
Astral Flow

A world in its dying days, the end of the world being held back by a powerful lord, death and decay slowly overtaking the world. That was the premise for the new full dive game anyways, one inspired by rpgs of the past. An interesting enough premise to draw people in, yet little did they know this would likely be the last game they ever played. Magic and mystery awaits, who will survive and who will become the one true lord? Only time will tell.

Valice_Phantom · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

Chapter 47

The sun was shining brighter than ever as Lily emerged onto the streets of the bustling city, an atmosphere like that of a peaceful central hub unfolding before her.

It was truly a strange thing to witness, but she somehow felt like she was already growing used to it.

"So, what do you know of Resovult?" Vonder asks as he walks in front of her, ready to guide her around.

"Nothing really, I've only heard whispers and old stories." Lily admits, slowly walking behind him while taking in all the little details. "Honestly this is nothing like what I had been expecting."

"Really? What were you expecting?" Aida asks, now landing on Lily's shoulder.

"I dunno, something darker and grimmer I guess? I wasn't expecting all this… life." Lily says as she looks around, noticing that there was even a bard performing on the streets.

"Sounds like the rest of the world is further gone than I anticipated then." Vonder sighs a bit. "Guess that's just more reason to cherish this fleeting moment of peace." He smiles a bit, trying to stay as optimistic as possible. "Now here's a little history lesson about this place, this place was originally a small farming village before Saint Vann evolved it beyond that, her descendant known as Ignius Margreeve became the first king of this ancient land, his bloodline following in his footsteps and turning Resovult into the open place it is now."

"I actually wanted to ask you about that, Night is a beastkin, right? Is the guild those other beastkin really bad enough to bar them from entry to a place like this?" Lily asks, now pondering further. "They didn't seem that bad."

"It's pretty complicated." Aida chimes in. "They were with the Beast Lord's Cult, any with them are permanently marked as a danger and barred entry from most places, most guards are even given the order to kill them on sight."

"The Beast Lord's Cult earned their reputation for a number of unsavory reasons, the main one being they provided the Invaders with a means to corrupt the first Sun God." Vonder continues, now walking up some steps towards a gate. "Which is why even those who broke off afterwards still bear the weight of the Cult's sins."

"That's possible to do? Corrupting a god I mean?" Lily is now stunned beyond belief, if that was possible then what else could be?

Gods were supposed to be beings higher than all others, right? If so then how could one be corrupted by just regular people?

Was magic truly that strong here? Or was there something more to this?

"Anything can be corrupted given the right tools, magic and time." Vonder's voice gets a bit more serious, deathly so as he gazes beyond the gate at what looks like a temple in the distance. "No beings are truly perfect and inscrutable, even one like the Creator herself could become corrupted with time given the right circumstances."

Before Lily can respond he begins making his way to the temple, leaving her behind with Aida.

"Sorry about him, living the life of a Hunter hasn't exactly been the easiest on him." Aida comments with a hint of sorrow in her voice. "I'm sure he'll be fine soon though, he doesn't usually let these thoughts get to him."

"Right, sorry if I pushed it a bit." Lily apologizes, hoping she didn't push away two people now.

Honestly, what was she thinking?

This wasn't like her, not at all.

Perhaps it was because everything was so strange and new that she was losing herself a bit, getting dragged along by the rush of curiosity and excitement.

Or perhaps it was Six's personality already melding with hers, she couldn't know for certain though.

"You're fine, trust me." Aida reassures her with a friendly tone and calm smile. "I've known him for over 10 years now, it takes more than that to make him angry."

Lily sighs and nods, hoping that Aida was right.

Slowly she begins her walk towards the temple, surprised by the fact that it looks less grandiose than the ruins back on the island.

It was barely big enough to have two floors, that's if the place wasn't just one big chamber.

Even the outside was all regular stonework, no statues or bright colors and treasures, it just looked like a humble building.

Slowly Vonder pushed the door open for them, the light of the sun shining in through the door and window giving it a surprisingly ethereal feel.

The inside was just as modest as the outside, stone walls with stone pillars, a few windows to let the light in, and a red carpet draped out leading to a throne made of the same stone.

The red carpet was embroidered with a strange gold pattern along the edges, one that Lily couldn't place fully but it looked like something from the real world.

Then there was the throne itself, it was made of stone but behind it was two things.

A red banner with a golden sun blazing on it hanging high above.

Then below was a piece of art, a mirror with a sword below it and a jewel embedded in the top of it.

Sitting upon the throne was a boy with fiery orange hair, his skin slightly tanned.

This kid looked like he couldn't be any older than 12 at most, why was he here?

"This is the new Sun God, his name is Cecil." Vonder says, slowly walking in alongside Lily. "He's young, but he was the one to inherit Yurt's power after he was slain… the kid has a good heart but has been unable to stay awake recently, it seems something here is affecting him and many other beings like him."

Lily slowly approaches the child, drawn in by the glow surrounding him, making him appear almost gloriously incandescent.

Was this child really a god? Someone so young was given that much responsibility and duty?

Surely not… no one would do that to a kid.

As Lily gazed down at Cecil, her heart churning with pity and remorse for reasons she did not understand, she noticed something.

Cecil's hand twitched, it slowly raised and extended to her, his eyes fluttering open revealing orbs of gold that shone brighter than the sun, untainted by any corruption out there.

He looked confused, yet happy at the same time, keeping his hand extended to her.

Hesitantly she took it, feeling a wave of warmth wash over her in the process, a sense of nostalgia from the magic flowing through her body.

Though it wasn't her feeling it, no, she could tell this was something to do with Six.

Cecil spoke in a low whisper, his tired voice soft but full of a kindness so blinding that it felt wrong to stand in his presence. "Blessed be your days… may suffering turn to joy… and pain fade, giving way for new beginnings." He offers a weak, but genuine smile. "Your painful journey will find its end… for both of you, kindred kind."

As suddenly as he awoke his eyes closed once more, his hand falling back to his side as he returned to slumber.

Lily slowly looked at her hand, now noticing the Rite that had been there had now changed, it was now a new marking, one of a golden amaryllis.

"Well, that's not what I was hoping for but it's something I suppose…" Vonder quietly says as he looks at her hand.

"You were hoping for something?" Lily asks, looking back at him as Aida glances at him as well, now slightly worried.

Vonder notices the inquisitive and slightly accusatory glances, he clears his throat before continuing. "Cecil is a kind hearted person, I figured if anyone could help you get in contact with your friends or get out of here it'd be him."

"Really?" she looked down at her hand once more, it didn't feel like he was lying… "Why would you want to get me out but no one else?"

"Because you came from out there and you have friends out there, right?" Vonder replies while looking back at the door. "That and there's no one else to let out… follow me."

Vonder leads Lily back outside and to the side of the temple where a ladder could be seen on the side of the building leading to a lookout, it was a simple tiny perch on top of the temple, easily missable from the front.

Quickly the two climbed up the ladder with Aida flying up on her own, the perch was the perfect viewpoint to see the entire city.

From here it was easy to make out every detail of the city, the plains and forest clear on the other side of the giant iron walls.

"Do you see this? This is the world to these people, there's nothing that awaits them beyond the barrier." Vonder states while overlooking the city. "The citizens of Resovult don't even fully realize how much danger we're all in… that's why I stay and choose to fight, to help them… you though? You don't have to stay, that's why I tried to help you leave."

"Vonder?" Aida's voice is filled with worry as she looks at him, now landing on his shoulder.

This was the first time in many years she'd seen this look in his eyes, one of determination and darkness swirling together in those emerald green eyes.

It was a look she hadn't seen since he was with The Greilguards.

"I'm alright." He replies, his voice a bit lower than normal as he takes a deep breath. "You know me though, can't let something like this go… wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I did."

"I know, just don't push yourself too hard, alright?" she replies, trying to calm him down. "Nothing bad will happen again, not here, and not while all the others are supporting you as well."

"Right." Vonder's voice is still lower, but finds a bit more peace as he turns to look at Lily. "So now you know, this is the reason why no one else has left… this is their home, and as such the only life they know, they would lay down their lives to protect this place… and I'm here to help them."

He now gently takes Lily's hand in his own, holding it up so they could both see the golden rite shimmering in the sun. "You however have the chance to leave, you can use this power to find a way out and get to your friends, that is why I brought you here… I promise you, no matter what impression I gave you, that this is the whole truth."

"So, if I decide to leave with… whatever this new power is… you wouldn't stop me?" Lily warily asks, not pulling her hand away as she tries to read the swordsman and his fairy friend.

Both of them were as open as could be, not a hint of deceit in their eyes, even Ryder didn't look this open when they first met.

Could they really have nothing to hide?

"I won't, the choice to leave is yours and yours alone, no one else has the right to tell you otherwise." he proclaims resolutely, that same determination still swirling in his eyes.

Lily was dumbfounded.

How could he be this open, this honest, this kind to someone he barely knew?

Even she kept her own secrets despite being fairly friendly and open.

Quietly she pulled her hand away and looked down. "Thank you for your words, but I need some time to think on my own."

Without waiting for a response from Vonder she quickly descended the ladder and made her way into the city, a million thoughts racing through her mind.

She wanted to leave, to reunite with her friends and make sure they were okay, but she was still drawn to this place.

Was it just because of Six? Or was there something more?

There was no way to know for certain right now.

Upon making it back to the guild she quickly ducked into her room, lying on the bed with an audible sigh.

Even after sleeping the entire night away she felt exhausted, both physically and mentally, all she wanted now was to sleep and worry about everything tomorrow.

Lily rolled over and gazed up at the ceiling, her vision blurring as she began to drift off.

Just as she was drifting off she heard Six's voice softly speak to her.

"You are free to carve your own path, he wasn't lying to you."

"Rest your tired mind for now, for when you wake the answer will be clear to you."

Fear and indecisiveness plagued her mind, but it seemed to fade as she felt him take her hand and kept softly speaking.

His voice soothing her mind and letting her drift off as she gripped onto his hand.

Silently Six smiled, many memories rushing to his mind.

Seeing Lily like this reminding him of his own past, the many journeys and trials he went through.

"I promise, you will never have to endure the life I did."

"You will be free to walk the world as you see fit."

"For as long as our paths entwine in this dream, that is my promise to you."