
Astral Flow

A world in its dying days, the end of the world being held back by a powerful lord, death and decay slowly overtaking the world. That was the premise for the new full dive game anyways, one inspired by rpgs of the past. An interesting enough premise to draw people in, yet little did they know this would likely be the last game they ever played. Magic and mystery awaits, who will survive and who will become the one true lord? Only time will tell.

Valice_Phantom · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

Chapter 28

The winds howled as the storm picked up, making it progressively harder and harder to see as time went on.

Snow began to rise higher and higher, making further progression all the more treacherous.

A deadly obstacle to be sure, but not one that'd stop those who desired to survive.

Though Ryder didn't feel well about leaving Melia in Shade's care there wasn't much else that could be done, the longer he waited around the more likely it was that someone else would wind up dead.

Aranea, Oto, Feros… he couldn't bring himself to just sit and wait while they were out there.

So reluctantly he packed up and set off into the storm.

His only companion was his thoughts as he braved the blizzard.

Step by step, marching through the storm in hopes of finding anyone or anything.

He had to find someone, anyone.

Even if one person survived, that was good enough, he hadn't failed everyone.

One step after the other, he pushed through the blizzard, snow building on his armor and cape, freezing him to the bone.

Ryder couldn't tell if he was losing his mind, but it felt like the storm was only growing stronger and stronger the further he walked in this direction.

The winds grew louder but now a different sound was mixed in, it sounded alive, it sounded human.

Like a person letting out terrible cries of anguish, only masked by the raging whirlwinds of the area.

Their cries melded together with the storm, if one temporarily calmed so did the other, if one grew more violent then so did the other.

This was no natural storm, someone or something was causing it, and the sooner he found it the better.

With the blizzard down that'd be one less obstacle in his way.

All that would matter then would be finding his comrades and then facing the Lord of this land.

As he kept marching he felt as if his entire body was freezing over, his movement beginning to slow every so often before returning to normal as a status effect would pop up then vanish.

Soon it was completely impossible to see as he came up on what seemed like a wall of swirling snow, spinning fast enough to freeze him in an instant.

It was certainly a spell though as the new passive kept him safe, keeping him from entirely freezing on the spot.

Was whatever awaited beyond the wall causing the storm? Would he find more of those drifters awaiting him back there?

There was no way to know for certain.

With a deep breath and heavy sigh he readied his blade, putting his free hand forward he pushed through the storm wall, feeling the cold try to rip him apart.

Yet the further he pushed the more alive he felt, wondering just what awaited on the other side.

Each step furthering excitement until he emerged into a new zone, a clear snowfield of some kind.

In the distance was a mansion that looked as if it'd been long forgotten.

Upon taking one step forward the name of the location popped up.

[The Hunter's Haven; Wolfsbane Manor]

Ryder didn't let the name deter him from moving closer, semi confident that something in this place was causing the storm, or at least diverting it from this specific area.

The sound of crunching snow was now his only companion as he marched forward, still on guard but surprised there had been no enemies thus far.

Throughout the entire storm and now into this new area there had not been a single enemy… perhaps they hadn't been as fortunate as he had been? It is possible that not even those strange drifters survived such an intense blizzard.

As the mansion grew closer Ryder was able to make out more details about it.

Old brickwork mixed with dark brownish red wood on the outside, clearly worn from the elements around it.

There were plenty of windows but not a single light came from inside, perhaps the place was really abandoned?

Slowly and cautiously he approached the entrance, a set of dark doors adorned with a strange silver crest awaited him. This crest was a wolf head facing to the left with a strange broken longsword behind it.

He slowly placed his hand on the doorknob, only to feel the darkness within begin violently reacting, not in the usual sense of danger though.


This felt new and different, as if the darkness was reacting to something with intrigue and excitement.

It made him feel excited as well, as if he knew there was something great waiting ahead.

[I'd be sure you're ready to head in, you won't be able to come back after all.]

Ryder froze, hearing the voice of the Black Flame in his head, a firm warning in his mind now.

"What do you mean?" he asked cautiously, hoping there'd be a good answer for once.

[Beyond that threshold is a different reality, one born from the twisted memories of its host.]

[That feeling you're getting right now? That's because whoever the host is, they too have been bathed in the darkness as you have.]

[Meaning once you cross that threshold no amount of our power will be able to claw you out, you'll have to find the host and end their nightmare.]

"So, basically the start of an inescapable dungeon." Ryder sighs a little before looking at his hand, tiny black embers forming on it now, likely in response to what magic stayed on the door.

[That is one way to put it, yes.]

[One more piece of advice though, do keep a clear sense of self in there, you will be diving into someone else's memories and mind.]

[You lose yourself in there and you will never truly be the same ever again, this will be the ultimate test of will.]

Ryder looks back up at the door once more, a strange feeling surfacing inside of him, one that he could not describe.





All of it swirled together in a terrifying storm within his heart, every second feeling like an eternity as thoughts raced through his mind.

Though he wished to turn around he knew it was impossible, for the longer he spent standing here the more time was wasted, and the more time that was wasted the more likely his friends were gone.

Upon steeling himself and stilling his slightly trembling hands he placed his hands on the doors, and with a surprising amount of effort began to slowly open them.

The wooden doors creaked and moaned as they gave way, the light beginning to spill into the darkened interior of the mansion.

Marble flooring and meticulously maintained wooden walls revealed themselves, a couple of paintings hung just out of reach of the light.

A large staircase stood towards the back, looking to lead to a second and third floor.

Ryder paused, everything seemed normal now but he could tell that the Black Flame was not lying, something about the doorway and the visuals he was seeing felt like a lie, a trick to make him lower his guard.

The darkness within had also grown more restless, now urging him to delve forward, to not be afraid and dive in.

So, with bated breath, he pressed on through the doorway, a wave of dizziness and nausea washing over him as he did.

Then came the stabbing pain, as if an arrow had just pierced through his head, it was enough to blur his vision and make him momentarily double over in pain, one hand resting over his right eye.

Reality was shifting around him, destroying his perception of everything in an instant.

It was like gazing at the world through the lens of a kaleidoscope.

Colors ever shifting, doors melding into one another, paintings vanishing in the blink of an eye, lights turning into fireballs.

Each shift only made the pain worse and worse, his perception descending down into madness until he couldn't even keep track of common things.

Which way was up, which way was down?

Where had the door gone?

Was he even truly awake?

Then it all came crashing down.

In an instant he found himself falling through the world, deep into darkness as dozens if not hundreds of screens popping up around him.

Some of his life, his time in this game, outside of the game as well… others were things he'd never seen before.

Memories of a red haired woman, her life in this area before everything went to hell.

Memories of the manor and its inhabitants.

Everything falling past him.

Faster and faster.

Making his mind become a jumbled blank mess.

Until reality slammed back into him full force.

With a loud crash and pained cry he found himself slammed into the ground, a cold stone ground that gave him no cushioning whatsoever.

His head rang and his body ached, but he was still alive, his vision ever so slowly returning as he sat up.

Where was he… why was he here?

Was he… no, this was exactly what his friend had warned him of, that's right, he was here in the game still, his name… his name was Ryder.

Whatever that was, it'd messed with his head enough to almost make him lose himself, the memories of his life slowly returning as he forced himself to stand up.

He was Ryder, this was his life, he was here and now.

After fully standing up and remembering his life a new title popped up in front of him, confirming this to be a different area.

This dark and dreary stone hallway couldn't be the mansion anymore.

With a still shaken mind he prepared to venture through this new area.

[Nightmare of the Forlorn]