
Astral Transcendence

[!] I stopped posting this story here. I just want to test it here, guess I didn't have great luck. Anyway, I'm working on to post my finished project on Royal Road.

Shyrlo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

[ Midnight Training ]

The moon's gentle glow bathed the surroundings, casting long shadows across the grass. Garen's voice echoed in my head, deep and authoritative.

I focused my thoughts, giving Garen my full attention.

Elemental magic, he began, is the manipulation of the fundamental forces that govern our world. These forces are embodied in the elements: fire, water, air, earth, and sometimes additional elements like lightning, ice, and more. Each element carries its own distinct properties and characteristics.

Flames danced, water flowed, wind whispered, and earth stood strong.

Our training tonight will delve into the correlation between mana and elemental magic, he said. I nodded, the sense of mystery deepening in the hushed atmosphere.

Picture the moonlight, Garen's words flowed like a soothing melody. It's as pure and white as the canvas of mana we're about to explore. This pure mana is the foundation, the essence of magic. But to command the elements, we must infuse it with distinct colors that mirror their nature.

As Garen spoke, the moonlight seemed to shimmer with a subtle array of colors in my mind's eye—blues, reds, greens—all dancing like ethereal flames.

Imagine you wish to harness fire, In that case, your mana should shimmer with a fiery red hue. This color is a reflection of fire's essence.

"But how do we weave these colors into our mana?" I questioned, the night's stillness coaxing my curiosity.

Our mana core is the key, Garen explained. It's a core part of our magical being, nestled deep within us. This core can transform the universal mana's white into the specific colors we need.

However, each mage's mana core is unique, much like their affinity for certain elements. Some cores naturally harmonize with specific colors, aligning with their innate elemental affinity.

"So, if I have an affinity for water, would my core naturally infuse my mana with shades of blue?" I inquired.

Indeed, Garen affirmed. It's a symbiotic relationship—the alignment of your core with your affinity determines how well your mana resonates with a certain element's colors. That's why some mages have a natural inclination towards certain elements.

"But what if someone desires to control an element that doesn't match their affinity?" I pondered.

With dedication and practice, anyone can manipulate any element. By attuning your core and focusing on the conversion process, you can expand your magical horizons.

But normally, his tone taking on a tinge of realism, people tend to gravitate towards their more attuned elemental affinities. It's a natural inclination—the path of least resistance. Focusing on elements that resonate with your core creates a smoother channel for your magic.

However, that doesn't mean you're limited by your affinity. Magic is a realm of exploration and growth. While your core might align with certain elements, don't underestimate your ability to expand beyond those boundaries.

Curiosity stirred within me like a gentle breeze through the night. "Garen," I began, "how many elements can you wield?"

Garen's presence within my mind seemed to radiate a calm amusement. All of them, he replied, his tone carrying a weight of profound understanding.

"All of them?" I echoed, surprised by his response.

Yes, Astral, the being who created me, designed me to be capable of wielding all the elements. It's a rare trait, even among mages, and it's given me a unique perspective on the interconnectedness of magic.

I marveled at the idea.

Now, let's begin our training. First, open up your palms, Raul.

I complied, extending both my hands before me, palms facing up.

Now, focus on your right hand.

As I directed my attention to my right hand, a small ball of flames formed, dancing with a warm and vibrant energy.

Now, your left hand, Garen instructed. Following his guidance, a miniature ball of water manifested in my left palm, its coolness contrasting with the fire in my other hand.

Garen performed the same feat, conjuring elemental spheres in my hands. It was mesmerizing to witness the elements bend to his command.

Now, I want you to feel the presence of the mana within these elements, Garen's instruction carried a gentle authority. Differentiate it from each other and from the pure mana itself.

I closed my eyes, and the sensation of magic tingled like electric sparks against my palms. The fiery sphere hummed with a life of its own, its energy throbbing in tandem with the essence of fire.

It was as if I held a fragment of a roaring blaze, a captured heartbeat of flames that danced in a relentless rhythm. This small energy of mana, attuned to fire's passionate nature, seemed to crackle and leap, reaching out with tendrils of heat and vitality.

Shifting my concentration to the water element, a different current of energy surged within my left hand. It carried the serene fluidity of a tranquil lake at dawn, where each ripple held a story of calm and renewal.

This energy of mana, intricately woven with water's adaptable essence, flowed smoothly and gracefully. It shimmered with hues of deep blues and gentle aquas, a living tribute to the element's soothing nature. It whispered secrets of ebb and flow, of storms weathered and life sustained, all bound within its currents.

With my eyes closed, I held these two elemental worlds within me—the fiery reds and the calming blues—distinct and vibrant, as if the colors themselves were alive.

I focused inward, allowing my awareness to expand beyond the elements. The pure mana, untainted and universal, seemed to hum in the background like an eternal song. It was a canvas awaiting the touch of colors, a source of endless potential.

As I navigated these three distinct energies, a newfound clarity emerged. The mana of each element had a signature—fire's warmth, water's fluidity, and the universal mana's neutrality.

It's difficult to see and grasp it at fir—

I can see it. I interrupted his thoughts with mine.

Y–you can? Garen's presence within my mind seemed to radiate a mix of astonishment and pride. I nodded.

I'm impressed by how swiftly you've grasped the understanding and managed to discern the mana's distinct characteristics. His words were a soothing balm, a validation of my efforts.

Garen's surprise deepened, his voice a mixture of astonishment and realization. Raul, he began, a newfound depth in his tone, it's becoming evident that your grasp on sensing flame and water mana goes beyond mere understanding. You have a natural affinity for these elements!

My eyes widened in disbelief as Garen's words hung in the air, the weight of their significance sinking in like a stone dropped into a still pond. A hesitant smile tugged at the corners of my lips.

The realization that I might possess a natural affinity for these elements was both exhilarating and daunting. It was as if a hidden door had been opened within me, revealing a path I had never dared to tread upon.

With a deep breath, I straightened my posture, my gaze now steady and resolute. The astonishment was still there, but it was interwoven with a budding sense of purpose. "If this is true," I began, my voice stronger than before, "then I'm ready to learn, to delve deeper into this affinity and see where it takes me."

Your ability to discern the characteristics of fire and water mana with such ease is a clear indicator that these elements resonate with you on a profound level.

Raul, now I'm curious about your connection with the other elements. Should we explore whether you can sense them as well? He mused.

"Of course,"

I followed his instruction, feeling the magical energy gather in my hands, ready to take on new forms.

As I turned my concentration towards the idea of air, a breeze seemed to caress my palms, carrying with it a sensation of freedom and movement. My palms tingle with a gentle, swirling energy, as if the very currents of wind were dancing within my grasp.

Can you sense the presence of air mana? Garen's voice inquired.

"Yes, it's like a whisper of wind, light and airy."

As I shifted my focus on the other hand once again, a grounding sensation enveloped my palms but…

I focused my attention on the earth element once again, intent on understanding the nuances of this particular connection. As I did, I could see the manifestation of the earth's energy in my left hand—a subtle but distinct presence that seemed to ripple with the essence of solidity and stability.

"I can see the earth's energy," I reported to Garen, "but it's not as immediate a sensation as with the other elements. It's like witnessing the texture of the earth rather than feeling it directly."

Your ability to perceive the earth element visually is still a significant step. It might take time for the tactile sensation to match the clarity of your sight.

From what I've observed, your elemental affinities seem to follow a particular pattern. Your strongest affinity appears to be for fire. He paused, as if organizing his thoughts before continuing.

Surprise tinged my thoughts. "Fire?"

Your connection with fire was immediate and vivid. The way you described its mana, the sensation of holding a fragment of a roaring blaze—that level of connection is rare. It's as if fire resonates deeply within your very being.

I nodded mentally.

Your next strong affinity is for water. Your description of water's mana, its tranquil fluidity and adaptability, suggests a natural resonance. While it might not be as intense as fire, your connection with water is still significant.

Now, moving on, Garen's tone becomes more thoughtful, your affinity for air is present, but it appears to be less pronounced than fire and water. You were able to conjure and feel air mana, though perhaps not as immediately as with the other two elements.

Lastly, the earth element seems to be the one you're currently working on developing. You mentioned that you could see the conjured earth energy, and while there's a faint sensation of groundedness, it's not as immediate as your connection with the other elements. He concluded.

I absorbed his analysis, each piece fitting into the puzzle.

Garen's voice held a tone of admiration as he remarked, Raul, having affinity for almost four elements is a magnificent feat, especially for a human.

It's not common for mages to have strong affinities for more than one or two elements. He continued.

With Garen's guidance, our training took a new turn—one that delved deeper into the essence of elemental magic. We left behind the conjuring of flames, water, air, and earth, and instead focused on sensing the mana that wove through each element.

Under the canopy of the sky, beneath the tapestry of stars that witnessed my progress, I would close my eyes and allow my senses to extend into the canvas of pure mana. Each element came to life before me, a symphony of colors and energies waiting to be explored.

"Well, I guess the restriction on my blessing aren't a problem anymore,"

Garen ceased his mana barrier. It was as if a veil had been lifted. With a deep breath, I left behind the serene backdrop of our training grounds and made my way back to my own home. Upon reaching my house, I paused to cast a cautious gaze around me.

Satisfied that all was as it should be, I turned my attention to a more unconventional path—the intricate structures of the house itself.

The climb that followed was a ballet of agility and precision, a harmonious dance between my body and the mana that flowed within me. As I navigated the corners and edges of the house, my steps were marked by a fluidity that defied the limitations of mere physicality.

The techniques of parkour that I had honed over time were now empowered by the mana that coursed through my veins. Each leap was a graceful extension, each landing a controlled absorption of energy. The world around me seemed to shift and adapt as I moved, as if the very fabric of reality responded to my intentions.

As I reached my window and perched on the windowsill, the exhilaration of the climb was still coursing through me. With a deep breath, I let the feeling of accomplishment settle within me.

"What I need now is a good sleep," I opened the window.

As I slipped inside, the satisfaction of a successful ascent filled me, and for a moment, I thought everything was proceeding smoothly. But just as quickly, a problem emerged—one that caught me off guard and sent a jolt of panic through me.

Naera, my cousin, was standing in the room, rubbing her eyes as if she had just awakened from sleep. A yawn escaped her lips, and her sleepy gaze met mine. It was a moment frozen in time, our eyes locking in an unexpected encounter.

My heart raced, and for a brief instant, time seemed to stand still. At that moment, I struggled to find words to explain why I was entering the room through the window like an intruder.

Just as I began to prepare myself to tell the lies…

"Um... where's the toilet?" Her voice was soft, a blend of sleepiness and confusion.

A half-hearted smile tugged at my lips. It was clear that she hadn't quite registered her surroundings, likely still groggy from her slumber. I realized that she must not have noticed me coming in from the window.

Suppressing a chuckle, I approached her slowly, my steps careful so as not to startle her. "It's right here," I said gently, indicating the corner of the room.

Naera blinked, her gaze shifting toward the bathroom door that she had apparently missed. A faint blush tinged her cheeks as she let out an embarrassed chuckle. "Oh, I guess I didn't see it."

Yeah, I'd be more grateful if you didn't see me coming from the window. I said in my head.

"It happens," I reassured her with a warm smile. "Late-night wanderings can be a bit disorienting."

Still half-asleep, she offered a sheepish smile in return. "Yeah, I guess so."

As Naera disappeared into the bathroom, I leaned against the wall, letting out a sigh mixed with relief and amusement. Soon enough, Naera emerged, looking more awake now.

"Thanks for the help," she said with a grateful smile, her eyes meeting mine.

"You're welcome," I replied, my smile genuine. "Anytime."

Naera then continued, "So, what have you been doing and why didn't you sleep, Raul?" Her eyes locked with mine. Her gaze penetrated my eyes as she curiously asked.