
Astral Anomalies

In a world on the brink of collapse, Caelum Voss has one goal: to find solace atop a secluded mountain. But luck has other plans. Every step he takes to escape the chaos inadvertently plunges him deeper into the heart of the unfolding apocalypse. Can a man just trying to mind his business navigate a world refusing to let him be?

QTV · Fantasy
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48 Chs

The Dilemma

The atmosphere within the underground facility remains thick with tension and urgency following General Harlan's violent dispatching of the intruders. As the soldiers work to secure the area, Harlan issues another critical instruction: "Clear the vents. They can't open the doors, so they're using the vents." His voice carries the weight of command, leaving no room for doubt or delay.

Draken, witnessing the aftermath of Harlan's actions, can't help but express his astonishment. "Wow... that's a bit insane..." His eyes linger on the remains of the man Harlan had just overpowered, a mixture of awe and revulsion on his face.

I glance down, noticing some of the blood from the altercation has splattered onto my shirt. "Tsk, what a mess," I mutter under my breath, a flicker of annoyance passing through me. The inconvenience of the situation is starting to wear on my patience.

Harlan, undeterred by the grim scene, moves with purpose. "Let's go to the control room," he commands, leading the way. He approaches a door and places his palm on it, activating some kind of biometric scanner. The door obediently opens, and we continue deeper into the heart of the facility.

I follow along, my thoughts preoccupied with the desire to leave this place. "Dammit, thanks to these damn trespassers, it's going to take longer than it should before they give me a ride out of this damn city," I think to myself, a sense of frustration simmering beneath my calm exterior.

We walk further, the corridors of the facility winding and complex, until we arrive at another secured door. Harlan places both of his palms on the scanner, and after a brief moment, it grants us access. The lights flicker on, illuminating a room filled with screens, sensors, and various high-tech devices.

As the door to the control room swings open, the scene that unfolds is one of intense, orchestrated chaos. Military personnel, clad in their uniforms, rush past us, their faces set in expressions of determination and urgency. They bark orders and relay messages with a sense of purpose that fills the room with an electric charge. One soldier, headset firmly in place, calls out, "Sector 3 is secure, no signs of intrusion!" His voice is firm, echoing the seriousness of the situation.

Technicians, huddled over banks of computers and monitors, type rapidly, their fingers dancing over the keyboards. The screens flicker with images from security cameras, showing different parts of the facility — corridors, the entrance, and the now empty school above. "Cameras 4 through 7 are back online," announces one technician, a young woman with a focused gaze. "Running diagnostics on the ventilation system," adds another, his voice slightly strained under the weight of responsibility.

In one corner of the room, a group of medics discuss their strategy. "We need to set up a triage area immediately," instructs their leader, a woman with a no-nonsense attitude evident in her clipped tone. "Check for injuries, malnutrition, anything. These people have been through hell."

Amidst this flurry of activity, General Harlan stands, a calm presence in the eye of the storm. He surveys the room, occasionally giving out orders or nodding in acknowledgment as reports come in. "I want a full sweep of the facility, every trace of anything found must be thoroughly investigated," he demands, his voice commanding yet controlled. "And get me an update on those forced to work here. We need to ensure their safety and provide necessary aid before relocating them elsewhere."

As I stand there, observing the organized pandemonium, a soldier approaches Harlan, saluting briskly. "Sir, we've found evidence of tampering in the main power grid," he reports. His face betrays a hint of concern, underlying the professional demeanor.

Harlan's response is immediate and decisive. "Get a team on it. I want that grid secured and any sabotage undone. We can't afford any vulnerabilities."

General Harlan approaches Jenna, Draken, Dolura, and me, distributing entry cards with a no-nonsense efficiency. "This will be included in your payment," he states, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "Please go ahead and walk around, see if you can find anything unusual."

I take the card, feeling its smooth surface between my fingers. "Hmmm... Tsk, I guess I have no choice," I mutter under my breath, not particularly thrilled about the task but recognizing its necessity. As I prepare to leave, Harlan turns his attention to Dolura. "I need to ask you something, so stay here," he tells her.

Seizing the opportunity to avoid Dolura's usual clinginess, I quickly make my way out of the control room. Just as I start to appreciate the brief respite from her presence, I notice Mia following close behind. Confused, I turn to her and ask, "Is there something you need?"

Mia hesitates for a moment before responding, "I-I'm sorry, but he wants me to follow you." She gestures to the cat she's holding, her eyes flickering with an uncertain mix of apology and resolve.

I let out a soft sigh, a mixture of resignation and acceptance. "Ah, I guess I can make an exception," I concede, acknowledging the cat's apparent wish.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Deep within the underbelly of the underground facility, a secluded chamber echoes with the sinister atmosphere of a horror scene. The room, poorly lit and damp, reeks of despair and cruelty. In this hidden enclave, a small group of sadistic individuals congregates, their presence marked by an air of malevolence that chills the spine. They are the puppeteers of the terror that has unfolded in the facility, yet their identities and motives remain shrouded in mystery.

At the center of this malevolent gathering is their leader, a man known as Vorn. He is a tall, gaunt figure with piercing, cold eyes that reflect a soul devoid of empathy. His features are sharp, his movements calculated and deliberate. Vorn exudes an aura of control and sadism, a master of manipulation and pain.

Beside him stands Ira, a woman with a sinister beauty, her eyes gleaming with malicious intent. Her long, dark hair falls in waves around her shoulders, contrasting sharply with her pale skin. Ira possesses a cruel elegance, her every gesture filled with a predatory grace.

The third member of this ominous trio is Krag, a hulking brute of a man with a heavily scarred face and an intimidating stature. His muscles ripple beneath his tattered clothing, and his hands, large and calloused, seem capable of inflicting immense pain without effort.

In the corner of the room, bound and trembling, is a young boy named Eliot. He is no more than sixteen, with a mop of unruly hair and wide, terrified eyes. Eliot possesses a rare ability, one that allows him to hack into systems with his mind. It's this gift that has made him a target of these cruel individuals. They seek to exploit his power to gain access to locked areas of the facility, but Eliot resolutely refuses to aid them, despite the torment he faces.

The room is filled with instruments of torture, each more horrifying than the last. Chains hang from the ceiling, and tables are lined with tools designed to inflict pain. The air is heavy with the scent of fear and suffering, a tangible reminder of the atrocities committed within these walls.

Suddenly, the group receives word that the military has entered the facility. Vorn clicks his tongue in annoyance, a subtle yet unmistakable sign of his irritation. "So, the soldiers have come to play," he sneers, his voice dripping with disdain. "It seems we'll have to accelerate our plans."

Ira steps forward, her lips curling into a twisted smile. "Let them come," she purrs. "They'll only add to the fun."

Krag cracks his knuckles menacingly, a low growl emanating from his throat. "I'll crush anyone who gets in our way," he rumbles, eager for the violence to come.

Eliot, his young face etched with fear, desperately clings to a sliver of hope. "Y-you will all go to jail for what you've done! The soldiers will get you!" he stammers, his voice a mix of fear and defiance.

Vorn, the enigmatic and menacing leader of the sadistic group, reacts with a chilling nonchalance. He steps towards Eliot, the air around him seeming to grow colder with each step. There's a terrifying calmness in his demeanor, a stark contrast to the boy's palpable fear.

Without a word, Vorn retrieves a sleek, menacing knife from a nearby table. The blade glints coldly in the dim light, a silent testament to the danger it represents. He holds it up, inspecting its edge with an almost clinical interest, his back to Eliot.

Then, suddenly, Vorn turns, facing Eliot with an icy gaze. His voice, when he speaks, is devoid of emotion, as if discussing something as mundane as the weather. "Actions have consequences, Eliot," he says, his tone deceptively soft yet laced with an underlying threat. "Your naivety is... regrettable."

In a swift, calculated motion, Vorn activates a hidden mechanism on the knife's handle. The blade extends and retracts with a mechanical precision, showcasing a fusion of deadly craftsmanship and technology. "Your ability, Eliot, is a key. And you will turn it in the lock for us," Vorn states, his voice carrying an unspoken ultimatum.

He steps closer to the boy, the knife now pointedly directed towards him. "Refuse, and I will start with those soldiers, methodically, one by one. I assure you, my methods are... creative." The cold edge of the blade reflects the dim light, a beacon of the impending threat.

Vorn's expression remains impassive, but his eyes – cold, calculating – reveal the depth of his ruthlessness. He doesn't need to raise his voice or make grandiose statements; his quiet confidence and the menacing presence of the knife say everything necessary.

The boy, Eliot, swallows hard, his eyes darting between Vorn and the knife. The realization of his dire situation sinks in, the weight of Vorn's threat pressing down on him like a physical force. The fear in his eyes is palpable, a mirror to the cold certainty in Vorn's.


The revelation of Eliot's unwitting role in the current situation adds a layer of tragic irony to the grim scene unfolding in the underground chamber. The young boy, once the harbinger of hope for the group, now stands as a symbol of their misfortune, manipulated by the very people he sought to help.

Vorn, with the cold efficiency of a predator, drags Eliot back towards the central room where their twisted operation is headquartered. The room, a stark contrast to the dingy chamber, is a high-tech hub, filled with monitors and equipment. It's here that Vorn intends to coerce Eliot into unlocking the advanced weapons systems of the facility.

As they enter, the contrast between Eliot's youthful innocence and the room's stark, clinical nature becomes painfully evident. The room is a labyrinth of technology, with screens displaying encrypted data and secure systems. At the heart of it all is the main console, its interface locked behind layers of sophisticated security.

Vorn's knife, a sleek and deadly piece of technology, is a product of the base's advanced weaponry. It's clear now that when Eliot initially discovered the base and informed the group, he had inadvertently given Vorn access to this powerful tool. The knife, capable of extending and retracting with lethal precision, is more than just a weapon – it's a symbol of the power Vorn now wields over everyone in the facility.

Eliot, his expression a mix of fear and regret, looks around the room, his eyes lingering on the console. The realization of what he's enabled hits him like a physical blow. He trusted Vorn, never expecting the man's transformation into a tyrant who would enslave everyone with the very resources Eliot had revealed.


Vorn, his grip firm on Eliot's shoulder, leans in close, his voice a cold whisper. "Eliot, your naivety has been our gain. But now, you have the chance to make things right. Help us unlock these weapons, and you can atone for your mistake."

Eliot trembles under Vorn's grasp, the weight of the situation bearing down on him. The boy's eyes flicker with internal conflict – a battle between his moral compass and the overwhelming pressure exerted by Vorn.

The sinister beauty, Ira, watches the exchange with a predatory interest. Her eyes gleam with malice as she circles around Eliot, like a shark sensing blood in the water. "Don't disappoint us, Eliot. You wouldn't want to see what happens if you do," she coos, her voice dripping with menace.

Vorn, Ira, and Krag all have abilities.

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