
Astro Force!

Set in the world of Image Comics- Former renown hero, Astro Force A.K.A Johnathan Cage struggles with life after being dragged back into the world of heroes by a young newcomer named Invincible.

TrapcardD · Anime & Comics
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Flying back to his home, Johnathan had much to think about. It felt weird being on the front lines again. The rush of adrenaline flowing through his veins felt foreign. After all, it had been ten long years since the last time he had used his powers. It had been so long even flying felt like a choir, at least a little bit. And the energy he had absorbed made his body feel heavy, almost like he had a mountain on his shoulders.

But a little part of him felt good.

That's what bothered him. Wanting to get back into the life was something he always avoided, so he made strides to stay as far out of the conflict as possible. Because, even though he wouldn't admit, he couldn't just sit by and watch innocent people die. Not if he could stop it.

as Johnathan looked down over the city, he noticed there were cop cars everywhere. The military had set up boarders around each block, and the people were being moved from shelters. He touched down on the roof of a nearby building and watched carefully as things begin to return to normal, somewhat.

" It's a good thing you were there to help out."

Johnathan heard the voice behind him and turned.

" Else they might not be going home right now." Cecil stated.

" You really need to stop doing that." John told the man.

His constant teleporting was always a bother. Especially when he made a conscious choice to sneak up on John.

" Sorry. You know old habits. They die hard. Don't they, John?"

" Shut it, Cecil." John told the man.

Cecil was trying to guide Johnathan back into the life. He had to admit, the constant alien invasions were definitely a big help in that process.

Being honest, Cecil wanted to let John stay out of the game, but with so many conspiracies going on right now, he needed another powerhouse on his side.

" Instead of trying to convince me to comeback, you need to get those kids straightened out. They were completely in the way this time." John told the man.

" I know. We were watching. Some people were recording, thankfully, we managed to shut out the images of you, so there's that." Cecil stated.

" Thanks, Cecil."

" Don't mention it. Now, about the team. We're announcing the news tonight. Then in a few days from now, we're gonna hold the funerals. The live event, and the private ceremony. Of course, being such a longtime friend, you're invited to attend both. We'll set up, a private section just for you at the front with the rest of security. And then of course, you won't need it at the private burial." Cecil explained.

" Of course. Thanks Cecil."

" And, if you're still okay with it, we'll have the guardian's tryout the day after." Cecil stated.

" Yeah, I'll come."

" Well, good to hear." Cecil turned around and started to walk away, but before he left, he had one last thing to ask of John. " Listen, John. I know we talked about this, but... I really can't stress enough how much you're needed. Things aren't.... They aren't like the old days. Back then I could call upon guys who could shatter moons and pull continents. Omni-man, Supreme, Dynamo, they were all great. These new kids, don't even begin to broach their level."

" Get to the point, Cecil. I don't.... I don't like having this conversation. Nor do I feel like it." John told the man.

" Just.... Answer me this. If all else fails, if there's no one else... Can I count on you to save the world if we really need it?"

John stopped for a moment and looked at the ground, trying to gather his thoughts. Such an easy to answer question. And when he was sixteen, he would have answered yes without hesitation.

Guys like Supreme, Suprema, Dynamo, Solar Man, they were all great heroes in their own right. John never even once considered himself to be their equals. But to hear Cecil compare him so... It was nice to hear someone thought highly of him, even if he didn't think highly of himself.

" If it ever comes to that, I will do what I can, Cecil. That's all I can promise you." John told the man.

" That's all I'm asking, old friend. I'll see you in a few days. Oh, and don't worry about your truck. We know it got damaged in the first invasion. I've already had a replacement ordered. It should be there in a day or two. So, you don't need to worry about transportation."

" Thanks again, Cecil. I appreciate it." John told the man.

" No problem." Cecil daftly teleported away from the city, and immediately reappeared right in the middle of the GDA'S headquarters.

" Sir."

" Got any news for me, Donald?" cecil asked the man.

" Not yet. Omni-Man was last seen flying headfirst into the same portal the Flaxans came out of." Donald told the man.

" Huh. If we're lucky, maybe he'll get them to stop coming back. Anything from the lab?"

" No. Nothing yet, sir. But we're still searching for clues." Donald stated. " What about Johnathan, Sir? Did you convince him to join us?"

Cecil sighed heavily. " No. But I did at least get in his mind a little bit. He's pretty shaken up still, who wouldn't be. But now, I just need something to push him, or maybe someone. Whatever it may be, I at least have something. It's a good start." Cecil explained. " Donald, have someone notify the press of the Guardians deaths. We can't put it off any longer. Announce, we'll be holding a live ceremonial internment the day after tomorrow." Cecil told the man.

" I'll get right on it, sir. Is there anything else you need?"

" I need you to find God and say a prayer for me." Cecil jokingly told the man. He teleported out of the room, leaving Donald behind.


A few days later.

Today was the day.

Johnathan got up early and put on his best suit and tie. He was picked early in the morning by a convoy of agents from the GDA and personally escorted to the ceremony site.

" I'm glad to see you made it old friend." Cecil personally greeted Johnathan as he stepped out of the black SUV.

" Yeah. Thanks Cecil."

" Don't mention it. You should probably find your seat. Most of the guests have already arrived. We don't know how many more will come, but the ceremony is starting soon."

" Right. Thanks, Cecil."

Cecil nodded and, along with the security, escorted Johnathan to his seat, near the front.

Soon enough, however, the ceremony began.

High above the clouds and team of fighter jets flew overhead, and flying right in-between the two jets, was none other than Omni-Man himself. He flew in formation with the jets, until breaking away and landing right behind the podium.

He walked up to it and grabbed the Microphone.

" I've fought the unimaginable in defense of this world. I've battled alien tyrants. Nightmares from the deep. I've gone toe to toe with ancient gods. But no matter what threat I faced; I knew I never faced it alone." Omni-man spoke. " Darkwing, Aquarius, War Woman, Green Ghost, Red Rush, Martian Man, Immortal. The Guardians of the Globe. Today, we have lost titans. Protectors. Heroes."

It was a hard pill to swallow, hearing the names of old friends being listed off in such a way. Never was it easy, it never will be.

" We are left to wonder, who will save us now? I will. And so will others like me. New heroes answering the call. New champions willing to risk everything to keep this planet safe. All of whom were inspired by these great souls who came before us. You will have moments of doubt. Of fear. Of uncertainty. But in those moments have faith... And look to the sky." Omni-man slowly floated off of the podium, before finally flying up into the sky ending his speech, as millions of people all across the planet listened to his every word.

Everyone in the crowd at that moment let out a loud round of applause for both the Guardians of the Globe and Omni-man.

" Damn it." John cursed. He grabbed his face, hiding behind his palm.

Feelings he hadn't felt in a long time came welling up to the surface and, for just a moment, he almost shed a tear. But he quickly gathered himself. After all, he still needed to go to their actual funeral.

" Are you alright, sir?" One of the agents leaned over and grabbed John's shoulder.

" I'm fine. Just... Needed a moment." John stated. " I'm ready."

The agents nodded and quietly formed a small perimeter around Johnathan, escorting him back to his Suv. It was easy to go unnoticed. With all the other capes and crowds around, no one was paying attention to a small security team.

John sat in the back seat of the vehicle in complete and utter silence. He watched as dark clouds started to form in the sky above.

Thinking back on it, there were times when the Guardians of the Globe had pulled his own ass out of the fire and vice versa.

But the life catches up to you eventually. No matter how hard it might be to accept. There is always the chance something like this could happen. It was just part of being a hero. Yeah, sure the fame and fortune was nice. But not many people understand the true sacrifice of being a hero. Not even other heroes.

John learned that firsthand.


It was a short drive across the city, to a small cemetery known to very few people.

Outside the plots, were five Black SUVS containing the friends and family of the guardians. A much smaller event. After all, it was the only thing they could do to protect the fallen heroes from having to deal with grave snatchers.

Johnathan stepped out of the SUV into the dark and damp grave site.

It was strange at first, being around so many people was one thing when you were in the city. No one paid attention to you, and you could move about without being noticed if you pleased. But here and now was different. People's eyes were everywhere and on everyone present.

" John. Are you alright?" Cecil approached John first upon seeing the look of concern on his face.

" Just fine, Cecil. I just... Haven't been to a gathering like this for some time."

" I understand." Cecil muttered. " Perhaps saying hello to some old friends will help you calm your nerves. Nolan and Samson are here. Don't you think, you should say something to them?"

John hesitated for a moment, and then looked over Cecil's shoulder at Omni-man and his family gathering together. And then his attention shifted over to another of his old friends, Black Samson, who was over at the caskets laying a bouquet of flowers down at the graves.

" All right. Let's go."

" Good man."

Cecil took the lead and John followed.

Each step felt like an eternity to him. After so many years what would their reactions be to finding out he was alive? What would he do? What would he say?

God it was difficult to come to terms with. But it was here. Time to face the music. At least, this music anyway.

Nolan was in the middle of having a conversation with his wife Debbie, their son Mark and his friend Eve, when Cecil suddenly approached them.

" Nolan, Debbie, Mark, Eve. Glad you all could make it." Cecil spoke up.

The group all turned their attention to Cecil and greeted the man with solemn faces.

" Of course, Cecil. We wouldn't miss it." Debbie told the man. Debbie was a sweet woman, kind and compassionate.

" I still can't believe they're gone." Nolan spoke. " I just wish there was something I could do about it."

" I know, old friend. But that's a problem for another day. I actually have someone, I wanted to introduce to you. You should recognize him, you two have some history together Nolan. You two as well Mark, Eve. Allow me to introduce to you Johnathan Cage." Cecil stepped to the side allowing John to step forward.

Everyone was stunned. Especially Mark and Eve.

" Hey, what is this guy doing here?" Mark asked. It was hard for Mark not to recognize the man in front of him. He had met him two times before. And it was only two days ago they last met, and it certainly wasn't pretty.

Mark and Eve were completely confused as to why some stranger they hadn't even heard of was invited to the guardian's funeral.

" It's been a long time, Nolan. You're looking well. You too, Debbie." John spoke.

" Wait a minute, Mom, Dad, you know this guy?" Mark asked the two. He looked over to his parents to see conflicting images on their faces.

Debbie had her hand covering her mouth, while his dad seemed to be completely awe struck.

" Oh my god, John... Is... Is that you?" Debbie asked.

" Yeah, Debbie. It's me. I'm glad to see you're doing well." The man spoke.

Debbie launched herself into Johnathan's arms, giving as tight of a hug as she possibly could.

" Oh my god, it's been so many years. We thought you were dead. Where have you been? What have you been up too?"

" Uhm, excuse me? But can anyone tell me what's going on?" Mark asked. He was so confused by what was going on it wasn't even funny. Who was this man and why was his mom so emotional.

" Oh Mark, don't you remember? This is an old friend of your fathers. He used to be a hero." Debbie told the boy. She backed away from Johnathan, still wiping away her tears, and smiled at the young kid.

" Really?"

" Yeah kid. The name's Johnathan Cage. But back then you knew me as Astro Force." John told the boy.

" Oh my god! Astro Force! Really?! From Space Force?! Oh my god, I don't believe it!" Mark's whole face lit up, like a Christmas tree in the dark.

" Now, you know how to show respect? A little late don't you think, kid?" John asked playfully. " Ya know, I remember when you were a little brat, but I have to admit, I was pretty surprised when I found out you were invincible." John spoke.

" Wait, a minute. I have so many questions. Like where did you go? What happened? You just vanished without a trace." Mark questioned John obsessively. His attitude was a clear step up from how it was a moment before, everyone could see it. " I mean, you were one of my favorite heroes. You, Comet, Supergiant. Other than my dad, I thought you guys were the best."

" Well, thanks kid." John muttered.

" I don't believe it. It really is you, isn't it?" Nolan asked.

John looked over at Nolan and gave him a small smile.

" Yeah, Nolan, it's me. It's been a long time, hey, old friend."

" Yes.... It has." Nolan muttered. His expression was a far cry from the joy that Debbie and Mark were showing. It almost seemed as though; it was regretful. " It's good to see you. Are you... Finally coming back?" He asked.

" No. My days of being a hero are over, Nolan. Now, I just want to try and live a quiet and peaceful life. As best I can... Anyways." John explained.

Nolan seemed to relax a little upon hearing that. As if a weight was lifted off of his shoulders.

" Good. You've lost a lot as it is. I don't... I wouldn't want to be burying you next." Nolan told the man.

" And I could say the same for you." John stated.

" Oh John, you have to come have dinner with us. I would love to have a chance to catch up. It's been... A long time." Debbie told the man. " How are you doing?"

" It's been... Rough, Debbie. When I lost Sarah, I... I needed to get away. I... never even wanted to use my powers again." John told the woman. " But those damn aliens."

" Flaxans." Mark spoke up. " They were called the Flaxans. I didn't mean to interrupt..." Mark muttered.

John looked at Mark with a little bit of contempt on his face. Like he was annoyed by the boy cutting him off.

" Just wanted... Yeah sorry." Mark muttered.

" Well, when the Flaxans invaded, I couldn't just sit by and let innocent people die." John explained.

" It's a good thing, you were there." Eve stated. " We really needed the help, and... I'm sorry for yelling at you the other day. I had no idea you were a hero."

" Don't mention it kid. You're all still young, and you're going to make mistakes. I just want you all to learn as much as you can. The world of being a hero isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Just take a look around." John motioned towards the caskets of the fallen heroes and once again the mood had soured. The solemn look on the young heroes' faces was proof enough for John that maybe, just maybe, his message to them was hitting close to home.

" Yeah... It's a little scary." Mark muttered.

Things grew quiet, and it wasn't until Cecil returned that things got moving again.

" I don't mean to interrupt. But it's time."

John and all the others nodded and started walking towards the grave sites, where the rest of those invited were gathered. It was time for the Guardians to finally be put to rest.

However, before the caskets were to be lowered, Nolan stepped forward with some last words before the sendoff.

" I was never a Guardian of the Globe. But it was the Guardians who welcomed me when I first arrived on this planet. They were my mentors. My comrades. My friends." Nolan spoke. " They knew the reality of this life. Martian Man was exiled from his people. War woman was from a different age. Darkwing... Well, Darkwing made his own kind of solitude. It was a rare, lucky few of us who found someone who understood our path. Even rarer if they accepted it. I hope they will rest in peace, but at least they will rest together."

Upon finishing his eulogy, the Guardians of the Globe were finally laid to rest.

Many grieved, but none grieved harder than young Olga, the girlfriend of Red Rush, who collapsed onto the wet ground in tears.

" Get off of me!" She yelled.

" Olga, pleas calm down." Donald asked the woman.

" You wouldn't even let me see him. Josef is finally standing still... And I still can't see him!"

Olga's grief was heavy.

Debbie stepped forward and grabbed the young woman off of the ground, being one of the few who could understand just what it was she was feeling.

Meanwhile, John, Mark and Eve watched on as she expressed her sadness.

" Are you okay?" Eve asked Mark.

" Me? I dunno... It just doesn't seem real." Mark spoke. " That could have been my mom, putting my dad in one of those holes, or me. If this could happen to the Guardians of the Globe, it means that none of us are invincible."

John reached up and placed a heavy but strong hand on Mark's back. " This... Is the reality kid. No one is truly Invincible. Not you, not the Guardians, not me.... And not even your dad."

" I..."

" Don't talk. Just listen. What I said to you... The other day. I didn't say it to be mean, or rude, or to disparage you and your team. I said what I said, because I didn't want you, any of you, to end up like me." John told the boy. " Let me tell you something, Mark. Something very little people know. Ten years ago, in Big city... I lost my wife. Silver Comet."

" You guys were married?"

" Yeah, we were. She was the love of my life. I knew her ever since we were kids. We were all a part of the same accident that gave us our powers. In the beginning, we were amazing, and as time grew on and we won battle after battle, we became spectacular. We were on top of the world, we had the fame, the fortune, all of it. And somewhere along the way, I grew overconfident. I believed that no matter what happened, we could handle it. I believed that no one could touch us. That we were invincible. And... That arrogance cost me everything. It cost me wife and it cost me my daughter." John told the boy.

Mark and eve's faces both dropped upon hearing the sad news.

" You mean, during that night..."

" During that night, Sarah was pregnant. We had just found out, and we were waiting to announce it to our friends. But then... Then Eclipsor showed up. He attacked us out of nowhere in our own home. A place where we were supposed to be safe. A place I thought no one could touch me. I was wrong, Mark. I was wrong." John told the boy.

" I know, you and I got off on the wrong foot. But I want you to listen to me. Take my advice to heart. Share it with your team. And know, that if you ever need help, or need to talk I'm here for you. You too, Eve. I don't want you to suffer the same mistakes I did."

If Mark felt bad before. He felt even worse now. In a lot of ways, Mark Idolized the heroes of Astro Force. Hell, every kid back then did. But never did he imagine hearing such a story come from someone so young. If he could suffer, then was he himself, Invincible?

John gave Mark his number and said his farewells to Eve and Mark, before leaving.

It had been a long day, and now, all he wanted was to just rest.

However, as he got in his vehicle, a pair of eyes stalked him until he was finally gone.

It was Omni-man and he seemed more than conflicted. He seemed genuinely upset. As if he was making some kind of decision within his own mind.