
Astral Arcanum

In the aftermath of the fall of the Romanum Empire, a new power rose to dominate the world. The mysterious Astral Imperium swept across the land, conquering nations and bringing them under a single, unifying banner. They fused together science, magic, and technology, creating a new era of innovation and progress unlike anything the world had ever seen before. Now, centuries later, the Astral Imperium has set its sights on the stars. Their first venture into outer space is about to begin, with a team of the most skilled scientists, engineers, and mages leading the way. But as they travel deeper into the void, they begin to uncover secrets that were meant to stay hidden. As the expedition becomes increasingly dangerous, the team must rely on all of their skills and knowledge to survive. But when they discover an ancient power that threatens to destroy everything they hold dear, they are faced with a choice that could determine the fate of the Astral Imperium itself. They were not alone in this universe. They must do anything necessary to make sure that they survive the dangers that lay ahead. FOR THE SUPREMACY OF THE HUMAN RACE!

Gabriantheus · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Dark Prince

Neclord Ash stood in his training room, his dark eyes focused on the task at hand. He was practicing his dark magic, honing his skills with precision and expertise. As a member of the Astral Imperium's secret intelligence organization, he knew that he needed to be at the top of his game to protect the empire from any and all threats.

The prince was known throughout the kingdom for his impressive physique. He was tall and muscular, with a commanding presence that made others take notice. Despite his strength, he was graceful in his movements, a trait that had served him well in his training.

Neclord's red eyes and black hair marked him as a member of the Dark King's lineage, a fact that he took pride in. He knew that his family's reputation was important, and he was determined to uphold it. However, he was also aware that some in the empire saw his family as a threat, and he was always on guard.

The Astral Imperium was a kingdom that had been built on love, a love that had defied societal norms. Neclord's ancestors, a woman with silver hair and ocean blue eyes who practiced light magic, and a man with black hair and red eyes who practiced dark magic, had founded the empire together. Their love had been frowned upon, but they had refused to let society dictate their lives.

As he trained, Neclord thought about the legacy that his ancestors had left behind. They had conquered the entire planet of Archelous, defeating even the most powerful beings in their path. The prince knew that there were still threats to the empire, both internal and external, and he was ready to face them.

He continued to practice his dark magic, weaving intricate spells with ease. Neclord was a warrior at heart, and he would do whatever it took to protect his home and people. The prince was determined to be the best member of the intelligence organization that he could be, and he would stop at nothing to defend the Astral Imperium.

Neclord Ash couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he thought about the news of the dark creatures on the moon. The Astral Imperium had always held the belief in human supremacy, a belief that had allowed them to conquer and rule over all other beings on Archelous. However, now it seemed that this doctrine was under threat, as there were new threats emerging on the moon that challenged their way of life.

As a member of the secret intelligence organization, Neclord was tasked with protecting the empire from any and all threats. He knew that the discoveries on the moon were cause for concern and that they needed to be addressed immediately. The prince knew that he had to be at the top of his game to face these new threats, and he redoubled his training efforts.

Neclord's thoughts turned to the belief in human supremacy that had been instilled in him since birth. He had always been taught that humans were superior to all other beings, and that they had the right to rule over them. However, the news of the dark creatures on the moon made him question this belief. Were humans truly superior, or were they just another species, like the creatures on the moon?

Despite his doubts, Neclord knew that he had a duty to protect the Astral Imperium and its people. He continued to train with dedication and determination, honing his dark magic skills to prepare for any threat that may arise.

Neclord Ash stood in the center of a large, circular chamber, surrounded by a ring of burning candles that cast flickering shadows across the walls. Himemiko no Kagayaki, the fallen goddess of the sun, stood before him, her expression fierce with anger and defiance.

Neclord's dark eyes glinted with a sense of determination as he began to chant in a language that Kagayaki had never heard before. She knew that he was performing a dark magic ritual, but she had no idea what he hoped to achieve.

As Neclord continued to chant, Kagayaki felt a sudden, searing pain in her chest. It was as if her very soul was being torn from her body. She cried out in agony, her voice echoing off the stone walls of the chamber.

Neclord's chanting grew louder, more intense, and the pain in Kagayaki's chest became even more unbearable. She felt as if she was being consumed by darkness, as if all the light in the world was being snuffed out.

Despite the pain and despair she felt, Kagayaki refused to give in. She fought against the dark magic that was attempting to enslave her soul, using every ounce of her strength to resist.

But it was no use. Neclord's dark magic was too powerful. With a final, deafening cry, Kagayaki's soul was bound to him. She was now completely under his control.

Neclord looked at the fallen goddess with a cold, calculating gaze. He had accomplished what he had set out to do. Kagayaki's soul was his to command, and he would use her power to further his own ambitions.

Kagayaki was left alone, her body wracked with pain and despair. She knew that she had lost everything, that she was now nothing more than a tool to be used by a cruel and heartless man.

Neclord's smile widened as he looked at Kagayaki, his red eyes gleaming with an evil light. "Congratulations, fallen goddess," he said. "You are now mine to command. Your power will be put to use in service of the Astral Imperium, to fight against the creatures on the moon."

Kagayaki glared at him, her eyes burning with a fierce defiance. "I will never serve you," she spat. "I would rather die than be used as a weapon by a tyrant like you."

Neclord's smile didn't waver. "Oh, I think you'll find that death is not an option for you," he said. "Not anymore. You are now bound to me, body and soul. And you will do as I say, or suffer the consequences."

Kagayaki felt a cold dread settle in her stomach as she realized the full extent of her situation. She was trapped, a prisoner of Neclord's dark magic. Her power was no longer her own, but a tool to be used by her captor.

Neclord turned away from her, his attention focused on the future. "With your power at my disposal, humanity will continue to reign supreme," he said. "We will crush any threat that arises, and the empire will stand strong for generations to come."

Kagayaki felt a deep sense of despair wash over her. She had always believed in the power of love and light, in the belief that all beings were equal. But now, she was forced to serve a man who saw only darkness and domination. She was a prisoner, a weapon to be wielded in a war that she did not believe in.