
Astral Merchant

Larcen was a man who took on low-paying jobs to earn a living. But he had a goal, and that was to become a diver, an occupation filled with uncertainty and high mortality rate. While it was dangerous, he had two reasons to pursue it. One was for riches and the other was because of the screen that floated in front of him. {System will unlock once the user goes to another world} He expected to get something that could help him evolve but little did he know that he would receive something far more versatile and powerful. Something that had the potential to overthrow the high-humans, the beings who had a hold on most of the Astral Dimensions.

PsionicMind · Fantasy
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247 Chs

Loudmouthed Woman

(A/N: Over dramatic Karen alert.)

It didn't take much to tell that the two of them had a history with the way they glared at each other's faces. 

The woman snorted loudly as she stood up, "If this is the reason why we were called, I'm sorry to say this but I got important things to attend to. As for the contract, I do not agree to the demands and vote against them."

Larcen smirked as he looked at her, "I don't care. I called you guys here to simply give you a chance. The military will not be paying SP to anyone. Those who go against my words and try to be forceful will have their heads pulled off their shoulders.

Those who agree and side with me will receive perks and those who don't will be ignored and left behind, that is until they cause trouble. I don't care about rules so I'll just barge into your estates, take your life, and come back here with a smile on my face.