
Chapter 7

"Huh, Hatake Dansui! I didn't expect him to be Hatake Kakashi's cousin, not Hatake Dansui!"

"It seems that Uchiha Tsuki is in trouble. Hatake Dansui is the second genius of the Academy, right after Hatake Kakashi. This is really bad!"

"Hmph, I always felt that Uchiha Tsuki's reputation as a genius was a bit fake. Hatake Dansui, teach him a lesson and show him how amazing the Midnight Blade is!"


After Hatake Dansui introduced himself, a commotion broke out among the crowd surrounding Uchiha Tsuki. The onlookers, reveling in other people's misfortune, enjoyed the lively scene.

Since the Uchiha and Senju clans founded the Hidden Leaf Village, they have been the village's respected noble clans, adding prestige to the village. While both the Uchiha and Senju clans contributed to the village's success, the Senju clan's prominence waned after the death of the Second Hokage, Senju Tobirama. Only the Uchiha clan remained in the spotlight.

At this moment, it seemed that the most significant thing Hatake Dansui learned from Uchiha Tsuki was the members of these clans. As Uchiha Tsuki swept his gaze across the crowd, he noticed the recognizable figures of the Hyuga clan, hinting at their challenge to the Uchiha clan's dominance as the noble clan. They were unwilling to be overshadowed by the Uchiha clan's geniuses.

Provokingly, Hatake Dansui saw many people supporting him. With a proud posture, he looked at Uchiha Tsuki as if looking down on him.

Without a doubt, Uchiha Tsuki instantly classified Hatake Dansui as a brainless individual.

Moreover, Uchiha Tsuki had never heard the name "Midnight Blade" in the original story. Could it be a butterfly effect?

Just as Uchiha Tsuki was pondering the name "Midnight Blade," Uchiha Obito, who had been pushed earlier by Hatake Dansui, suddenly rushed forward.

Uchiha Obito was naturally impulsive and hot-tempered. How could he tolerate Hatake Dansui bullying his new friend?

Not only did Hatake Dansui push Uchiha Obito, but he also dared to challenge the genius of the Uchiha clan. Enraged, Uchiha Obito stood up and grabbed Hatake Dansui by the collar, angrily declaring, "Little member of the Hatake clan, how dare you challenge our Uchiha clan's genius! Let me, Uchiha Obito, teach you a lesson and show you the greatness of my Uchiha clan!"

With that, Uchiha Obito clenched his fist and aimed it at Hatake Dansui's face.

Unfortunately, Hatake Dansui didn't dare to provoke Uchiha Tsuki without reason. Uchiha Obito stood no chance against him.

And then...

Uchiha Tsuki clearly saw Hatake Dansui lazily evade Uchiha Obito's fist and retaliate by kicking him away with a swift leg movement. However, Uchiha Tsuki couldn't stand by and watch his friend being bullied. As Hatake Dansui raised his foot again, Uchiha Tsuki swiftly appeared in front of him!

"So fast!"

The spectators, including familiar characters from the original story like Guy, Kurenai Yuhi, and Sarutobi Asuma, were amazed at the scene.

Little did they know that Uchiha Tsuki's extraordinary reaction speed was a result of two years of hard work and the advantage of having an adult soul. Uchiha Tsuki had trained rigorously, utilizing his unique abilities to excel. Unfortunately, this was all expected. After all, Uchiha Tsuki was hailed as a genius.


In an instant, Uchiha Tsuki reached Hatake Dansui and swiftly rescued Uchiha Obito. Unfortunately, Uchiha Obito didn't understand the situation and struggled, inadvertently kicking Uchiha Tsuki, who narrowly avoided harm.

Seeing Uchiha Tsuki come to the rescue, Hatake Dansui's eyes gleamed, and he shouted challengingly, "Good! Today, I will witness the greatness of the Uchiha clan's genius!"

Before he finished speaking, Hatake Dansui drew the short sword from his waist and charged forward, employing the renowned Hatake Blade Technique.

"Hatake clan members are truly troublesome!"

Although Uchiha Tsuki could have mocked his opponent at this point, engaging in a fight was his first true experience of combat. His lack of experience was inevitable, even with his disciplined training. Uchiha Tsuki had never faced a real opponent, especially one as skilled as Hatake Dansui.

Hatake Dansui enjoyed the reputation of the Midnight Blade due to his proficiency in the Hatake Blade Technique. While he might be the most famous genius in the Academy, Hatake Kakashi's innate talent completely overshadowed Hatake Dansui. Kakashi was the unrivaled prodigy of the Academy.

However, as Hatake Dansui repeatedly failed to land a successful attack, Uchiha Tsuki suddenly gained confidence and a burning determination to defeat him.

It turned out that while Hatake Dansui unleashed the Hatake Blade Technique, Uchiha Tsuki subconsciously focused on his opponent's movements. He discovered that his powerful spiritual energy allowed him to react swiftly and dodge Hatake Dansui's attacks effortlessly. Furthermore, Uchiha Tsuki's spiritual energy, coupled with his exceptional control over his body, made him untouchable. Hatake Dansui's attacks became futile, unable to harm Uchiha Tsuki.

"Wow, Uchiha Tsuki is truly amazing! He can effortlessly evade Senior Hatake's attacks!"

"Yes! He deserves to be the Uchiha clan's genius. He hasn't even entered the Academy yet, and he already possesses such strength. Even Hatake Kakashi might not be his match in the future!"

"Uchiha Tsuki is incredibly strong! Witnessing him evade Hatake Dansui's attacks is awe-inspiring. The Hatake clan's sword art is nothing special!"


Seeing Hatake Dansui's complete inability to defeat Uchiha Tsuki, those who had previously ridiculed Uchiha Tsuki switched sides and began mocking Hatake Dansui. After a year in the Academy, Hatake Dansui still couldn't surpass Uchiha Tsuki, who hadn't even enrolled yet. This meant that Uchiha Tsuki's strength surpassed that of Hatake Dansui.

Furthermore, Hatake Dansui's mind became clouded during the battle, angered by the lies and insults thrown at him.

Unable to maintain his focus, Hatake Dansui made a mistake during his attack, allowing Uchiha Tsuki to exploit his weakness!

In the next moment...

Uchiha Tsuki used his immense spiritual energy to immobilize Hatake Dansui's arm and swiftly grabbed the short sword from his hand. With the blade pressed against Hatake Dansui's neck, Uchiha Tsuki proclaimed, "The Hatake Blade Technique is mediocre! Hatake Dansui, go back and tell Hatake Kakashi that I, Uchiha Tsuki, await his challenge!"