
Astrum Encyclopedia

The Astrum Encyclopedia is a mini-series containing travel notes and stories describing the world of Astrum. It includes descriptions of fauna, flora, races, magic, history, culture, and much more from this universe. The series will be updated daily, with 1-2 mini chapters per day

Bloodeth · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The Legend of the Beginning

Long, long ago, in times of great prosperity, there lived a boy whose sole longing was to uncover the meaning of love and dispel the eternal emptiness that plagued him. He embarked on a journey with his lantern, traversing the world, but his spiritual yearnings remained unfulfilled. Despite encountering beings resembling him, they were mere echoes of humanity's past.

As he fervently prayed to God, his cries echoed back unanswered. Determined to seek answers, he ascended higher, climbing to heights beyond imagination. There, he encountered God. "Oh Lord, why do you remain silent to our prayers?"God replied stoically, "You have ascended to heights beyond reach. You have paid a price for this elevation. You are no longer what I once created. Each of you considers yourselves divine. Can a shepherd guide his flock when the sheep surpass his wisdom?"

The sky ignited, and those once soaring descended. The boy's words resonated from the heavens, "You deem yourselves human, but humanity has vanished within you. You boast of knowledge and wealth, yet you are like cockroaches, destroying all that makes you more than beasts. From this day forth, warmth and light elude you. Darkness and cold embrace you."

Since then, humanity has dwelled in the earth's darkness, emerging as worms from prosperity's past. Light became scarce, more precious than any metal or idol worshiped in ancient times, called money. Where light exists, so does life; where darkness reigns, death looms. Humanity journeyed on dragons' backs across boundless lands.We rid the armor of these divine beings of parasites, we serve them. In return, the dragons give us life, they provide protection against most of the dangers lurking in the darkness. Cities rose on the beasts' armor. Humans started cultivating luminous mushrooms to stave off fading light.

Humanity mastered magic, regained the ability to feel, and filled their hearts anew, reclaiming their humanity.