
Chapter 31 - Absorbing Bi Ji

[Author • 'Lets write a part of tomorrows Chapter so I can relax a bit more'…. *Me being the dumbdumb that I am 3 hours later* ''Well, its 4.20Am now (Literally) And I finished it... Wait, fk, I finished it....'' I really can't just save it and be a mean person when you all are being nice so I will just post it instead of wait untill tomorrow.... *Sniff* My sleep....]

(I will edit tomorrow, i'm too tired rn <3)

Stay Safe & Healthy! <3


''Who's next?'' Chu Feng's Slaughter Aura was so dense that they could only see a black silhouette in the Red/Black Aura.

The Spirit Beasts couldn't help but take a step back and the younger ones were trembling upon seeing that black silhouette holding a ripped off arm.

''Du Làng!'' Bi Ji woke up from her stupor and ran into the Slaughter Aura despite how supressed she felt, she wasn't a Spirit Beast that fought in the first place but saving her protector and best friend was enough to stimulate her to keep walking deeper.

Bi Ji was 15 Meters away from Chu Feng and nearly fainted from the pressure, Chu Feng withdrew his Aura and looked at the man laying in front of him without a right arm.

He could judge people quite well due to his past and he could easily see this through this hypocrite, he looked at Bi Ji and had an evil smile on his face.

Bi Ji rushed towards the man and started healing him in front of Chu Feng, without any guard up whatsoever, Chu Feng now truly knew why she was being manipulated all this time.

''What do you think you are doing?'' Chu Feng said coldly while pushing Bi Ji away with his Aura, the other Spirit Beasts were too scared to approach the two of them and even the 600.000-Years-Old Spirit Beasts didn't know what to do.

''Please spare him, I will accept your offer!'' Bi Ji said with little tears in her eyes, Chu Feng's expression didn't change.

''I refuse'' Chu Feng said coldly and without hesitation, no matter who asked, an enemy was an enemy and he would eliminate its roots, Chu Feng bend down and grabbed the Angelic Winged Wolf's left arm.


''ARGHHH....'' Another howl full of pain sounded through the grass plain and Bi Ji could only look on helplessly as Chu Feng had another arm in his hands while the Angelic Winged Wolf was squirming, trembling and screaming in front of him on the ground.

Normally the Angelic Winged Wolf could still fight without an arm or even without both but Chu Feng used his Elements and send them into the Angelic Winged Wolf's body, Chu Feng's Elements were on top of the Elements regarding dealing damage to someone.

Ice mixed with Fire would make someone's body heat up and freeze which would resort in one of the cruellest tortures.

Corrosion would slowly kill all the cells one by one and the person being tortured would feel every single amount of pain that was caused by their cells dying.

Destruction was the most cruel one since Destruction, despite its name, could make a nerve stronger and make the feelings transmitted to the brain from that nerve system multiply, it could multiply the amount of pain someone felt by many times!

''You wanted to protect him right?'' Chu Feng sneered and looked at Bi Ji who quickly nodded her pretty little head with tears in her eyes, Chu Feng looked in her eyes and said, ''Look in my eyes''

Bi Ji did as he said and suddenly felt the space around her distort, when it finally regained its calm she was looking at.... Herself?

''Is that me?'' Bi Ji muttered with a confused expression.

''Correct, I threw you into an illusion'' Chu Feng's cold voice came from behind her.

''Why? If you want to kill me you don't have to go through all of this'' Bi Ji said in confusion.

''This isn't an illusion I placed on you but that 'Protector' of yours'' Chu Feng sneered and pointed at the cave entrance, they were in the cave Bi Ji lived in her human form since that made it easier to use her healing powers.

It had furniture made out of stone and a rough looking bed that seemed like it was hand-made while the place looked around 20 meters by 20 meters so it was quite big but a bit empty, the Illusion Bi Ji sat on her bed while 'Du Làng' entered the cave with a grim expression.

''Du Làng!'' The Illusion Di Ji said while smiling at the man that came in, ''Why do you look so angry?''

''Di Ji, are you seriously going with them?'' The Illusion Du Làng asked.

''Yes, I want to see the world! It feels so cramped in this place!'' The illusionBi Ji said in a dispirited tone.

''But what about us?! If you leave us what will happen to us?!'' The illusion Du Làng said in an agitated tone and nearly screamed.

''I'm just healing you all, I can't fight and I don't like it'' Bi Ji said and continued, ''The group already is the strongest in the Sealed Realm and the only thing it needs to look out for is that Golden-Eyed Black Dragon''

''Are you really just leaving?! What about the time we spent together?!'' The illusion Du Làng screamed with an angry expression.

''I'm leaving, I don't want to stay in this small space all the time and stop being mad at me. I don't own you anything anymore, I saved your life multiple times'' The illusion Bi Ji said in an upset voice, she couldn't handle people screaming at her and especially someone she saw as family.

''You!....'' The illusion Du Làng looked at her in shocked expression and clenched his teeth, his mind started rapidly spinning and had a savage look on his face.

The illusion Du Làng's expression changed and leaped at her and pushed her to the ground.

''Ouch... What are you doing Du Làng?!'' The illusion Bi Ji said in an angry and scared voice.

''You think you can just leave after all the things I do for you?! All this time I spent trying to gain your heart?! I even changed into this cursed human body for you yet none of it made it so you saw me as a man and not a family member! If I can't have your heart I will have your body instead!'' Just as Du Làng's hand went towards Bi Ji's dress to rip it off the scene froze.

''Oke, that's enough. You should know what would've happened next right?'' Chu Feng said in a mocking tone.

''What was that?!'' The real Bi Ji said with a scared expression and lingering fear while looking at the frozen scene.

''I put that dog....or wolf, under an illusion which would show what he would do if you accepted my offer without me or Zi Ji around'' Chu Feng replied in a cold voice.

''Impossible! That's not how Du Làng is!'' Bi Ji shook her head with tears in her eyes.

''I Swear if I told a single lie just now I will have my cultivation destroyed'' Chu Feng said while he swore with a Soul Contract in his hand, he didn't mind proving her what the real 'Du Làng' was like, he wanted to kill Du Làng but didn't want to make his woman and future woman upset at him so there was only one way left.

Make them hate him by showing all the secrets he has, all his darkest thoughts and all his dreams.

''This dog would rather be the head of a dog then the tail of a phoenix, without you he can't lead the Spirit Beasts since they won't obey him that's why he would keep you here under any circumstances no matter how evil or dirty he had to scheme to do so'' Chu Feng said with a nonchalant expression on his face to the crying Bi Ji.

Chu Feng himself wasn't shocked by such a thing, he had seen parents offering their children, mother's offering their husband and vice-versa or grandchildren offering their grandparents lives just so they could live.

Humans fear the unknown, blaming them for it is impossible and death is the biggest unknown factor of them all since nobody knows what it means. Some say there is Heaven and Hell, some say there is Reincarnation, some say we turn into ghosts and look at the Earth in a spectator's perspective and some say we turn to nothingness and return to our Origin.

But integrity was something that only the pure ones have, they would rather face the unknown then betray their mind, goals or dreams. No matter how Evil their dreams were, they would keep walking forward with the risk of entering 'Hell' since their dreams were more important to them!

Weak-hearted people would, in the face of death, sacrifice anything or anyone to live.

''I...Impossible...'' Bi Ji fell down on her butt and started crying even harder, Chu Feng sighed and went towards her and petted her head, maybe he was to cruel to her but this was something he needed to do for the future since this 'Wolf' was just a manipulative, egoistical, selfish bastard!

''Uwaah!!~….'' Bi Ji's tears continued streaming and she grabbed Chu Feng's shirt and buried her head in his thigh.

Chu Feng sighed and sat down and pulled her into an embrace, this might be a dick-move since he was the one who caused this but he didn't care.

Bi Ji put her head on his chest and continued crying while Chu Feng continued petting her head while Bi Ji kept crying for another 30 whole minutes untill she finally backed off from Chu Feng and her face looked messed up with tear stains all over her face.

''You promised to take me with you if I gave you my body right?'' Bi Ji said with a cold face, her previous weak state was nowhere to be seen.

One of Chu Feng's eyebrows raised in curiosity to what she was about to say but just let her continue her own words.

''I will give you my body but just once, after that I will be free!'' Bi Ji said while gritting her teeth.

''Pff...'' Chu Feng almost couldn't hold back his laughter but managed to restrain himself but Bi Ji noticed it and said angrily, ''What is there to laugh about!''

''Are you an idiot or something?'' Chu Feng said with a light smile on his face.

''What do you mean?'' Bi Ji said in a confused but angry voice.

''If I forced you to sleep with me what would Zi Ji think, I would rape her family member, do you think I would destroy my relationship with Zi Ji just to sleep with you once?'' Chu Feng said with a mocking tone and continued in a serious voice,

''I did come to you with ulterior motives, I want you to become my Spirit Ring in the same state Zi Ji is in''

''Why should I become your Spirit Ring?!'' Bi Ji said angrily but in the back of her mind the happy smile of Zi Ji appeared, she had never seen Zi Ji smile like that in all the years they had spent playing...

''Because I need your body'' Chu Feng said while looking in her eyes.

''I KNEW IT! YOU ARE JUST A PERVERT!'' Bi Ji said angrily with a red face.

''Huh? I didn't mean that, I need your Automatic Regeneration that resides in your body'' Chu Feng said with a serious face while holding his laughter.

''Ah?! Oh that'' Bi Ji said in a daze and wanted to bury her head into the ground.

''What did you think I meant?'' Chu Feng asked with a confused face while tilting his head a bit to look extra confused and a hand under his chin.

''N...nothing'' Bi Ji turned her head away and cursed Chu Feng's shamelessness

''Oh! Were you maybe thinking about....I see, you-are-just-a-P-E-R-V-E-R-T'' Chu Feng repeated her words with a grin on his face while looking at Bi Ji, upon seeing Chu Feng's grin Bi Ji knew she got tricked by Chu Feng and gritted her teeth.

''How about it?'' Chu Feng asked seriously, he didn't have much time and he would take Bi Ji with him even if he had to kidnap her since even if he didn't Zu Ji would do it instead....

''Fine, but please leave me alone for a while after I'm in a Spirit Ring... I just want to be alone for a while...'' Bi Ji said in a depressed voice while lowering her head.

The person that was the closest to her and she did so much for was someone who only wanted to possess her body if he couldn't get her heart, he never had good intentions towards her in the first place and always aimed to have her and didn't mind assaulting her for it....

''Fine, don't resist. I will absorb your Spirit Ring later but for now I will absorb a bit of it so you will have your own place...'' Chu Feng sighed, he knew that this was a cruel move but it was better than her hating him for killing her family when that so-called 'family' was just a degenerate.

Chu Feng quickly absorbed enough so he could create the space inside the Spirit Ring, the Spirit Ring didn't have a colour yet due to it being incomplete but Bi Ji could already stay inside it and she went into the Spirit Ring without saying anything, it seemed she really needed quite some time to get over this...

''Sigh, she even closed it off so I can't enter my consciousness....'' Chu Feng sighed and shook his head, he didn't regret what he did since there would be a time where she forgave him and besides, she always wanted to go to the outside world and she was a curious person/Spirit Beast so she wouldn't be able to resist the temptation.

''To think he really was such a piece of trash'' A cold voice interrupted Chu Feng's thoughts as Zi Ji appeared, Chu Feng showed this all to her aswell and Zi Ji's face was full with rage and wanted nothing more than Du Làng into pieces.

''Calm down, I will make him suffer'' Chu Feng said while petting her head, her angry look made her just look cute in his eyes but others definitely wouldn't agree with him! She was a little girl around him, note, AROUND HIM. To anyone else she was cold, emotionless and untouchable, except Bi Ji ofcourse, but near Chu Feng she would smile like a little girl, hug him, kiss him and just act like a normal girl would when she was head over heels for someone...

Chu Feng undid the illusion and they appeared back to reality, only a second had passed since he showed them the illusion since none of them resisted the illusion in the first place so it was a lot easier to perform it to its utmost potential.

''Aaarrgghhh.....'' Du Làng/The Angelic Winged Wolf was still howling in pain and the Spirit Beasts still backed off but suddenly noticed that Bi Ji wasn't there and their eyes turned red and wanted to tear Chu Feng apart at any cost.

''Let it go, I wanted this...'' Bi Ji's depressed voice came out from behind Chu Feng, a colourless Spirit Ring appeared for a short moment before disappearing again.

Zi Ji lightly smiled, despite the depressed tone in Bi Ji's voice it was just that, she was just sad and depressed but that was curable! And she knew once Bi Ji landed in Chu Feng's evil hands she would never be able to escape....

Now she had her sister with her all the time!

'Maybe....We can tire him out together?....' Zi Ji's breath became hot when she remembered her time with Chu Feng, everytime he would put her through so much orgasms that she felt she was about to break her mind, her walking was awkward day in day out but she knew it was her own fault since she kept asking for more and if it wasn't for Chu Feng making her pass out she would beg for untill she couldn't stand up for a week straight....

[AN: So for the record, I don't like stuff like the harem 'helping eachother' out when Chu Feng isn't available or some bs, tbh if that happens in a Harem then the woman don't even love that person with all their heart since otherwise they would never allow someone else to touch their private parts.... He will get an ability for that so don't worry and no, no clone bs since that's just NTR *Blergh* (Although this is quite hypocritical due to MC having multiple wives and all, sorry xd)]

If Chu Feng knew that Zi Ji's mind went straight to the gutter the moment she got a second for herself he would've slapped his forehead and called her hopeless.... In a good way.

''Xia'er?'' Chu Feng sent his consciousness into Xian Xia's Spirit Ring and saw her humming, she looked up a bit when she heard him and asked, ''Yes dear?''

''Does the quality of the heart matter?'' Chu Feng asked with slight worry, he didn't want to have any side-effects.

''Not really but it does matter if regarding my potential but if you make me stronger the way you did before like using those Spirit Rings and fusing them into me then probably not, I'm not sure'' Xian Xia had been pondering about this for a while now but could never really find an answer since she wasn't sure about nature of Chu Feng's power.

''I don't know either, do you mind waiting for a week more than Xia'er?'' Chu Feng pondered.

''I don't mind, a week is pretty short and I can talk with Zi Ji a lot more now so I won't feel as lonely in the times our connection is cut off'' Xian Xia had a smile on her face, ''But why?''

''Well, there is this Golden-Eyed Black Dragon.....Its probably comparable to a 1.000.000-Years-Old Spirit Beast, I will give you its heart after I killed it'' Chu Feng smiled but that smile was full of killing intent, after he killed Di Tian he would search for his mother, he wanted to know her reason and if she would join her 'husband' in death.

Di Tian would die, no matter who begged him, no matter what the circumstances were, even if a God wanted to stop him from doing so.... He would kill that bastard untill not even his bones remained!