
Astrum Encyclopedia

The Astrum Encyclopedia is a mini-series containing travel notes and stories describing the world of Astrum. It includes descriptions of fauna, flora, races, magic, history, culture, and much more from this universe. The series will be updated daily, with 1-2 mini chapters per day

Bloodeth · Fantasy
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22 Chs


Fliper is a species of creature that commonly inhabits the middle residential layer. It is a small bird with gray or dark blue plumage, characterized by a large beak. A flightless bird, mainly inhabiting desert and rocky regions. Its characteristic feature is a plant growing on its head, with a long green stamen and pointed leaves, ending in a small white bell-shaped flower that emits delicate, fluorescent light, deterring most predators.

For generations, botanists and beastmasters have been in dispute, trying to assign this creature to a specific category. Despite its physical resemblance to birds, the roots of the plant growing on the flipper's head grow into its body, leading to discussions about whether it is a creature or a parasitic plant feeding on it. There is no certainty whether these entities are born with the plant or whether the plant parasitizes the bird at a later stage of development. Therefore, unequivocally classifying this species is difficult.

Flippers are exceptionally shy; in times of danger, they bury themselves in the sand, leaving a glowing stamen on the surface. The flower they carry has a sweet, calming scent and is a popular ingredient in calming or narcotic potions. Unfortunately, obtaining the flower without harming the bird is difficult. According to unconfirmed knowledge, flippers migrate from higher layers and at the end of their lives, they plunge into the Abyss. These areas are extremely hostile to humans and rarely studied, hence the scarcity of records on the subject. Flippers feed on small insects and minerals. The stomach juices of these creatures can dissolve hard minerals, allowing them to obtain the necessary substances for life. They often form small herds, usually consisting of no more than four individuals. Encountering a variant of this creature is rare. It is slightly larger than the normal version and has red/ruby plumage. These individuals often lead herds and may exhibit magical abilities, but their intelligence is sometimes limited, leading to the accidental use of magic and potential problems. Despite attempts to domesticate them, keeping them alive is challenging due to their innate curiosity and low level of intelligence, making them difficult to control in domestic conditions. Researchers wonder how this species has survived in the wild, as their population shows no signs of decline."