
Astral Dogma

100 years ago the demons waged a fierce war on the 5 realms, only to be eventually sealed within their own domain. Fast forward almost 17 years later, and the demon known as Belial discovers a method to break free from his confinement. Emerging into what appears to be an idyllic new world, Belial is filled with hope, perceiving it as a true paradise. However, as Belial embarks on his journey, to find a way to unseal his people soon after the façade of this seemingly perfect realm begins to crumble, revealing a sinister truth lurking just beneath the surface. The once-promised land transforms into a nightmarish labyrinth, harboring mysteries foretold . Compelled to confront the consequences of his choices, Belial becomes entangled in a treacherous web of lies and malevolence. Every step he takes risks everything he holds dear, challenging him to his very core. discord: Blackstar_sashi

TheBlackstar · Fantasy
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63 Chs

The hunters spark(1)

As Troxil lay sprawled on the ground, he gazed up at the sky, a perplexed expression etched on his face. "Now that I think about it, isn't that Gael's aura?" he queried, his tone a mix of confusion and intrigue.

Craver, still dazed and gawking at the sky, mumbled .

"And by the looks of it, he's fighting someone, I think," Troxil continued, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "It must be a ghost because I barely sense any ether from the other guy. Either way, that guy is screwed."

Meanwhile, Unconscious Belial was sent flying through the foliage, his mind in a state of blissful oblivion, utterly disconnected from the world around him.


Belial's back collided with a sturdy tree trunk, jolting him back to reality with a suddenness that left him wide-eyed and bewildered.

[Talen: Tenacity activated], Oracle activated the Talent,

Just as swiftly as the pain surged through his body, it dissipated, leaving him standing there, brushing off dirt and debris as if nothing had happened.

"You're sturdier than you look, kid!" declared a voice from a couple of meters away from him, drawing Belial's attention. Towering over him was a figure, tall and muscular, though noticeably absent of clothing. Promoting belial to make a face that was a mixture of confused and disdain.

"Dint all 5 of you dress up with suits and such?" Belial inquired, his gaze shifting from the imposing figure's face to his distinctly bare torso and legs.

"Yeah, and what of it?" the figure retorted defiantly.

"Dude. Where's your top? And your pants..."

Belial's words trailed off as realization dawned, prompting serah to hurriedly cover Jia's eyes while the crowd erupted into a chorus of boos, mingled with a few chuckles of disbelief.

"You look like a strong hunter, fight me!" Gael's voice rang out, a mix of determination and anticipation lacing his words.

Belial, a D-rank fighter with an air of nonchalance, glanced at Gael with a hint of dismissal. "Haven't you heard? I'm a D-rank, and you're a B-rank. There's no way I'm fighting you, plus you're not wearing any pants," he remarked casually, as if discussing the weather rather than a potential battle.

With a wave and a casual farewell, Belial began to stroll away from the confrontation. "So bye!" he called over his shoulder, seemingly uninterested in entertaining the idea of combat.

However, Gael wasn't one to let a challenge slip away so easily. "Fine, fine, I'll do it!" he exclaimed, determination flashing in his eyes as he accepted the provocation.

Suddenly, Gael's ring glimmered with a radiant light, and within moments, a pair of pants materialized around his legs, completing his attire. The sight both intrigued and surprised Belial. He had read about such objects before but had never laid eyes on one in person – a storage ring.

The ring peaked his curiosity, he paused then thought it over.

[Item: Storage Ring


Storage Capacity: 4x4 meters]

"How about we get things started!" Gael exclaimed, his voice ringing with eagerness as he eyed Belial, ready for action.

Belial hesitated, quickly assessing the situation. He realized that facing Gael would be an uphill battle, one he might not emerge victorious from.

"No," he replied firmly, shaking his head.

"What!? I'm wearing pants now!" Gael protested, gesturing to his newly acquired attire as if it were a mark of invincibility.

"Still no, you're way too strong for me," Belial explained, his tone resolute despite the brewing tension between them.

"The kid's making the right decision. Gael is nearly an A-rank in terms of strength," Cassidy chimed in from the audience, offering her perspective on the unfolding scene.

Unwilling to accept defeat so easily, Gael's determination flared. "I'm just gonna pummel you until you fight back then!" he declared, his resolve unyielding.

Belial remained calm, countering Gael's aggression with a strategic approach. "I'll just not fight back, leaving you beating up a D-ranker who is not fighting back. How do you think that'll affect your reputation?" he reasoned, his words carrying a weight of logic.

Caught off guard by Belial's rebuttal, Gael paused, his mind racing to find a solution. After a moment of contemplation, he reluctantly relented.

"Fine. If you knock me down at least twice, you win all of my points," Gael proposed, pointing to his name on the scoreboard looming in the sky.

The crowd gasped at the high stakes being set by Gael's offer, the tension in the arena palpable. This is what Belial was waiting for, he needed Gael desperate enough to make a deal with him.

But Belial had another idea brewing. "Nah, I don't want that. How about if I knock you down three times, you give me that ring," he suggested, his gaze unwavering as he laid out his terms.

"Why does he want to fight a D ranker that's just straight bullying!" One of the audience yelled out

""Yeah!""the audience replied

"It is true, but everything about that kid is off. He below average ether, but was able to keep an A rank at bay with help but still.." Cassidy mumbled to himself

"Alright then! Let's "

In moments Belial drew his sword and almost immediately swung his sword just as Gael was talking Gael barley avoiding the slash


"Aha! I was right on the money you are strong!" Gael exclaimed excitedly

"Now I'm exited, get ready boy!"

Just as Gael said those words he dashed at belial first going for a wide swing, he missed Belial appearing on top of his Armand jumped off of it back flipping and creating small knives mid air with his hax and threw them at Gaels eyes, but Gael blocked the knives with his arm


Gael threw another punch, quicker this time Belial barley managed to create a barrier but it broke upon impact sending Belial hurling back but he landed on his feet

Belial's arm throbbed in pain as he gripped his sword, he was sure he blocked it but he still felt the pain

[Activating Talent: Tenacity] In moments the pain dissipated

Belial looked at gael scanning for anny weaknesses but he appeared too much as a punch first think later type of person so no insults would work on him

Gael coated his hands with ether and so did Belial they clashed Belial sent out consecutive cuts at Gael as he blocks them with his hands and Gael kicks Belial sending him back crashing into a large tree but this time with his talent activated he did not feel any pain

"Does he not feel pain!?"jia asked

"No it's probably a 'Talent' that he has"

Talents, supernatural abilities born under near-death experiences, intense emotions, or profound moments of greed, were a mysterious force that is not fully understood. They are divided into four categories: racial talents, belonging to specific races; common talents, easily attainable by many; greater talents, unique talents, one of one talents that only unique to the user; and ultimate talents, extremely rare abilities of unparalleled strength.

Yet, despite the trials and suffering one might endure, there was no guarantee of obtaining a talent. The percentage of individuals who actually manifested a talent was staggeringly low, a fact that held true across generations.

For Cassidy, the fact about Belial; A rookie hunter, gaining a talent was not merely a possibility; it was a certainty he had not prepared himself for.

Back to the fight, Gael lunged forward with unparalleled speed, his fists poised to strike, Belial remained unfazed, a shadowy aura enveloping him like a protective cloak. With a swift motion, Belial conjured dark tendrils, weaving them into intricate patterns of defense.

Gael, fueled by determination and adrenaline, launched a barrage of punches at Belial, his bare hands a blur of motion as he closed in on his opponent. With each strike, he aimed for Belial's defenses, his attacks fueled by raw strength and unwavering resolve.

However, Gael's relentless assault proved too much for Belial's defenses to withstand. With a powerful charged ether attack, he delivered a devastating punch, shattering Belial's dark barriers and landing a direct hit.

The impact sent Belial staggering backward, his concentration momentarily broken as he struggled to regain his footing. Yet, even as Gael pressed his advantage, Belial refused to yield, his eyes raring to go on.

With a swift maneuver, Gael darted around Belial, his movements fluid and precise. Sensing an opening, he launched a series of rapid strikes, aiming for Belial's vulnerable spots with surgical precision. Belial, caught off guard by Gael's agility, struggled to keep up, his defenses tested to their limits.

Despite Belial's mastery over darkness, his hax proved to be no match for Gael's relentless onslaught. With each blow, Gael chipped away at Belial's defenses, exploiting every weakness with ruthless efficiency.

Desperation flickered in Belial's eyes as he fought to maintain his ground against Gael's relentless assault. He knew that his hax alone would not be enough to turn the tide of battle in his favor. Drawing upon every ounce of his strength and ingenuity, he sought to outmaneuver Gael and gain the upper hand.

As the battle raged on, the forest became a battleground of shifting shadows and flashing fists. Belial was on the edge of defeat, his every move calculated with precision as he sought to turn Gael's aggression against him.

With a sudden burst of speed, Belial surged forward, his movements cloaked in darkness as he closed the distance between them. In a daring move, he lashed out with a flurry of slashes, exploiting a momentary lapse in Gael's defenses to deliver a series of precise cuts.

Gael staggered under the onslaught, his resolve wavering for the briefest of moments.

As Gael pressed forward with relentless determination, Belial found himself pushed to the brink of exhaustion. With each passing moment, his opponent's relentless assault seemed to chip away at his resolve. Yet, even in the face of overwhelming odds, Belial refused to falter.

Summoning every ounce of his strength and concentration, Belial tapped into the depths of his hax, weaving shadows with practiced ease. With a flick of his wrist, he sent tendrils of darkness snaking towards Gael, ensnaring him in a web of inky blackness.

Caught off guard by Belial's sudden counterattack, Gael found himself momentarily immobilized, his movements hindered by the weight of the shadows that bound him.

As Gael broke free from the shadows, Belial lunged forward with a swift and decisive strike, his blade flashing in the dappled light of the forest. But Gael, ever vigilant, raised his arm in a desperate attempt to block the blow.

The sword sank deep into Gael's flesh, the metal biting into his skin with a sickening crunch.With quick thinking, In one quick swift motion Belial seized the opportunity to turn the tide of battle in his favor. With a deft motion, he pointed his hand towards Gael's arm, summoning forth a chain of darkness that snaked its way around Gael's limb, anchoring him to the ground and immobilizing his other arm in the process.

Before Gael could react, Belial capitalized on his momentary advantage, swinging his legs up with lightning speed to ensnare Gael's neck in a vice-like grip. With a mighty heave, Belial exerted all of his strength, sending Gael crashing to the forest floor with a resounding thud.

As the dust settled and the tension of their clash faded into the air, the spectators looked on in awe. Cassidy's eyes widened with amazement, while Jia's jaw dropped in disbelief. Even Serah, ever the stoic observer, couldn't hide her astonishment at the spectacle unfolding before her.

"Hey..are you sure he's a D Rank hunter..?"jia asked

"Yes..but his combat prowess tells me otherwise"Cassidy responded

But it was Cole who felt a chill creep up his spine, a faint echo of memories long buried. The way Belial fought, with a grace and ferocity reminiscent of someone from his past, sent a shiver down his spine.

But just as things seemed to go well Gael twitched belials quick instinct kicked in and jumped off him but it was too late Gael caught belials leg and delivered a powerful punch to his chest sending him hurling back to a giant bolder that cracked upon impact creating a loud unpleasant sound of a body hitting a bolder

[Warning: False ribs fractured!]

[Warning: Interior deltoid torn!]

Belial groaned as he got up again he felt something flow up his throat,

'Black, what is this?'

'Oh is my blood..'