
Asura's Reign Over the Multiverse (coming back...soon....)

Lucas (Asura) has always had one fate but never knew... Now thrown into a dangerous situation and given powers he's always wished for as a kid, it's his time to reign overall...Well, one can hope... ~Im a new author hope you guys like it, I'm still growing as an author cause well I'm a complete amateur so i hope you guys can give great criticism to help me grow.

IamAsura · Anime & Comics
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Notice!!.....Growing as an author!!

read this Lil bit see the growth....lol

read until the end, please.....


In the morning, Asura woke up completely exhausted. He stood up from his bed, stretching his body while groaning in pain from his injuries.

*sniff* *sniff*

Faint fumes of sizzling bacon drifted from the kitchen to Asura's nose. He held his stomach, craving bacon, and said, "mmm...That smells good." and after washing his face and brushing his teeth, he went into the kitchen.

Asura looked at Jarvis, who was in a black suit with a white apron over him to keep clean. Asura then glanced at the food on a plate in Jarvis's hands, "moring....it looks delicious." to which Jarvis handed him the plate with bacon, eggs, and various fruits Asura likes.

Jarvis smiled and bowed a little and said, "Good morning, young master...please enjoy" then he went back to doing the dishes.

Asura nodded. "Thanks" Asura then sat on the floor against a wall eating.

Jarvis turned his head and looked at Asura, confused. Before Javis could say anything, Asura said, "I wanted to talk about the company and my inner world....us; talking while im in the living room would be annoying, so imma sit here and eat while we talk. Did you get things prepared for the company?" handing his dirty plate to Jarvis.

Jarvis grabbed the plate putting it in the dishwasher, then nodded his head and said, "yes, it's all in the lab for you. We should focus on your inner world first, but everything for the companies ready, we have to launch products, and we can go into the inner world now."

Asura stood up and smiled. "Let's GOO!"

[Teleport] - coming back soon.....

Hi, It's Author-chan here. I want to apologize to those who have read the 4 chapters so far and really enjoyed the fanfic. It makes me really happy....over these couple of weeks, I just started writing!!....like I was only doing essays for school!!, and I, like a dumbass, released the first thing that came to my head, lol. So yea, this story has been written entirely from my head so far, which many authors do but a young one such as myself at my current "level," it's gotta turn into ass lol....and I don't wanna make asss!!!! So im going to step away from this story and work on something more manageable for my current level...Honesty for this story, I wanted character development with all Asura's wives and subordinates and to paint a fantastic image of Asura building a mighty army, and I can't do this yet. Still, this story will be great one day, just not right now, so im sorryyyyy...

FOR MY NEW Project, it's named "Percy Jackson- Lovers turned Gods!!" it'll be a romance about a young couple sent to Percy Jackson world for some reason that R.O.B didn't tell them!!....honestly, he doesn't even know why....someone more powerful made him do it. So ouuuuuu mystery hahaha!!..... Also, there won't be a harem we can probably add like two or three more females but that's it!!! not doing more !! for u horny ass g's out there hahaha...It's just a way for me to practice character development and plots (romance and other kinds) and still enjoy writing and something I can handle lol... honestly, imagine start writing a story where the mc has 50 wives, lol. Hundreds of millions of subordinates.....that's why all these other authors story be inconsistent cause they can't manage it all lol....its the truth.....I don't want to be like that....this may be for fun. Still, I want to release work. I can say, "hell yeah, I wrote that bitch" ya know...thank you and sorry for wasting your time with me....but I promise this story with Asura will be back.....for IAMASURA.

Ps- technically, I didn't waste my time or your time cause ya saw me evolve as a writer in a couple of weeks... just read the new story, and you'll see improvement...i fucken hope jajajajajajjajajaja!!

Hey im sorry but im growing ya know so......ah but it'll be back better....just not rn hahha

IamAsuracreators' thoughts