It was very clear that Dela Queen could hear her as the next thing they knew, the dragon moved it body quickly and evaded the big arrow.
Instantly the look on her face changed and she barred her teeth at the human soldiers.
That wasn't all, she was not going to let such betrayal go scot-free. Ignoring any control from Draco, she dove higher into the sky and then spread her wings out while glaring daggers at the humans.
Astrid watched as Dela Queen opened her mouth in anger and spat out raging flames at them.
They were quick though. At least they rushed away from the machine, leaving it to the wrath of the angry dragon.
She moved further down, wanting to chase after them and burn them alive as well, when another arrow was shot at her, grazing her skin a bit.
Quickly her attention was turned toward them and she spat out her angry flames again.
"Dela Queen!" Astrid yelled.