
Chapter 1


As Uchiha Tsuki struggled to regain his strength, he suddenly noticed the Japanese-style tatami mat in his view, which made him feel a bit embarrassed. He immediately turned around and saw two figures, a man and a woman, standing protectively by his side.

"Father, Mother."

Uchiha Tsuki gazed at the two familiar silhouettes, mustering a smile and whispered.

"Raito, you've finally woken up!"

Upon hearing the voice, Uchiha Tsuki's mother, Minako, turned around and tightly embraced his frail body, speaking with joy.

However, as Minako held Uchiha Tsuki in her arms, her expression suddenly darkened as she looked towards Uchiha Tsuki's father, blaming him, "It's your fault for teaching Chakra training techniques! If it weren't for us arriving on time today, Raito might have suffered! Don't train Raito privately without my permission!"

Upon hearing Minako's complaint, Uchiha Naraku awkwardly scratched his nose, rubbing his hands together, and shifted the attention to Uchiha Tsuki.

Noticing his father's gaze, Uchiha Tsuki gently broke free from his mother's embrace and hurriedly reassured her, "Mother, I've been training with Father. Please don't blame him. I didn't realize controlling Chakra would be so difficult. Otherwise, I wouldn't have fallen from the tree today. You shouldn't blame Father."

"Hmph, since Raito has vouched for you, I'll let it slide this time!"

Minako's expression softened slightly upon hearing this, and she held Uchiha Tsuki tightly in her arms.

Seeing this, Uchiha Naraku playfully stepped on his wife's shoulder and proudly stated, "Minako, remember when the Academy starts soon? I can't teach him the Chakra training method in advance. Our Tsuki has great ninja talent. In just three days, we managed to develop his Chakra. In the future, Raito will undoubtedly become an exceptional ninja, perhaps even surpassing his father!"

"Well, as long as Raito is safe, nothing else matters!"

All mothers enjoy hearing praise about their children, even if it comes from the child's father. Minako felt elated.

However, when Uchiha Tsuki heard the mention of the "Academy," a glimmer of intrigue flashed in his eyes.

"Konoha Year 38... time flies. The Academy is about to start again!"

"Will I finally get to meet him? Hatake Kakashi, the genius of the new generation in the Hidden Leaf Village!"

As he thought about it, Hatake Kakashi's image involuntarily appeared in Uchiha Tsuki's mind.

At the same time, Uchiha Tsuki's thoughts drifted away.

In truth, there was always a secret hidden in Uchiha Tsuki's heart that even his loving parents couldn't discern: he didn't belong to this world.

In his previous life, Uchiha Tsuki had lived on a blue planet called Earth, a world of highly advanced technology. Being an orphan didn't pose many difficulties for Uchiha Tsuki in the 21st century, where the social system was well-established and he had rights beyond just a family.

Having grown up in an orphanage since a young age, Uchiha Tsuki developed a somewhat solitary and awkward nature.

However, it was because of this that Uchiha Tsuki had a keen sense of observation as a child and displayed a maturity that set him apart from his peers. Little did Uchiha Tsuki expect that a sudden car accident would transport him back to the sky. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself transmigrated into the body of a baby, in a world both familiar and unfamiliar— the world of Naruto.

In his previous idle moments, Uchiha Tsuki enjoyed reading novels and manga. Naruto was one of his favorite manga, and the story of ninjas depicted within resonated deeply with Uchiha Tsuki, who had grown up alone.

Thus, when he was first transmigrated into the body of a baby, Uchiha Tsuki might have felt a mix of embarrassment and fear. Moreover, being in a baby's body presented various challenges, and his desire for things almost led to his death. However, as Uchiha Tsuki learned the language of this world and realized he had transmigrated into the World of Naruto, he began to accept the world before him and embraced his new parents.

After spending four years in the World of Naruto, Uchiha Tsuki was already familiar with his current identity.

His mother, Minako, was an ordinary Chunin in the Hidden Leaf Village, while his father, Uchiha Naraku, was a highly skilled Elite Jonin, well-known throughout the Ninja World.

Uchiha Tsuki transmigrated during Konoha Year 34, which coincided with the Second Shinobi World War. Elite Jonin like Uchiha Naraku had made countless contributions to the war, so it was expected that they would hold prominent positions in the Hidden Leaf Village.

However, contrary to Uchiha Tsuki's expectations, his father, Uchiha Naraku, possessed considerable strength but remained unrecognized in the Hidden Leaf Village. Even when Uchiha Tsuki was an infant and taken outside by his father, he noticed the cold and indifferent glances from the Uchiha Clan and the village as a whole. All of this was due to Uchiha Tsuki's ancestor, Uchiha Madara!

Uchiha Madara was a brilliant and well-known ninja in the world of Naruto.

When Uchiha Tsuki discovered that his ancestor was none other than Uchiha Madara within the Uchiha Clan, he struggled to find suitable words to describe his emotions. After all, Uchiha Madara not only unified the Uchiha Clan but also, along with Senju Hashirama, the First Hokage of the Senju Clan, founded the Hidden Leaf Village, the first shinobi village in the future Ninja World!

Unfortunately, Uchiha Madara had defected to the Hidden Leaf Village long ago, and his defection led to a battle against Senju Hashirama. The two legendary figures clashed and ultimately met their fates at the Valley of the End. It was then that Uchiha Tsuki finally understood why his father was marginalized in the Hidden Leaf Village, with even his own Uchiha Clan turning their backs on him.

As a descendant of Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Naraku faced immense pressure to survive in the Hidden Leaf Village.

Within the Uchiha Clan, Uchiha Madara was viewed as a rebel, and Uchiha Naraku, as a seeker of rebellion, was naturally ostracized.

In the Hidden Leaf Village, all shinobi and villagers revered the First Hokage as a god and naturally harbored a deep hatred for Uchiha Madara.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Uchiha Naraku was more despised than a Jinchuriki and faced constant rejection.

Therefore, Uchiha Naraku's life in the Hidden Leaf Village was unimaginably difficult. It was a miracle that he managed to survive until the present.

During his infancy, Uchiha Tsuki occasionally glimpsed a smile on his father's face. However, for the most part, Uchiha Naraku was alone at home, drowning his sorrows in alcohol. The treatment Uchiha Naraku received in the Hidden Leaf Village directly affected the lives of the entire Uchiha Tsuki family. Uchiha Tsuki witnessed his mother, Minako, shedding tears in secret when she thought she was alone.

Having experienced life as an orphan, Uchiha Tsuki knew how to cherish parents who loved him.

Observing his parents' unhappiness in the Hidden Leaf Village, Uchiha Tsuki silently resolved to find his own way to make them happy.

Thus, Uchiha Tsuki began to display his innate talent, and it didn't take long for his clan members to recognize him as a genius.

Since then, Uchiha Naraku and Minako had more smiles on their faces, and even their previously bitter lives became more harmonious.

In Uchiha Naraku's eyes, nothing was more important than the innate talent of his child, and all other worries faded away.

Minako, seeing her husband no longer depressed and hearing their child being praised as a genius, felt much better than before.

Only Uchiha Tsuki truly knew the weight and significance behind his genius title.