
Astral Mage

With the humans' desperation to rid the world of magic, Friesha left the perfect hiding place she and her late mother had to pursue the path of becoming an Astral Mage - a title given to magicians who have surpassed the realm of reality towards what is known as universal magic. However on her path, she encounters a young human boy who has the intention of capturing her for the purpose of becoming king. Friesha's hatred for humans have always been very strong ever since the death of her father in the hands of these vile beasts, yet never had the intention of hurting those who serve her no threat. Despite Friesha being already a powerful magician, and the boy's airheadedness and humiliating loss against her, he continues to pursue her through continuous stalking and spying, as well as randomly attacking out of nowhere. Aside from this, she must also alone fight the forces of humanity who would stop her from being an Astral Mage. How will Friesha achieve her goal on her journey. What will Friesha's encounter with the boy be of purpose?

Nirinia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
82 Chs

Misunderstanding (Friesha's note 21)

"Now you've done it you puny wench!" one bandit got up with a very angry face as he clenched his fists. "You will pay!"

"Hooo? How much? Will sparing your lives be enough?" I managed to crack a joke as I barely stood up. Using magic without a staff really placed me in a weak state. It was like all my energy just exploded uncontrollably after that explosion. Still, I stood up like nothing happened to intimidate the enemy.

Looking at my side, I just saw Felgard cracking his knuckles with that annoying smirk of his. He looked completely fine despite his loss against that Sebastian fellow. Indeed, that old geezer was very fast as what have observed, but Felgard too has his own methods of movement which were slightly unpredictable (I know so after fighting her like a lot of time). However, today he was quite different than last time.

"Oi, what are you looking at me for?" he suddenly asked out of nowhere.

"H-huah? Haah? Looking at you? No I wasn't!" I suddenly got flustered out.

"Oi, you were just watching me just now. Something wrong? Is it my face?"

Dang it, I wanna say yes so bad at that question but focused my attention more on the incoming enemy. I counted about twenty of them but increased the chances of having more hiding behind bushes.

"Felgard," I suddenly called his attention to which he immediately responded.

"Hm?! Why!?"

"Take care of them while I read the surroundings. There might be more of them hiding like last time. And if you see someone with a sleeping mushroom head, take him down immediately first."

"So I will like defend you for a while?"

"Yeah! Just for now..."

Just then, the bandits began attacking the two of us, "Beat em up!" I closed my eyes and began reading the realea around the area to see if there were more hiding. I felt everything that's happening in the area, every slash and dodges, every movement done, they were all actions recorded on my memory. Finally I read the realea past these and noticed about thirty people hiding.

"So there really were insects hiding," I crossed my hands in front of me and began chanting. "Spirits of the area, heed my plea. I am a soul, neglect the flesh, harden thine heart."

"Oi! You not yet done!?" he was on the edge of breaking down after receiving blows from all twenty enemies. "It's hard being the only one here!"

"Out of the way!" was my response as I opened my arms. "Huge Tremor!"

Immediately after Felgard barely went out of sight, a huge crack formed on the ground towards the enemies and force came out from below, bouncing them off the ground and into the air. I raised my left arm and the crack exploded on the enemies. I made sure to hit those hiding on bushes. As of now, I could only wish for them to not die because of my uncontrollable attacks. Just then, after the spell was casted, my left palm's skin got torn from the force and blood came out. Thankfully, it wasn't that big ( still, pain is pain).

That attack though, only hit perhaps six or eight of them, as plenty more still came to us. Felgard attacked the enemies with speed and power whereas I attack with power alone, and hurting myself.

"Wind spear!" instantly after casting, wind gathered near me and morphed into a spear, attacking the bandit which came closer. However, the spear itself got uncontrollable and became a mini tornado which hit plenty of bandits on the ground, Felgard included, before vanishing from existence.

"Oi! Why me too?!" he could only complain as he stood up. Just as he did, blood came out of my right hand index finger along with wasted realea. "Oi, are you okay?" Felgard came asking and immediately held my right hand upwards.

"Ou-ouch... It hurts," I could only feel the pain as his face got nearer to it. "Aah, so this is what you mean by unstable magic."

"Obviously yes," I immediately took back my hand.

Without warning, another bandit sprung up behind Felgard and swiped his knife towards him.

"Hey! Get away!" I could only scream as I unintentionally pushed Felgard downwards and blocked the knife with my hand. "Vanish!!" the instant the knife I touched it's tip on my bleeding palm, the bandit was gone.

Just as me and Felgard were busy fighting enemies, the door of the other carriage flung open and *BONGK* hit a random bandit on the head. There emerged the damsel and her Sebastian holding each other's hands coming down from the now-ruined carriage.

"Fifirisha?! Dear?! Oh where could fate have hidden thee from me?" Oh, oh! What despair!" she was tiptoeing all the time while holding her dress at the side as she somehow searched for me. Sebastian trailed from behind punching and kicking bandits that would come out unexpectedly. Just a few spins and prances was all it took for her to see me down on the ground with both arms bleeding.

"OH, OOH! FIFIRISHA!! Dear me what happened!! Oh, the blood! Oh, the pain, Oh, the agony," Oh shut up was what I thought of for a moment. She then took out her 'small' delicate lace handkerchief and attempted to wipe the 'huge' amount of blood from my arms before saying, "Sebastian, wipe it off," and handed the handkerchief over to him.

"As you wish milady!" was Sebastian's willful acceptance of the task.

"I'm fine. Felgard needs more help than me, " I then pointed out to the barely breathing yet still fighting Felgard from a distance.

"But you..." Sebastian wanted to speak but I cut him off.

"Hurry, he's been fighting longer than me," was all I could say for the moment.

Felgard took a step back after seeing the bandits just stood up again after being attacked, "Oi, they're cheating!"

"No, they're just strong. And have the advantage in numbers," Sebastian then took a step forward next to Felgard.

The two stared at the enemies in front of them for a while then...

"Young one, I hope you wouldn't mind to have this old generation fight with you."

"Heh, not at all old man butler. Instead, bask me in your wisdom!"

"Then so be it!"

Immediately, the two sprung towards their enemies with full strength.

Meanwhile, I was left to be tended by the damsel. Was her name Milla-something? It sounded like that. I looked at how she was carefully putting bandages around my arms. It would've probably touched my soul if she wasn't being too overactingly noisy.

"Ah, ah! The blood! The blood! All these pain must've hurt right? Oh, pity! Ah, dear heavens!!!" she was too shaky the bandage would fall from her pinky up fingers.

"Uhhh, you can not force yourself if you can't, I can manage by myself", I irritatedly said.

"Oh oh oh! The burden of solitude must have gripped tightly to you! Oh, ah! What tragedy! Ah! Where could my worth be at times like these?" she then disregarded the blood and hastened her movements.

Unknowingly out of nowhere, a bandit rose out of Milla's back and swung an ask towards her. I didn't have any time to think, what currently was present on my mind was her safety. In a quick cast of magic intended to vanish the enemy away, I instead casted ourselves with it.

"Huuhh? Fifirisha, you're a..." Milla's words were cut off by the spell and teleported me with her, and the bandit too, to a nearby high mountain.

When I opened my eyes I saw trees which weren't that green and grasses which weren't that tall and thick. I looked around and there she was, cowering in a corner as she hid he face.

"Uhh... Milla?"

She just flinched and turned her back towards me.

"Well, uhmm... You see..."

She just flinched again and started rattling, muttering to herself. I stood up and went to touch her but she suddenly...

"KYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Don't come closer!!" her voice still as piercing as ever. I took a step back and sat down on the ground.

"You scared of me?"

She just covered her face and nodded.

"I see..." I wondered why, this time was quite different. The feeling that I had before everytime people fear me. Now seemed different.

"Why are you scared...?"

She then revealed crying face with cheeks red as ripe tomatoes, "Because you'll eat my brains right?"


"They said mages eat human brains and sacrifice their bodies to the devil! Oh, oh! The horror!!" she went back to covering her face. "How will we be friends when that happens?"

I just stared blankly at her without anything in mind of what I just heard.

"Maybe once you do eat my brains, at least make sure to sprinkle it with moonflower sparkles to make it look classy. Or maybe fairydust sugar? Ah! the greenbell corn powder maybe blends well with the flavor. Also, please make me wear my best pink dress in my third room upper closet? The pink dress in the second room is quite old. Oh, and the coffin must be made of pure oakwoods to..."

I began to question my existence, "What am I again?"

Thank you very much!! More chapters to come. Till next chapter then!! Bye! Bye!

Niriniacreators' thoughts