
Astral Mage

With the humans' desperation to rid the world of magic, Friesha left the perfect hiding place she and her late mother had to pursue the path of becoming an Astral Mage - a title given to magicians who have surpassed the realm of reality towards what is known as universal magic. However on her path, she encounters a young human boy who has the intention of capturing her for the purpose of becoming king. Friesha's hatred for humans have always been very strong ever since the death of her father in the hands of these vile beasts, yet never had the intention of hurting those who serve her no threat. Despite Friesha being already a powerful magician, and the boy's airheadedness and humiliating loss against her, he continues to pursue her through continuous stalking and spying, as well as randomly attacking out of nowhere. Aside from this, she must also alone fight the forces of humanity who would stop her from being an Astral Mage. How will Friesha achieve her goal on her journey. What will Friesha's encounter with the boy be of purpose?

Nirinia · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Mournful Letter (Someone's note 4)

Oh, how mornings were supposed to brighten my days before, however now it would only be tormenting. As eyes still heavy from travels, open as awoken by the brightness of the new day's birth, I always remember those moments.

What would always have greeted me before was the sound of Master Vryionne's loud screaming of complaints as to how Master Elhanze has once again messed up with his precious tools. His loud voice would always shake the heavens in every word he uttered. Little do you know, was that from behind my room, I could hear Master Elhanze there as he chuckled on how he failed what he was up to. Whenever I looked out the window, he would always signal me to keep quiet, in which I could only go along with his antics. He has always been given the label of a childish prankster or an airhead, however it was what made him unique, is what he would always say to me. Indeed, I apologize Master Eviam for keeping this a secret from you. Master Elhanze has always been hiding behind my robes in every morning of terror he caused to Master Vryionne. How nice it would've felt, if only until today, like usual, he could still do so. However, it was not merely the dead that cannot speak, but the living as well, as secrets untold may soon become regrets. Everytime I think about how things would have gone if I told at least you, Master Eviam, about Master Elhanze's mischievousness, maybe he would have received a crown of lumps on his head. It would probably put Master Vryionne at ease. Of only you all were still alive...

I have arrived at a small village as I continue this travel. Nobody here would know my identity, for I have removed what could lead me to my doom, our only distinction. It would still hurt if I touch it but at the very least, it looked like those of a human. With this, nobody will have the slightest of chance to notice the difference. This village seems to be bustling with everyday people talking or laughing to themselves as I pass by without a care, yet with the slight of annoyance. These creatures, who could easily laugh as a sign of peace is truly filthy. For them humans to be happy, is like an insult to my existence. In truth I cannot stand to be in a filthy human village, breathing the same air, walking on the same road, it's as if I was being insulted of my existence. However, one should endure the pain to gain what is desired. I have the need to be quenched of hunger and thirst and these lowlifes have already owned them, displaying them on stalls to be traded. Annoyingly, what was driving the people crazy like moths to a flame, were those so-called White Grapes which was said to just got its fame back after a curse was lifted. However as foolish as they are, they always would fail to notice the fruits that I easily pick everytime I pass by. Even if they do manage to do so, they cannot catch up to me. This was one thing I learned from Master Elhanze, the ability to be stealthy in movements which required to be secretive. I wonder if he would have been proud of knowing that I have mastered this skill in perfection. Surely he would just laugh at me saying he was too much of a role model.

I went further on stealing without them noticing how fast I was in every pick. Surely after a few minutes, I now have a full basket of fruits. I have been living this method for hundreds of years now, as I cannot use magic anymore. Those days when my ears were still intact, I would cower in corners in hopes of them not finding me. Twice have I been captured by humans and twice have I escaped. Those prisons may vary but were all cold and lifeless, it could rid anyone out of breath. I had experienced a total of eight days inside those torture chambers, every day more of our kind are being added. I could still hear their wails together with whatever creation the humans have proceeded to torment them so.

I, who barely escaped a gruesome death, could only avenge our kind from these filthy creatures. I must definitely proceed to the Tomb of Origin to do so. Without fail, I shall retrieve my powers back, the powers you kept hidden from me Master Eviam. Until today it boggles my mind for failing to comprehend why you did so.

Every night, the stars would twinkle the way they did thousands of years ago. They never changed even once and continue to twinkle the tiniest light it could produce. At nights like these, I would always sit next to you Master Eviam, indeed, those were treasurable nights. I remembered you once asked me if I could stay the way I was until the end of time. Foolishly, I gave you a lie as I nodded. For that, Master Eviam, I truly apologize. For I have not predicted this day, for I have not predicted every night to be this way now. I apologize for not keeping my promise to be who I was before. It was your loss which made me like this. Tonight, like all those nights that passed, I once again mourn. How I yearned for this feeling to go away, to leave me be, to let me be at peace. But your smile would always get in my way, truly, I cannot just forget you.

No one is here to comfort me, not even the moon can reach out to at least give me a warm embrace. No, I do not desire anyone else's warmth but yours, Master Eviam. That night when you held me close, your arms tightened as you apologized for not being a good mentor. I regret not holding you the same way, your warmth was merely wasted as I only stood in shock. I was a failure for not telling you my feelings. Now, I embrace the coldness of the night, the coldness which was my warmth. Under the blanket of stars, I silently mourn once more.

Thank you very much for reading again! I will continue to make more chapters. Till next chapter then!

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