
Astray Journal [fanfic]

Mikata_Tries · Video Games
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3 Chs

Memory no.???

Mustering enough strength, they pushed through the gust from the mountains. The rocks showered from the rocky ridges, stopping them from going too far. Their body was shivering as the look up at the tragedy.

The treacherous barren was never a place for an innocent child like them. Glancing at the glowing red crystals, they continued to push. They wanted to make a turn back. However something held them back from doing so. Hoshiko... They furrowed their eyebrows as they traverse through the darkness.

They thought they could reach to some shelter in time before it came. However, once they found themselves in a familiar red glow, their muscles barely moved. They wanted to escape and rush to the shelter. But, they couldn't. They were stuck as they stared up at the monstrous dark creature before embracing the impact.

They failed. They had failed to reach the other side. They... Had failed to keep their promise to him. They failed, to carry his dream to see the other side. They sat in complete solitude. Was this the end of their life?

Then, They heard a call. A faint call was reaching out to them. They heard it, it felt familiar to them yet like a stranger.

"Thou shall set foot on a journey in a land of anew"

Hello! I decided to put this story in webnovel. The story is all kinda came from a weird idea i had during my sleeps weeks back. I'm sorry if there is grammar mistakes i didn't fix^^"

Please enjoy the story!

Mikata_Triescreators' thoughts