
Astral Dogma

100 years ago the demons waged a fierce war on the 5 realms, only to be eventually sealed within their own domain. Fast forward almost 17 years later, and the demon known as Belial discovers a method to break free from his confinement. Emerging into what appears to be an idyllic new world, Belial is filled with hope, perceiving it as a true paradise. However, as Belial embarks on his journey, to find a way to unseal his people soon after the façade of this seemingly perfect realm begins to crumble, revealing a sinister truth lurking just beneath the surface. The once-promised land transforms into a nightmarish labyrinth, harboring mysteries foretold . Compelled to confront the consequences of his choices, Belial becomes entangled in a treacherous web of lies and malevolence. Every step he takes risks everything he holds dear, challenging him to his very core. discord: Blackstar_sashi

TheBlackstar · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Searching for Hope

Xin's body convulsed with sobs as he struggled to regain control of his emotions. The faint thumping of a heartbeat in the distance made his heart race. He knew he had to follow it, no matter the cost. Tears streaked his face as he sprinted through the dense forest, jumping over fallen logs and weaving through low-hanging branches.

As he approached the roaring river, its sound grew louder and louder, but he didn't let that dampen his hope. He felt it with every bone in his body, he knew that the faint heartbeat was Belial's, and he had to find him.

At last, Xin burst through the trees and came to a stop at the edge of the river. The water churned and roared in front of him, making it almost impossible to hear anything else. But still, he strained his ears, listening for that familiar thumping.

After what seemed like an eternity, he continued to scan the area, searching for any indication of his friend. And then, right as he was about to lose all hope, he spotted a figure in the distance - someone lying still on the riverbank.

Xin waded through the water with a newfound sense of urgency, making his way towards the figure on the riverbank. Drawing closer, he could see that it was indeed Belial, his body looking battered and broken.

With tears flowing freely down his face, Xin sank to his knees beside his friend and gathered him into his arms. He knew he couldn't let go of hope, no matter how dire the situation seemed.

Xin cradled Belial's lifeless body in his arms. He had to get her to a hospital, but the closest one was too far away. He looked around frantically, searching for a solution. Through the blur of his tears, Xin spotted the train station ahead.

With careful steps, he carried Belial to the train station, his eyes darting back and forth, checking for any signs of danger. The train was there, and it was empty. He breathed a sigh of relief as he boarded the train and held Belial close to his chest.

As the train rolled into the city, an hour had passed. But as soon as Belial and Xin stepped off, Belial's heart stopped, causing Xin to frantically try to revive her. His efforts proved futile, and with the hospital located too far away, Xin was left feeling helpless.

Xin's eyes darted around, searching for any sign of help. That's when he saw the phoenix on the side of a nearby building. He changed directions and, with a burst of energy, propelled himself from building to building until he reached the guild.

As he burst through the door, he was met with a chaotic scene. People were drinking and laughing, oblivious to the tragedy that had just unfolded. Xin yelled out,

"Can someone please help him, please?!"

But his voice was drowned out by the loud music and the boisterous crowd. Xin felt his frustration building, and in a burst of energy, he sent out a shockwave that made everyone in the guild stop in their tracks.

All eyes were on him as he held up Belial's lifeless body.


He uttered, his voice quivering with sentiment.

"Please, I need your help!."

Belial's lifeless body left the guild members uncertain, unsure how to help. But just as hope was about to fade, a young woman emerged from the crowd.

"I'm a healer,"

Her voice carried a strong, firm tone as she spoke.

"Let me see what I can do."

Gratitude flooded Xin's heart as the healer took control, leading them up to the second floor. As she examined Belial's body, a wave of helplessness washed over Xin. He knew the severity of Belial's injuries, and dreaded the outcome.

Placing her hand on Belial's chest and closing her eyes, the healer scanned his body for any signs of life.

"He has four broken ribs, a fractured arm, and significant blood loss,"

she said, her brow furrowed with concern.

"Unfortunately, his heart is unresponsive."

Xin felt his heart drop at her statement. Losing Belial was something he couldn't fathom. He went on to explain what had happened in the cave, the battle against the monsters, and how they had narrowly escaped death.

The healer paid close attention, her face reflecting a mix of astonishment and apprehension.

"I can tend to his wounds,"

she murmured,

"But I'm uncertain if I can perform a miracle and bring him back."

Watching the healer work on Belial, Xin could feel his heart sink. He could feel his own energy draining away as he waited for some sign of life from his friend.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the healer sat back and wiped the sweat from her brow.

"I've done all I can,"

she said, her voice filled with exhaustion.

"It's up to him now."

Hour after hour passed, but Xin refused to leave Belial's side. He watched as the healer checked on him regularly, his expression etched with concern. Belial lay motionless, his chest barely moving. Xin felt hopeless, his heart weighed down by the possibility of losing his friend.

In a sudden moment, Belial found himself transported to an Ethereal Plane. He scanned his surroundings, taking in the strange environment around him.

"So this is the afterlife. It's kind of disappointing,"

he muttered to himself. Belial let out a startled gasp as a shadowy figure materialized before him, cloaked in a swirling aura of black and purple. He quickly spun around to face the mysterious figure.

{Don't be mistaken, young one. This isn't the afterlife,}

The shadowy figure spoke in a deep, ominous voice.

{We are in our astral plane.}

Surprise registered in Belial's eyes as he processed the shadowy figure's words.

"If I'm not dead, why am I here? And who are you?"

He asked, his mind racing with questions.

{I pulled your soul out to this plane moments before your death, the shadowy figure explained. But who I am is not for me to tell. It seems your body has been healed},

the figure added.

Just as Belial was about to press the shadowy figure for more information, a faint sound caught his attention. He opened his eyes to find himself back in the guild, with Xin by his side, staring at him with a mixture of relief and concern

"You're awake,"

Xin said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"How do you feel?"

Trying to move, Belial flinched as a jolt of pain shot through his body.

"My body feels like it's been through a meat grinder,"

he said weakly.

"But at least I'm alive, thanks to you."

Xin smiled, a wave of relief washing over him.

"The healer did most of the work,"

He said modestly.

"But I'm just glad you're okay."

Belial nodded, looking around the room.

"Where are we?"

He asked, still feeling a bit disoriented.

"We're in the guild,"

Xin replied.

"You've been out for hours. The healer managed to heal most of your injuries, but you still need to rest and recover."

Belial nodded, closing his eyes again.

"Thanks for saving me, Xin,"

he said softly.

"I owe you one."

Xin shook his head.

"No need to thank me,"

His voice quivered with emotion as he spoke.

"You did more than I could ever ask for."