
Chapter 20 - Zhu Zhuqing

[Author • So I'm reading fan-fics myself aswell but almost every fan-fic has around 1.200 words to 1.600 words per chapter, is that some sort of trend? I can care less if it is but I just wanted to know due to my curiosity so don't worry about me making shorter chapters! <3 Stay Safe & Healthy!]


---------[Shrek POV]---------

''Goodmorning'' Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong came into the dining area of the Inn withbags under their eyes.

''Why are all of you so late? Its already 9.30 A.M, we've been waiting for half an hour'' Flender saidwith an angry look.

The three girls blushed and just sit down with their heads lowered so others couldn't see their red faces, after yesterday where Chu Feng had either touched or kissed them on their cheeks had their emotions in turmoil for the whole night and ended up talking about how he was a 'Pervert' or 'Big Bad Wolf' due to Ning Rongrong.

''Mmm? Xiao Wu, are you hurt?'' Tang San said with a concerned look, upon hearing that everyone turned towards Xiao Wu and saw a red with blue spot on her neck.

''Hurt? Where?'' Xiao Wu was confused, she didn't fight anyone these days and Chu Feng didn't hit back so it couldn't be him who hit her since he always gently put her down instead of hurting her.

''Here'' Dai Mubai interrupted and put a finger on the side of his neck.

''Uhm... I shouldn't be hurt the....'' Xiao Wu's thoughts were interrupted when she thought of were it was, it was the exact place where Chu Feng kissed her before he left!

''I...i..i...fe..ll...I FELL!'' Xiao Wu basically screamed which caught the older people's attention, when Flender, Zhao Wuji and Yu Xiaogang looked at the spot on her neck they looked at her with weird expressions but didn't believe it was what they thought it was.

'PERVERTTTTT!' Xiao Wu screamed inside her heart.

------------[3rd Person Pov]------------

Chu Feng woke up and did his daily work-out and was currently taking a shower.


''It seems that someone is talking behind my back? Well its morning so that little rabbit should be in a bind right now'' Chu Feng smirked to himself and got dressed, it was time for the 7 vs 7 battle against those Spirit Kings....

'After this battle I should go to Sunset Forest since I will be a Gold Badge Fighter after this anyway' Chu Feng said to himself and went towards the Combat Colosseum.

Chu Feng arrived at the Combat Colosseum and saw rows of people waiting, after all, a Level 40 Spirit Leader was taking on several Spirit Kings.

Normally it was a secret who would be fighting but ever since Chu Feng kept winning and winning, the Combat Colosseum used him for publicity, naturally Chu Feng was pissed and asked them for a cut of the profits and they settled that Chu Feng would get 30% of the tickets sold for the entrance fee of the day he fought after he threate.... negotiated a little bit.

It might seem a small amount but thousands of people went in and out per match and the entrance fee being 1 Golden Spirit Coin per person earned him a total of 842.993 Golden Spirit Coins already + the 650.000 Golden Spirit Coins he got from betting on himself all the time he earned nearly 1.5 Million and today's Entrance Fee Tickets cost 10 whole Golden Spirit Coins today!

It was the same amount to register as a fighter and yet the whole Combat Colosseum was full with hundreds of thousands of people! There might even be 1.000.000 people currently in there! since Chu Feng didn't know its exact size but it was at least 8 times bigger than the biggest football stadium on Earth!

[AN: The biggest football (Or also known as Soccer in North-America is situated in the Capital of North Korea and can hold up to 114.000 people although they claim it can hold 150.000 people its simply impossible according to various sources and yes, I actually spent 2 hours of my time finding out of it was true or false about the 150.000 people part lol, it's a lie though. 114.000 People is the right estimated amount]

Chu Feng hid in the shadows to avoid any attention and he walked towards his private waiting room he got when he earned his Silver Warrior Badge.

''Despite me threatening him to give him part of the profit he probably thought I wasn't much of a threat so he let me fight against this team but why are the odds 1 to 2.5 if they bet on me and only 1 to 1.05 for those mobs?'' Chu Feng recalled how he just betted 500.000 Golden Spirit Coins since that was the max currently and sighed, he could have made over 5.000.000 Golden Spirit Coins.

He knew he was to greedy since after this fight he would have around 4.500.000 Golden Spirit Coins but still, who doesn't like money!

[The first team today is the most powerful team in the Combat Colosseum..... The War Bulls!]

''BOO, Disgusting pigs!''

''Disgusting trash! Just roll over and die!''

''I hope these retards finally die today!''

'Well, it isn't weird that these people are getting yelled at since they are actually death-row inmates.' Chu Feng thought to himself.

[Now for our next 'Team' is actually only 1 person that left no enemy contestant alive so far.....Asura!]

-----------[Somewhere on the seats]----------

''Grandmaster, is he the reason Tang San couldn't register the name 'Thousand Hand Asura' ?'' Oscar asked Yu Xiaogang out of curiosity.

''Yes, Asura is a banned name in the Combat Colosseum now'' Yu Xiaogang nodded, ''He only participates in No-Rules Fights and didn't fight a single normal fight''

''Grandmaster, is he also a maniac like those 7 on the stage?'' Ning Rongrong asked and looked at the 7 'War Bulls' going crazy on the Arena.

''I don't know, but what I do know is that is under 18'' Yu Xiaogang said in a solemn tone, he heard some rumours when he waited for the kids to arrive and him being under 18 greatly shocked them since he was about to fight 7 Peak Spirit Kings!

''T...that is Chu Feng!'' Xiao Wu was the first to spot the figure coming out of the contestant area while hearing all the cheers and rumbling around the huge arena, it felt as if there was an earthquake happening and hear ears started to hurt.

''Wait.... He is 'Asura'?'' Yu Xiaogang said in a trembling voice.

''It seems so'' Flender added and looked at Chu Feng's moving silhuette.

Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu for some reason couldn't stand still and wanted to rush towards him and drag him away from there but they knew they didn't have the chance to do so.

---------[Back at the arena]-------------

''Captain, is this the kid we are supposed to fight?'' A man covered with scars asked skeptically.

''Yes, don't underestimate him! He has never used his Spirit Ring's at all'' The Captain with long red hair added, he was a bulky and tall man but still felt insignificant in front of Chu Feng for some reason.

''Lets finish him quickly, we will be free again'' Another scarred faced man.


''Now!'' The captain shouted and the 7 people charged at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng drew his blade slowly and didn't bother doing any special moves like Lightning Draw.

''First Spirit Ring Abi...'' A man with two large claws was trying to cast his Spirit Ring Skill when Chu Feng interrupted him.



''AARRGHHH'' The man fell to the ground and slowly his arms fell loose from his shoulders with a clean cut.

Complete silence....

The whole arena who was cheering so loudly was completely silent by the effortless take down.

''Don't stop and keep charging! We will be free if we win!'' The captain screamed.



''NNGGHH F*CK'' The captain cursed when he stopped feeling his feet and fell to the ground but only with his upper-body remaining.

'Since those little animals are watching I will just show them what they should be ready for in this world' Chu Feng sighed and put his sword in his sheath.

''He put his sword away! Attack him together!'' One of the inmates yelled, the good thing about inmates is that they didn't have any Support Type's so they all went for close combat.

''Such boring people'' Chu Feng said with an emotionless voice and dissapeared.


One of the inmates froze and looked down, and arm was sticking through his chest and when he looked up he was greeted with Chu Feng's cold red eyes.

''D....demon'' The man muttered before falling down, Chu Feng shattered the man's heart and looked towards the rest of the inmates.

These inmates were imprisoned for things like mass-slaughter, mass-rape etc, Chu Feng didn't show any mercy towards people like them and made them feel fear even when their hearts stopped beating.

The other 4 were quickly dealt with in various cruel ways, Chu Feng walked down the stage with a cold expression.

[Wi...winner! Asura!]


The audience clapped and cheered when they saw the outcome especially against such trashes.

''THANK YOU!'' A bunch of loud voices were heard that were amplified with Spirit Power, normally this is forbidden so almost the entire colosseum looked towards where the voices came from and saw huge banners being stretched out.




The colosseum fell into a daze while the security took the sources of the voices away fairly quickly while Chu Feng sighed and said to himself, ''I should've tortured them more''

Chu Feng gave one last look towards the stands where Shrek was sitting, the '7 Devils' were all pale as paper, Chu Feng shook his head and went towards the counter to collect his Golden Spirit Coins and left the Combat Colosseum with his Golden Warrior Badge within 5 minutes.

Chu Feng spent the rest of the day cultivating and when it was 9 P.M he went towards the girls again and avoided Flender, Zhao Wuji, Yu Xiaogang and the boys and knocked on the girls room.

Zhu Zhuqing opened the door and saw Chu Feng, she had small smile on her face and walked inside. Chu Feng closely followed and closed the door behind him.

''Chu Feng!'' Ning Rongrong smiled and greeted him but quickly looked back at the table, she was playing a card game with Xiao Wu who was totally obsessed with the game and didn't even notice Chu Feng.

Chu Feng had an evil smile on his face and went towards Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing who saw his smile shuddered and didn't say anything.

Chu Feng stood behind Xiao Wu and bend down with his mouth near her ears and lightly nibbled on it.


XIao Wu sprung up and covered her ear and turned around and saw the culprit, a laughing Chu Feng who had tears in his eyes from her reaction.

''You pervert!'' Xiao Wu snarled but didn't attack him because that would only cause her body to be touched on various places.

''Is that how you see me? Sigh.... maybe I should just really become a pervert then'' Chu Feng said with an evil smile on his face.

''Hmph!'' Xiao Wu humphed and turned back to the card came with a red face.

''actually I came to tell you all something'' Chu Feng said in serious tone.

The three girls looked at him as if waiting for him to continue.

''I'm leaving, I'm going to the Sunset Forest'' Chu Feng said.

''Why? Are you going to search for your next Spirit Ring already?'' Ning Rongrong asked nervously and looked at Chu Feng in concern.

''No, its something else. I'll give you all a test, including you Xiao Wu'' Chu Feng turned towards them with a serious face.

''Me too?'' Xiao Wu asked with a confused voice.

''Yes, you're kind, too kind actually.... Showing mercy towards an enemy is not being kind but just stupid, that same enemy might notice she/he/it can't beat you and go for your close ones instead so will give you three a cruel test.... I want you all to kill at least one person'' Chu Feng said in a serious voice.

''W...why?'' Zhu Zhuqing spoke up, she was confused but knew that she one day had to kill.... She wasn't fine with it but she knew she had to do it.

''Because this world isn't a peaceful one, you all killed Spirit Beast before but how are they different from humans? Only their appearance are different and the way they cultivate and even that will change over time'' Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong were in deep thought but a Xiao Wu looked at Chu Feng in a daze.

''I will be back in a month or two'' Chu Feng smiled at them and Zhu Zhuqing walked behind him to the door.

''Are you seeing me out?'' Chu Feng smiled at her and walked out of the door, Zhu Zhuqing closed the door behind her and looked at him.

''If you dare die I will kill you'' Zhu Zhuqing said with a cold expression but her voice was filled with concern.

Chu Feng looked at Zhu Zhuqing that was next to him and pushed her against the door, he knew her feelings for him and knew with her character she needed someone to dominate her and he wasn't planning to let this little cat go.

Chu Feng walked closer to her, she looked at him with a confused expression but Chu Feng brought his face closer to Zhu Zhuqing's lips and kissed her soft lips.

''Mmm...'' Zhu Zhuqing's eyes shot open for a second but soon melted, she knew she fell in love with him and being the person she was, why should she hide those feelings? She didn't care for someone's opinion of her anyway.

Chu Feng was pressing her against the door with his hands around her waist and instead of pushing him away, she started reciprocating to his kiss.

Chu Feng eagerly pushed his tongue into Zhu Zhuqing's mouth and Zhu Zhuqing sucked on his tongue out of pure instinct.

Zhu Zhuqing let out a muffled noised moan, her eyes falling shut as she began to rub her tongue against Chu Feng's.

That sound teased the deepest nerves inside Chu Feng's soul. He wanted to hear more of that suffocated sound- it was sexy, shy, and reserved.

Instead of using her hands to push him away Zhu Zhuqing shifted their weight so Chu Feng came more onto her and she put her arms around his neck.

The two kept deeply kissing each others lips until they were out of breath a few minutes later and looked deeply at each other.

''So... How many women do you have already?'' Zhu Zhuqing looked at Chu Feng with a slightly angry but shy expression.

''One....'' Chu Feng smiled bitterly and continued looking into her eyes, ''Are you angry?''

''Actually, I don't mind if you have more woman since it's a common practice for strong men to have multiple woman but if you dare forget me.....'' Chu Feng's body trembled for a bit when he looked at her face that had an evil smile all over it, she was serious and the place she looked at.... His third leg.....

''Then... Is she the main wife?'' Zhu Zhuqing asked with a bitter smile, although she was fine with him having multiple woman it still felt sour that there was someone else as his official wife.

''Main wife? What?'' Chu Feng looked at her with a confused expression, ''What are you talking about?''

''The main wife, your official wife'' Zhu Zhuqing looked at him with a weird expression.

''Why the f*ck would I 'rank' my wives?'' Chu Feng looked at her and asked.

''Because that is the law in the Heaven Dou Empire, you can only marry one person officially'' Zhu Zhuqing explained.

''That's fine and all but why should I agree with such a thing? I will marry all my wives even if God doesn't allow it, I can care less about others opinions about it'' Chu Feng said honestly, so what that people didn't allow it? He didn't own them anything and the rules this Empire put up didn't apply to him anymore within a few years time and even now he already didn't bother with them.

''All my woman are the same, they are my future wives. That's all'' Chu Feng looked at her with a smile, her expression changed into a wide smile and hugged him, such a natural and wide smile on her face made her look so beautiful that Chu Feng couldn't help but kiss her again, the two kissed for another few minutes and this time Zhu Zhuqing happily went along with Chu Feng's advances.

''But if you dare betray me...hehe'' Chu Feng smiled at her which she merely shrugged at.

Chu Feng turned around and Zhu Zhuqing stood on the tips of her toes again and kissed his lips and mumbled with a red face, ''I'm already yours, pervert'' and fled back into the room.

Chu Feng smiled and walked out of the Inn in the direction of the Sunset Forest, it was time to collect the treasures.....

So a lot of people wanted to know the Harem before it even happened, well here then: Xian Xia, Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, Zi Ji, Bi Ji, Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue and Gu Yuena (because you all spammed the living daylights out of my phone notifecations about Gu Yuena lol)

Lafafarcreators' thoughts