
Astro boy x Aurora

This story is based in the current city of the movie Astro boy (2009) where now boy fights are illegal and you must have a permit to own a highly dangerous robot to have it Rome around the city not causing trouble or it’ll be destroyed. The character isn’t based of the movie battle Alita. She’s an oc I created a week ago as the name suited her but she will be renamed in the story so don’t worry. This story is a mix of both Astro boy and battle Alita bits but like I said before it’s mainly in Astro’s city and you will be underground where people secretly make highly dangerous robots for battle and use them in battle races to get a ball destroying their opponents for it and win the game. But there are different tiers and to win you would need to go through months of battles to get to the champion tier and win victorious becoming the champion and the most dangerous robot down there.

Mitch_williams · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 11

A month has passed since Aurora's leave out of metro city leaving Astro and some new friends to defend the city until she returns with his father and hopefully with some backup and get rid of these robots and save those who live in constant fear of being crush or killed by the robots who now patrol a city that now sits in ruins showing no sign of ever being the same as it once was.

Astro is sat on a broken metal slab that is sitting up and rested in some crumbled parts of what came from some decaying building above them. He sat there constantly waiting looking at the sky that one day she would return and bring a home advantage against these trespassers.

"Bro, what did I tell you about overthinking. It'll mess with the scanners" Reno said behind Astro but he wasn't on the slabs and was rejected not wanting to talk to him right now. "I know you miss her but she'll come back no matter how long it takes" he said against as he began to climb up in the slabs but only made far to where he can only rest his arms on the top while Astro sits looking At the setting sun.

"But I'm scared, what if she got hurt or something way worser" Astro said with a bit of panic not realising that he's painting a huge picture in Reno's mind right now as he finally managed to get himself up to Astro's height.

"We all know you like her but please contain your feelings, you're even making the enemies jealous" Reno said trying to make the his bud at least happy and help him focus on what was happening right now in metro city.

??? PoV:

"In a couple of days we'll sure be back home just you wait. I have someone you'll love to meet, he's so adorable" I Was excited to go to wherever we were heading with my comrades or at least 5 of them. I was speaking about a special somebody on the way but in a casual, serious tone not wanting to break my cover.

"But commander, isn't that place filled with raging, blood-hungry robots?" One of my team mates chimed in remembering their leader that there will be something dangerous waiting for them there. I Didn't care i had a cold hearted way towards robots and would destroy them without hesitation if I so pleased or torturing them until they run out of power.

Different point of view-

"Do you think We're with! Our leader is a legend didn't you see the way she took out that huge war field robot!" A boy butted in reminding them who their leader was and how amazingly powerful she was and how she destroys her opponents without a second guess or change in her plans.

"That's enough you two! Aera, is there anything in our way?" ??? Asked him through her communication device which was placed in her ear since she has a reputation of nestling stuff that was in her hands or anywhere else while in battle.

"Nothing so far commander. But I'll keep you updated" Aera came back through making the all clear in the sky as he was one of the many here who hasn't got damaged thrusters that helps him fly in the sky.

"As for you four! Archer, Ethan and Emma. You guys are up for night duty. While Alex is on territorial ground search so you guys set up camp here" ??? Knew what she was doing and exactly how to cope with kids her age and especially if they were half robot like her or even human like Ethan but he was one of the most vulnerable so she keeps a close eye on him while around the others.

"Yes ma'am!" All four of them said putting hands on their chests understanding their jobs and responsibilities for today as they grow closer and closer to the ruined placed the commander so urgently wants to go back to.

"W-wait, didn't tenma say that you should be careful especially when you almost died for this idiot" Archer brought up ruffling Ethans hair a bit aggressively but ??? Knew that memory was the reason why she was so protective over the little human but maybe she could get Area to keep an eye on them while her and Alex go out of patrol.

"I'm sure that was accidental... but please watch your mouth Archer or we'll be having a word" ??? Said in a scary threatening tone as he let go of the boy and looked almost afraid before scoffing, looking away from her.

??? Was the only one wearing mysterious clothing hiding her identity but revealed her eyes to those who she tend to trust or want to scare if they were getting on her nerves but nothing else was really showing meaning that any of them could recognise her if they ever come across a copycat who are well known in this forest.

??? And Alex began their patrol and search around the area but not before speaking with Area first letting him hide secretly to keep an eye on those three making him the most trusted robot on the team so far always showing his royalty and dedication to follow in ???'s footsteps not matter how far she goes.

"How do you keep yourself so calm and collective every time we come across against a life threatening opponent?" Alex was always the type of dude to ask questions and keep a cool look on himself even though it makes him look stupid half of the time. ??? Was used to his absolute nonsense and nosey ness in her business and what she does against her opponents.

"I would call that classified incase a enemy spy is listening nearby. You don't want them to find out my weakness, do you?" She asked back making him look surprised but she wasn't wrong either. ??? Knew what she was doing at the very beginning even before meeting and becoming a group with these guys on a important rescue mission while she keeps Ethan very much alive and stable.

"S-sorry commander! I won't mention anything related to that anymore" Alex was sorry but ??? Held back against him since he still has so much to learn and she was the only one to teach him and the group the same stuff she did in the past so they wouldn't be stuck in a very tricky situation when it either involves humans or robots.

Astro's PoV:

It was dark and cold but we managed to keep ourselves warm in a nearby burrow house that some old residence in the house made before being kidnapped or probably murdered making it a 50-50 safe place but we eventually managed to Barricade the doors with rocks and wood into a pile to prevent anyone from getting any thought of coming in here.

"Who's turn is it to do tonight's watch out?" Reece asked looking at Reno then back at everyone else if they could remember who's turn is it until the next person is woken up to swap places.

"Me" I poke up sitting leaning against the colds hard wall as I could feel their eyes look at me. I was sure that the things Aurora did and showed me could really be a great asset to boost my body to go beyond its limits and protect the people I care about especially my friends.

"But you did last night's nightwatch. You need to rest Astro" I was great full of my friends concerns but I didn't want to miss a opportunity of seeing her again and if she needed me by her side out there like she was for me.

"he's just worried about someone, just leave him be Ryan" Reno butted in before lying down saving me to explain myself and why I would gladly waste my precious sleeping time just to wait for someone special to return.

Ryan eventually shrugged it off and went to sleep like the others did but I wouldn't help myself but think about her....eVeRy....SiNgLe DaY.

The night that day was so quiet which I could actually hear footsteps walking around and above her showing that the enemies were nearby but I didn't move despite hearing their chatter to one another.

"A camp has been discovered by one of our only surviving comrades but their are only 6 or maybe 7 still alive out there who fled the city" they mentioned a camp but I knew it couldn't be her but what are the odds I wouldn't dare come back to this place but if there were innocent lives at risk them I would make sure that they're okay and bring them to safety.

"He said that one of them wore mysterious clothing, he couldn't see their face or anything but he absolutely clueless if it was a girl or boy though but they were strong but they kept his legs intact how mean is this! He couldn't even feed himself because he lost both of his hands because of that monster ripping them clean off out of some sort of rage!" They yelled about the mysterious being ripping their comrades arms off with just their bare hands something Aurora would do but I shouldn't be jumping to conclusions too quickly.

"So did he exactly tell you what they wore though?" The other one spoke beginning to leak some important on the supposed threat they soon going to face but are they heading here in metro city.

"Well he wasn't much giving a good description so we asked the spy so we got I contact with him and he said: 'she wears a black hooded cloak that covers her face, with some of those old underground skating full wear suits but hers glows a bright pink with a extremely short sleeveless jacket that is also black and pink, and some sick running shoes that are also black but they have a white and light blue on them'" he gave the exact words of what their supposed spy described of the mysterious now revealed girl but what is her name?

"Did he get her name?" He asked again but nothing came through so the spy knows nothing about her ideal traits meaning hair, face, eyes and even her name one of the most important things to a supposedly dangerous threat that is heading in their direction.

"No he just calls her commander for some reason as if she's hiding something important from them" the other one Replied back confused too and having no clue of what she was called either but it's better to keep it that way or something seriously bad will happen.

It has been 2 days since I hadn't brought up what happened a couple nights ago with the robots being near our hide out and some important stuff being leaked as they spoke to one another. The others don't need to worry about the some random people come through since they seem to be attacking our enemies anyway but I can't be too sure that they're on our side though.

No Ones PoV:

??? And her squad are only a few hours away from metro city and would arrive there at sundown so they're making it worth the walk if some of the teammates would stop talking and hitting on Emma.

"What about you commander? Do you think I'm absolutely stunning?" Archer was the type of boys who always thought he was absolutely handsome but ??? Knew exactly what type of person he was based on his appearance and personality. Archer had dark brown messy undercut with Quiff type of hairstyle something Rich boy would have. His eyes were a golden brown brighter than any other brown eyes being, and he wore a leather jacket, ripped jeans with some sneakers, he always had a pair of sunglasses to make him feel cooler that matched his back shirt sleeved shirt.

"No..... like I said before keep your mind focused on the main objective—-" but before ??? Could finish speaking Archer butted in but With a more sour tone.

"Yeah, yeah, get to metro city and bring back the fewer survivors, blah blah. Anything else you wanna say before you bore me out" Archer was crossing a extremely thin line something that could snap at any moment with his enormous ego. ??? Stopped in her tracks stopping everyone else too staying out of her way knowing what will happen to Archer is he doesn't want his mouth around ???.

"Oh, well..... I could simply tear you apart, throw you in the nearest scrapyard watch how a robot turns you into a biofuel or even worse a bloody toilet seat and laugh at you. I won't feel a thing" ??? Began to walk towards him despite being only a couple feet away from from making it so much easier for her as she grabbed his shirt aggressively as if she wanted to hurt him at the start of this journey which would be highly likely.

"Ooooo, looks like Archer is in some serious trouble!" Emma said like if she was in the right but edging her forward to actually make a scene and punch the crap out of Archer but ??? Didn't fall for any of it and just aggressively pushed Him back casing him to tumble backwards into Emma making them fall over onto the floor.

"Keep your trap shut or I'll do it for ya" ??? Said as she gloomed down at them with one of the scariest glare ever to exist as the two scooted backwards in horror. Ethan quickly butted in holding the commander back but she didn't seem to fight against him before carrying on her way towards their destination.

The group was chosen by tenma and who would be perfect for this highly ranked rescue mission to help those who are still hiding in several cities from the hidden force. But he wanted to help metro city as soon as ??? Was back in order and ready to fight and dismantle any enemy robots or fight any humans who tend to stop them from doing their job.

"???" With an whispered so no one of the team members could hear him as she looked at him with the corner of her eye listening. "I was wondering if I could go with you, well if we get to metro city at sundown and tag with you instead....please?" Ethan was like the others he was more shy and hated the violence but he chose to help the innocent and end the hidden forces evil once and for all. ??? Sighed knowing that he didn't like being around the others or it was just Archer picking on him but she knew something about Ethan that he doesn't already know.

"Sure, I would love some company" ??? Kindly accepted to allow him to be by her side when they get to metro city. Ethan sighed with relief as his cute medium hairstyle something like Troy's in high school musical but cuter, gently waved in the calm breeze. His hair was strangely colours but it was like a platinum, silver waved type of colour which made him even more eye catching to some jealous boys who have originally boy hair colours like blonde or brown.

Archer was quite the jealous type and hated Ethan as he was always so closely close to the commander meaning he is most likely to see her identity first but who said that he hasn't seen it before.

"I find it unfair that you're giving the human more time than actually with your own kind" Archer spoke up again but the ??? Just sighed ignoring him knowing something more secretive than him since she's more trust worthy to know Tenma's experiences and now knowing what she really was.

"Pleased don't say that Archer, remember what happened when you said something that made her mad" Emma quickly jumped in preventing anything from happening to him or any of them if he continues to talk about things he doesn't fully understand.

"You wouldn't understand of what I really am Archer, I'm not human nor robot, I'm something even more dangerous" ??? Replied giving him a bit more glimpse of what she was actually was but it just confused him even more but he stayed quiet to prevent being scrapped or punched by the commander.

In metro city Astro and his little team are currently fighting against some defective robots that were hacked and hunting them down thanks to the hidden force.

"Reno, get them to safety while I hold them back!" Astro yelled out as Reno nodded understanding as he guided some unarmed humans to a safe part of the city out of the of any enemy crossfire.

"It has been over a month and I see that she hasn't returned, does it mean that she coward away" the enemy human looking robots were being cocky bringing up the subject which began to grind Astro's gears beginning to get on his nerves.

"Don't you dare speak so ill about Aurora like that you coward!" Astro snapped back clenching his fists ready to fight against the enemy but he showed no interest of fighting him which was strange unless he has something else in mind. "He must be planning something, so I should keep my guard up" he knew that something was up with the way he was acting especially talking to their enemies as if they were friends then somethings definitely up.

"Well, the sun is almost down and there isn't a sight of that mysterious person coming anywhere in the city. They must've fled" Alpha was one of the smartest out of the other three of his brothers but he liked to play with his prey's minds thinking that he was a soft guy but really he isn't any different from them but it could be a lie to get out of the endless torture of those who misjudge the hidden force's captain and leader.

"Never know they might be here right now, and you wouldn't even know it" Astro said in way of a bit of tournament which worked as Alpha began to look around the area for a glimpse of signature of something that linked to the mysterious being but nothing came up. He looked back at Astro pissed and now anxious as if he was just tricked by his enemy using his own methods against him making him a target now.

"You, you..... just you wait! I'll get you and it's gonna be horrific! Just you wait Astroboy!" Alpha said as he left him alone going back to his brothers who have already completed his search for any life to bring as their prisoners back at the base but nothing came up.

Astro walked off in the rubble to find Reno and the others before it gets darker than it has to be.

It was now sundown, the sun was almost all the way hidden but it slowly left a beautiful set of colours in the sky a mixture of lilac, pink and yellow which seemed to be rare than the usual red, orange and yellow setting sun colours. ??? And the squad finally arrived in metro city but late by an hour or 2 thanks to Archer and his big mouth.

Ethan was by her side as soon as they stepped in the area as they had planned and find a abandoned rumbled place to take refuge for the night before beginning their search for any survivors and escort them in the direction they came from with some supplies that they came with and left some of the camps set up for them to rest if no one has touched them but one of them would have to go and watch them before returning back to the city.

"Look for a rubbled up abandoned place to take refuge for the day. No messing around! This place is riddled with bad guys so watch your back" ??? Gave strict orders to everyone on the time before wondering in the shadows with the team having to plans for separating just to reduce the likely outcome of someone being taken and lowering their numbers.

"You sure that we should be huddled together? Wouldn't be quicker if we split and find a place to take cover and meet up somewhere in the morning?" Emma was right but what if they get attacked with no body around since this place riddles with human-like robots in the night causing mayhem and turning this place into a place that is way worser than just ruins.

"Depends if you want to be attacked by groups of angry raging robots while you're powering off for the night" ??? Was not the type to joke around the serious type of things mainly because of her past which she doesn't speak about to anyone.

They eventually found a nice well hidden place to stay in for the night but ??? Had a bad feeling about what was gonna happen tomorrow or was it that she was excited to see a old friend of hers after being away for too long.