polite to the old man, as far as the Green Cloud Sect was concerned, there was only one person who could make him polite, and there was only one person who could make him absolutely trust him. Since the old man had opened his mouth, he could only choose to believe.

"Leave the matter of the remaining souls to me, you deal with the Python King's House, they won't stop."

"The Green Cloud Clan hasn't fallen to the point of being slaughtered."


The day of Qin Wen and Mu Zixiu's match came in the blink of an eye.

Most of the disciples in the Qing Yun Sect had forgotten about the agreement of their match, each disciple had their own cultivation and their own affairs, who would think about it every day? However, under the reminder of those who had the heart to do so, today's tenth martial arts arena was filled with disciples early, and there were many more disciples who rushed here in a flurry of wind and fire.

"Betting on betting, small bets are good for the soul, small bets are good for the soul, consider it entertainment."

"Bet on Mu Zixiu to win, one to one. Bet on Qin Wen to make it to the end, one to ten."

"I'll be the banker, so don't worry about placing your bets."

Huyan Zhuozhuo strutted through the crowd, shouting in a high-pitched voice. The round and plump body with the gorgeous robes, a living pile of pill skewers sprinkled with scallions and red peppers, how to look at how amusing, caused a lot of good-natured teasing. Behind him followed several male and female disciples, all recruited by him, they held up a sign with a book carrying a bag, enthusiastically introduced the rules to the many disciples, a very skillful, obviously no less to do this kind of thing.

Many disciples will put in some gold coins, or put in some spiritual herbs or something, most of the disciples present are some upper class disciples, more or less a little bit of family money. For this small bet, they are very willing to have some fun.

Huyan Zhuozhuo turned around, not a single person was betting on Qin Wen to win, it was all Mu Zixiu.

Even though Qin Wen had brute strength and had started practicing Vajra Strength, it was simply impossible to cultivate Vajra Strength to greatness in just one month, and it would be a blessing if he wasn't destroyed by the Vajra Strength's recoil.

Who is Mu Zixiu? Who is Mu Zixiu? Who is Jiang Yi? The madman of the lower circle.

Who will win? You would know even if you thought about it with your toes.

"I'm betting on Qin Wen!" A pretty young girl appeared in front of Huyan Zhuozhuo.

"Miss Caiyi? You came personally." Huyan Zhuozhuo's round face immediately smiled into a white-faced bun, unable to find a seam.

"Miss Caiyi." The few students behind them immediately smiled and bowed respectfully.

Caiyi flipped through the cards in her hands and was not happy, "Why does our Qin Wen family pay ten for one?"

"This ... mass appeal good, I did the odds based on live feedback, not intentionally belittling Prince Qin Wen." Huyan Zhuozhuo s smiling face is harmless, so you want to be angry can not help but be amused.

"I'm betting on three Spirit Pearl Grasses, if Qin Wen can make it to the end, you'll really pay me thirty?"

"Of course." Huyan Zhuozhuo motioned for the people around him to write it down.

"We'll see." Caiyi snorted and turned to leave.

"Hey hey, Miss Caiyi, where's the Spirit Pearl Grass?" The disciple who was about to collect the goods froze, you have to give a guarantee first if you want to bet on it.

"Our Qin Wen will definitely make it to the end, I'm sure I'll win, you guys prepare thirty Spirit Pearl Grasses, just give them to me when the time comes, I don't need to bet on it."

Huyan Zhuozhuo's face was bitter: "Playing for nothing?"

"I'll save you the trouble, hey, make a note for me, I'll look for you to get the Spirit Pearl Grass at that time." Cai Yi greeted some sisters and left with a smile on her face.

"Gongzi, you see ...," the disciple behind Huyan Zhuozhuo shouted and laughed.

"Write it down, it's not bad." Huyan Zhuozhuo does not dare to mess with this lady, just like persuading her to be happy.

A female disciple behind him quietly said, "Gongzi, did you just notice, Caiyi's mouth is our family's Qin Wen."

"She always called it that."

"It's so sweet."

"You're out of your depth! Keep betting." Huyan Zhuozhuo smiled as he circled around, occasionally complimenting the student who walked by him.

Suddenly, the martial arts arena was filled with excitement, thousands of disciples were looking at the eastern entrance one after another, from where Yue Qing entered the martial arts arena, ascending to the eastern edge of the martial arts stage.

Absolute beauty immortal face, calm elegant temperament, tall stature, perfect impeccable.

She was not only the goddess that countless male disciples of the Green Cloud Sect worshipped in their hearts, she was their pride and joy, and it was Yue Qing's astonishing talent achievements that made the entire new generation of the Green Cloud Sect raise their eyebrows.

The disciples were all very excited, most of them were actually not here to see the theater, they were here to see Yue Qing.

Usually, it was really rare to see her, and many of the disciples were seeing her for the first time.

Caiyi and her little sisters all gathered around Yue Qing, waiting for the competition to begin.

At that time, someone shouted, ''Look, Tie Shanhe is here! I heard that Tie Shanhe went to look for Qin Wen the day he went to the Martial Arts Pavilion, but I don't know what's going on.

Tie Shanhe was dressed in black, outstanding, his pair of narrow eyes were especially sharp, and not a single smile could be seen on his cold, handsome face. He was the kind of person with a sharp edge, never hiding, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, so that people did not dare to approach him.

He rarely appeared in public, so it was very surprising that he could come here today.

But this was just the beginning, the Tenth Martial Arts Arena was in a constant state of turmoil, some famous professional disciples and some special upper class disciples surprisingly appeared here one after another.

"Look, Han Qianye is also here, what a strong aura, it is rumored that his Mirage Sword has achieved great success."

"Is that Ding Dian? Why is he here, I haven't seen him for a long time."

"What's going on today, a lot of big names have come."

People were surprised, they really didn't think that a challenge could lure them here just because of Yue Qing?

"Ling Xue? Ling Xue from Pill Mountain is here! Did I see it right?"

"So beautiful! It really is Ling Xue!"

A burst of exclamations came from the western entrance as Ling Xue, dressed in white, cool and solitary, walked into the martial arts arena, a faintly chilly aura filling the air, causing many people nearby to feel the chill.

This was the first time Ling Xue had entered the martial arts arena, and even more so, it was the first time she had come to watch a match between disciples.