
Astral Transcendence

[!] I stopped posting this story here. I just want to test it here, guess I didn't have great luck. Anyway, I'm working on to post my finished project on Royal Road.

Shyrlo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

[ Trial Begin ]

"The forest in question holds no inherent uniqueness, for it exists merely as a magical construct, a product of The Astral's authority and mystical powers. Crafted from magic, this forest spans an extensive area of 37 square miles. However, the players' exploration within this realm is constrained, restricted by the boundaries that encompass this enchanted expanse. Your freedom to roam is ultimately confined to the extent of this wondrous forest's dimensions," He didn't stop there yet instead he continued.

"—About the monsters present in this trial, The Astral has deliberately devised a challenge within reasonable limits. No creature surpasses the strength that an average human from Earth can handle. Remarkably, there are merely two kinds of monsters in this trial. The first among them is the goblin,"

"Although goblins are classified as Regular E-Rank monsters, it is true that some humans from Earth may struggle to confront them. To address this, the goblins have been subjected to a handicap to ensure a fair challenge. Considering the relative fragility of Earthlings, they can only engage in battles against monsters ranked below D-Rank. However, there are no creatures of such low rank available, except for an enigmatic unhatched monster egg,"

We're that weak. Well, it wasn't really surprising, though.

"The handicaps bestowed upon the goblins by The Astral involve sealing their sight ability,"

Even a blind goblin could pose a threat if one lets their guard down. I still need to remain cautious and vigilant during the trial despite having those handicapped on them.

"The second kind, the trolls, is more ferocious than the goblins. They may be harder to defeat, being High E-Rank monsters, but unlike the goblins, they don't have any handicaps to level the playing field. Despite their strength, their lack of intelligence could be their potential weakness,"

The fuck? you give handicaps to the weaker monsters, but not the stronger ones. That's some great logic. No, what I mean is, what kind of bullshit is that!? I groaned but I didn't said it out loud.

"In this forest, you'll encounter 3 trolls and 20 goblins. My advice is to avoid the trolls at all costs as they possess incredibly tough skin. Given your current human stats, there's no way you could defeat them,"

My attention was fully captured by Garen's explanation as I stretched my limbs, while absorbing the information.

"Hmm, Is there anything beyond the forest?" I inquired.

"There was nothing beyond the forest. The forest was enclosed by formidable magic barriers, and beyond them, lay nothing but an empty void, stretching into infinity,"

"Is that so? Alright then, I'm good to go now."

"Then, by all means, I shall send you to that very forest, and there your Trial shall begin!"

As I stood, a radiant purple aura enveloped me, surging with newfound power. My surroundings blurred, and my vision wavered. In an instant, my surroundings shifted, and when I opened my eyes again, I found myself standing amidst an unfamiliar forest.

The sweet melodies of chirping birds filled the air, and the gentle caress of the wind brushed against my hair and skin.

"You have a peaceful 10 minutes. During this time, the monsters won't be able to move freely until the 10 minutes have passed. I wish you the best of luck,"

"Thanks, Garen." I somewhat waved my hand with no specific direction.

I pondered the advice with great consideration. While greater risks could yield higher rewards, I believed that surviving for 36 hours alone would be a remarkable feat.

A survival trial—knowing my luck in a dream, I will usually fail this and then waking up falling from my bed.

Why not taking down one or two goblins while I was at it?

Carefully navigating the forest, my primary objective was to locate a stream, recognizing its vital importance for my survival.

Upon the players' teleportation, any possessions they carried with them were also transported to this new world.

I couldn't help but question the fairness of the situation. I raised a valid point.

"if a person with a military background had a gun with them during the teleportation, wouldn't they have a significant advantage over the monsters?"

"Having a regular weapon wouldn't grant any advantages against these monsters. Their skin is far too resilient to be scratched by ordinary means. Only weapons crafted with magic, divine power, or embedded with powerful runes stand a chance of penetrating their defenses. So, even someone with military-grade weaponry wouldn't have an upper hand in this Trial," Surprisingly, Garen answered my question right away. Somehow his voice came from every direction.

"The sword you choose for this Trial is also magically imbued. It possesses the power to cut through the defenses of the monsters you'll encounter in the forest. Remember to wield it wisely and make the most of its enchantments to increase your chances of survival and success,"

'"Then what about this cookie jar? Is it fine to carry it with me during this Trial?"

"It wouldn't grant you any advantage in defeating the monster. Why would we be bothered with that? Just take it with you,"

It was an unusual occurrence, as players were rarely able to bring anything with them when summoned. The process of traversing between realms was often too chaotic and swift to hold onto any possessions. Many would drop whatever they had in the middle of the teleportation, making it a rare event for someone to retain an item from their previous world. He did told me that beforehand.

Regarding attire, each player will be provided with the same set of clothes. There won't be any variations in outfits among the participants.

The player trial attire consists of a comfortable, lightweight, and flexible outfit designed to allow ease of movement during the challenges. It comprises a form-fitting, long-sleeved shirt made from a special material that adapts to different climates, keeping the player warm in colder regions and cool in hotter areas. Paired with durable trousers that have reinforced knee and shin guards, the attire ensures protection during intense physical activities.

A sleek, lightweight vest is worn over the shirt, featuring multiple pockets to carry essential items and provisions. Additionally, the vest has enchantments that provide slight protection against minor attacks and magical disturbances.

Completing the ensemble are sturdy boots, designed for optimal traction on various terrains, and gloves that offer a comfortable grip on weapons and tools.

The attire is enchanted by the Astral to be self-cleaning and resilient, ensuring it remains in excellent condition throughout the player's journey. It is designed to not impede any motions and allows the player to focus solely on their trials without any discomfort or distraction from their clothing.

I felt very comfortable wearing this. Suddenly, I thought of pissing but immediately pushing those thoughts. Remembered that it was a taboo to piss in a dream. So, what about nightmare? I never recalled pissing in one of those before. My mind trailed off very far from what it should be.

As I ventured through the forest in search of the stream, I stumbled upon a variety of berries and fruits, which I carefully collected.

The berries seemed familiar, yet lacked any specific name, while Garen told the fruits were referred to as Honey Fruits due to their unique appearance.

Although both the berries and the Honey Fruits were safe for consumption, my curiosity got the best of me, and I sought Garen's insight, especially concerning the peculiar features of the latter fruit.

Garen provided an explanation, revealing that the berries were akin to those found in my world, but the Honey Fruits were entirely foreign and did not exist in my realm.

"The Honey Fruits possessed a captivating appearance, showcasing a delightful blend of peach and orange hues. Resembling the size and shape of a ripe apple, they exuded an inviting charm to anyone who laid eyes on them. Their smooth, vibrant skin promised a delicious treat within,"

"Upon tasting the Honey Fruit, one would be greeted with a burst of sweetness, accompanied by a succulent juiciness that satisfied the palate. However, it was not just the taste that made these fruits intriguing; it was their enchanting aroma that truly set them apart. Once the skin of the Honey Fruit was peeled or torn, a potent fragrance would be released, capable of attracting any nearby monsters within its vicinity,"

"This peculiar quality of the Honey Fruit added an extra layer of complexity to their discovery,"

"Hmm…I think I got a glimpse as to why this kind of fruit exists in this trial,"

As the realization dawned on me, I became acutely aware of the perilous implications of consuming the Honey Fruit. It posed a double-edged threat, not only tempting my taste buds but potentially transforming me into nothing more than a tantalizing allure for the lurking monsters in the forest.

Caution gripped me, as I grappled with the decision of whether to indulge in the delightful sweetness or abstain to safeguard my safety.

"Of course, only idiots will consume this," Why would I considered to bite it?

[You have earned 10 Points!]

Out of nowhere, a sudden blue window materialized before my eyes, capturing my undivided attention.

What's this?

I was eager to inquire about the sudden point gain, but I knew I had to save that question for later. Right now, a more pressing matter awaited me.

After an hour of diligently exploring the forest, I finally heard the gentle sound of a flowing stream. Cautiously, I scanned and surveyed my surroundings, making sure to stay alert.

"All Clear."

I settled by the stream, spending half an hour to strategize my survival plan while sipping water from my cookie jar. Having secured a water source, my focus now shifted to finding additional food beyond the berries.

Hunting animals was challenging without proper equipment, as my sword wasn't suitable for the task.

Instead, I was contemplating to craft some animal traps and patiently waiting for potential catches.

"Hey, Garen," I began, voicing my curiosity. "I was wondering, how many points do I get for taking down a single goblin?"

"5 points,"

"What's the point reward for surviving until the trial ends?"

"10 points each for surviving an hour,"

My voice carried a mix of excitement and bewilderment. "So, you're telling me I earned those points previously for surviving an hour? Doesn't that mean staying alive is more rewarding than killing the monsters? But— I can't shake this feeling that something is amiss,"

Sitting by the stream, I pondered the situation while I practiced holding the sword, attempting to grow more comfortable with its weight and balance. Huh, I could feel very compatible with swinging it. Have I ever swing a sword before? I tried recalling my memories. No, maybe because of the virtual game I played.

I looked up at Garen with a thoughtful expression. "Garen, if surviving grants points, doesn't that mean staying low and avoiding the monsters would be much safer for me?"

I paused for a moment, my eyes searching for any sign of confirmation in Garen's response.

"Indeed, staying low and avoiding unnecessary confrontations with the monsters is a wise strategy. Remember, the objective of the trial is to survive and accumulate points. Taking unnecessary risks could put you in danger and hinder your progress. Patience and caution are key in this trial,"

"Keep honing your survival skills and gather resources cautiously. Your safety is paramount, and it will ultimately contribute to your success in the trial,"

My excitement surged as I continued to mull over the potential points I could earn. "If I manage to survive the entire 36 hours and take down a couple of goblins, I could amass a total of 360 points or even more for this trial!"

My mind raced with the possibilities, envisioning the rewards and advantages I could gain from such an accomplishment.

However, a hint of caution crept into my thoughts. "But, I mustn't let myself get overconfident," I whispered to myself.

"The forest is unpredictable, and the monsters might prove more formidable than I anticipate. I need to remain vigilant,"

I inquired about the goblins' basic needs in this forest. "Do the goblins here require water and food to survive?" I asked Garen curiously. "Or are they immune to such necessities due to the magic that sustains them?" I wanted to understand the behavior and limitations of these creatures better, as it could be crucial information for my own survival and strategies in the challenging trials ahead.

"Indeed, goblins in this forest do require sustenance," He replied.

"Their hunger drives them to roam the area in search of food and water. Unlike some creatures bound to fixed territories, goblins tend to be nomadic, making it challenging to predict their movements,"

I glanced around the forest, a glint of caution in his eyes.

"Their roaming nature means they could venture into various parts of the forest, so be prepared for encounters in different locations. It's essential to stay vigilant and avoid areas that might attract them, especially if you're not ready to engage in combat,"

Garen's explanation emphasized the need for caution and awareness in dealing with the goblins, as their roaming tendencies made encounters unpredictable and potentially dangerous. I understood that I would need to remain cautious and adapt my strategy accordingly to stay safe throughout the trial.


"—and Garen, could you tell me the average points gathered by players during the trial?"


"105 points only? Does that mean the trial was too difficult for most players?"

"Many of them were too focused on hunting the goblins rather than prioritizing survival in the trial. They underestimated the goblins and their abilities, leading to their downfall,"

"As for the highest and lowest points, the highest recorded score for the first trial was an impressive 480 points, achieved by a skilled player who not only survived the full 36 hours but also eliminated multiple goblins and even one troll. On the other hand, the lowest score was a mere 0 points, earned by a player who didn't manage to survive for an hour and failed to defeat the monster in any significant encounters with them. It just goes to show the vast difference in approaches and outcomes in this challenging trial,"

"The player with 0 scores had an unfortunate start to his trial. Despite being spawned far away from the monsters, luck wasn't on his side. Within just 30 minutes of exploring the forest, he stumbled upon a fearsome troll. The encounter proved to be disastrous, as the troll unleashed its fury upon him, leaving his limbs and bones destroyed and torn apart. It was a tragic outcome, and he couldn't even score a single point in the trial. The forest can be merciless to those who aren't careful and prepared,"

My eyes widened in shock as I heard about the unfortunate player's fate. I couldn't help but shudder at the gruesome description.

That's horrifying—I can't imagine going through such a dreadful encounter. It's a stark reminder of how dangerous this trial can be. Now, I'm very sure this is going to be a nightmare.

I took a deep breath. I must stay cautious and make every move count. Survival should be my priority, and I'll be extra careful to avoid any unnecessary risks.

Yes, this is what I call the importance of staying vigilant and not underestimating the dangers lurking in this forest.

"About the previous Astral Game. Did the individual who scored 480 points in the first trial manage to clinch victory in this game?"

Garen's voice turned somber, contemplating the complexities of the Astral Game.

"Based on the points he had accumulated, he should have won it. But the trials are very different from the Astral Game itself. Indeed, the trials serve as a mere stepping stone into the grander scheme of the Astral Game. The challenges that await in the actual game are far more intricate and unpredictable. Points alone won't determine the winner, for the Astral Game is a realm where strategies, alliances, and unforeseen events can shift the tides dramatically,"

He paused for a moment as if reminiscing about past events.

"Even though he had accumulated the highest points and had the advantages of the stats and skills given to him as rewards, he was still unable to win the Astral Game,"

"It's a life game of uncertainties, where even the most skilled players can find themselves facing unexpected trials and tribulations,"

His voice held a hint of mystery, leaving me intrigued and eager to explore the unknown depths of this game.

Everyone, I really hope that you can leave some review and comment about my story. It will me a lot as writer. Also, do leave some powerstone to show some support for this story.

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