
Astraeus Galen

In a world where magic intertwines with the fabric of reality, a young boy named Astraeus Galen Starfield is reborn. Once an orphan on Earth, Astraeus, carrying the wisdom of his past life and the innocence of his new form, embarks on a journey of self-discovery. With a heart filled with gratitude to the deity who granted him rebirth, he resolves to live life to its fullest. Despite his tender age, he possesses an unyielding spirit and a thirst for knowledge that leads him to explore magic and the way of the sword. As he grows, Astraeus grapples with the limitations of his young body, yet his determination never wavers. He practices swordplay with a stick, yearning for the day he can wield a true blade. His innate talent for self-casting magic reveals itself, setting him apart from his peers and marking him as someone special. Haunted by the loss of his parents in his past life and driven by the love for his new mother, Astraeus vows to protect his family at all costs. Even if it means facing an army of thousands, he will not back down. His journey is one of growth, learning, and the pursuit of strength—not just for survival, but to protect what matters most.

Weak_Genius · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Six years have passed since I first grasped the hilt of a sword, the basic stance of swordsmanship now second nature to me. At the ripe age of eight, a new hunger stirs within—a yearning for the arcane, a desire to weave the threads of magic. With determined steps, I traverse the familiar corridors, seeking the architect of my being, my mentor, my mother.

"Astraeus walking," I murmur to myself, a mantra to steady my resolve.

"Mother, can you teach me how to use magic?" I ask, my voice a mix of hope and reverence.

Her eyes, a mirror to my soul, regard me with a blend of curiosity and affection. "Why this sudden interest, my child?"

"Len Oum," I begin, the name a solemn vow, "I wish to grow stronger, and become the most powerful.

"And what drives this desire for strength?" she probes, her wisdom seeking the heart of my intent.

"It's you, Mother. I wish to protect you," I confess, the words carrying the weight of my earnestness.

A smile, gentle and proud, graces her lips. "How thoughtful of you. Very well, I shall guide you through the mystic arts."

Joy, unbridled and pure, courses through me. "Oh, yes! Finally!" I exclaim, my spirit soaring with anticipation.

 my dear, let's start with the basics of magic Just like when you were little and I taught you how to tie your shoes, I'll guide you step by step. Remember, patience and practice are key.

Find Your Source of Magic: Just as you need food for energy, you need a source for your magic. It could be from the elements, like the sun or the earth, or something within you, like your willpower or emotions Learn the Basic magic: Start with something simple, like lighting a stick with a flick of your finger. Focus on the stick and channel your energy towards it, just like when you concentrate on a problem know your stats 

 statistics, are like your body's measurements. They tell you how strong, quick, or smart you are. In a fantasy world, these might include:

Strength: How much you can lift or how hard you can hit.Agility: How quick and nimble you are.Intelligence: How well you understand magic and strategy.Stamina: How long you can fight or work without getting tired. Luck: Luck is a bit like flipping a coin and always getting heads. It's that little extra something that makes good things happen to you, like finding a coin on the street or dodging an arrow just in time. Wisdom  is like the old, wise tree in our backyard. It has seen many seasons come and go and has grown strong and sturdy through them all. Wisdom is more than just knowing facts; it's about understanding life's deeper truths and using that knowledge to make thoughtful decisions. It's the insight that guides heroes on their quests and helps them choose the right path when they stand at a crossroads. vitality is like the spark of life that dances within you. It's your energy and health, the force that keeps you running and playing all day. In fantasy adventures, vitality is what keeps warriors battling against dark forces and mages casting spells to protect their friends. It's the inner strength that allows characters to endure long journeys and recover from battle

Charisma: This is similar to charm, but it's more about leadership. It's the way you inspire and lead others, like when you help your friends work together to build a fort.

Resistance: Resistance is your body's strength against magic, like wearing a warm coat on a cold day. It helps you shake off spells that would make others fall ill or feel weak.

Mana Capacity: Think of mana as your energy to do magic. Mana capacity is like having a big battery; the more you have, the more spells you can cast before needing to rest.

. Magic Affinity:, your affinity is the type of magic that you're naturally drawn to and good at. It could be fire, water, earth, air, or something more mysterious. It's like having a natural talent or preference.

Magic Skill: Magic skill are like skills can be anything from potion-making to spell-casting. 

Unique Skill: A unique skill is very special—, a unique skill is a rare ability that only you have. It could be something like being able to talk to animals or making plants grow instantly.

Now, leveling up is like celebrating a birthday. Each time you level up, you get better at everything you do. You might become stronger, faster, or more skilled with magic.

To see your stats, imagine you have a magical mirror that shows not just your reflection but also numbers floating around you, displaying your stats. In a game, you'd usually press a button to bring up a menu where you can see all your stats listed.

And how do you level up? Well, think of it like doing your chores or homework. When you complete tasks, help people, or win battles, you earn experience points, or XP. When you get enough XP, you level up! It's like getting a gold star that makes you better at everything. and that my child is all i know thank you mom. The next day, just as I had planned, I ventured into the woods. Day after day, I trained relentlessly, honing my skills in the magic arts. With time and perseverance, I finally unlocked the secrets of magic. My affinity lay in time magic dark magic fire magic . Now, I could summon a fireball with but a single word, a testament to my focus and dedication to fire magic. I felt it was time to test my magic in a true battle. With resolve steeling my heart, I delved into the deepest parts of the woods, hoping to chance upon a monster. Fortune favored me—or perhaps it was fate—for I stumbled upon a band of eight goblins, their eyes glinting with malice. Surrounded, with no path of escape, I stood my ground. The air crackled with tension as I whispered fire ball of flames materialized in my palm, growing larger and more intense with each syllable. The goblins charged, their crude weapons raised high. With a final word, I unleashed the fireball. It roared through the air, a comet of destruction. The explosion engulfed the goblins, their shrieks piercing the forest's silence. Yet, their numbers were too great, and soon I found myself overwhelmed, dodging and weaving through a storm of blades. I was tiring, my breaths coming in ragged gasps. A goblin's blade grazed my side, and I knew I was close to death. But I refused to yield. Drawing upon the last vestiges of my strength, I prepared for one final skill, ready to burn bright and fierce, even if it meant burning out. "I said stop a skill enables the caster to halt the flow of time for a target or area, effectively freezing everything within that space

I hate resorting to this skill; every time I wield it, I'm left unconscious until the fiery onslaught concludes. Yet, it's the only way I can vanquish the goblins that threaten me. After the battle, as darkness claims me, I know in my heart I'm not yet strong enough. More training awaits. Desiring a sword but l have the money to buy , I ponder my next move. The village may offer work, but the adventurer's guild is out of reach for a mere child like me. And asking Mother for money? No, that would mean a week without food for us. Resolved, I make my way to the blacksmith's, the sound of metal upon metal guiding me. **Knock! Knock!** "Come in," beckons the blacksmith. "What brings you here, young lad?" he inquires. "Um, I wish to know how much a sword costs..." The blacksmith, a tower of a man clad in soot-covered leathers, gestures to his wares. "As the local blacksmith, I craft swords of all kinds. Here's what I've got for sale: **Old Bronze Sword**: - **Price**: It's free, a gift for a budding warrior. **New Bronze Sword**: - **Price**: 23 bronze coins, a fine choice for those starting their journey. **Common Iron Swords**: - **Price**: 10 silver coins, reliable and true. **Steel Swords**: - **Price**: 50 silver coins, for those who face greater dangers. **Enchanted Swords**: - **Price**: 3 gold coins, imbued with magic for the bold. **Rare Silvered Swords**: - **Price**: 20 gold coins, for encounters with the supernatural. Prices vary based on materials, the market, and magical properties. If you've got a special request, I might forge something unique for you—for the right price, of course! What'll it be then?" "Um, may I have the free one? That's all I want," I muster the courage to ask. "Are you sure?" he eyes me with a mix of concern and respect. "Yes, sir," I reply firmly. "Here's the sword. If you ever have enough money to buy a good sword, feel free to visit here anytime." "Okay, I will," I promise, After my visit to the blacksmith, I head home, the weight of the old bronze sword in my hand a comforting presence. "Mom, I'm home," I call out as I step through the door. "Welcome back, sweetheart," Mom greets me with a smile. Her eyes fall on the sword at my side. "Where did you get that? I don't remember giving you money to buy a sword." "Oh, a blacksmith gave it to me," I explain quickly. "He said it has no use to him because it's kind of old." "Really?" She looks at me, a mix of surprise and curiosity in her gaze. "Well, come on now, it's time for dinner." The meal passes in a blur, and soon I find myself drifting to sleep, dreams of future battles flickering behind my closed eyelids. The next morning greets me with the promise of hard work. I rise early, eager to begin. Sword training comes first—practicing swings, stances, and thrusts, the metal singing through the air. Then, it's off to the woods, where the magic awaits. Fire, dark, and time magic—I cycle through the spells, pushing my limits. This is my daily routine: sword and magic, honed to perfection. Each day, I grow stronger, more adept. One day, I'll be ready for whatever challenges come my way. As I ventured deeper into the woods, the tranquil whispers of nature were abruptly shattered by a desperate cry for help. My heart pounding, I followed the sound, pushing through the underbrush until I stumbled upon a scene of chaos. There, in a small clearing, was a girl, ambushed by a pack of High Wolves. I had only heard tales of these formidable creatures from my mother. High Wolves are a class of powerful and often intelligent wolves, possessing unique abilities far beyond those of ordinary wolves. They might be larger, have magical powers, or even be capable of speech and higher thought processes. High Wolves could serve as noble companions or wise guides, but now, they were fierce adversaries. Gasp! I had never witnessed them in person. What should I do? If I attacked them head-on, I would surely meet my end. In a moment of desperation, I whispered the word, "Stop." Time magic surged, and the wolves froze like statues. "Quickly, come with me!" I urged the girl. We ran as far as our legs would carry us until, at last, my strength gave way, and darkness took me. When I awoke, I found myself in a state of confusion, my head resting gently on the lap of a beautiful girl. She looked down at me with eyes filled with gratitude and said, "Thank you for saving me. May I ask your name?" "Oh, sorry for being rude. My name is Solana Nightless," she introduced herself with a soft smile. "What a beautiful name," I murmured, still dazed. "Ah, my name is Astraeus Galen Starfield, but you can just call me Len. Nice to meet you." "May I ask... can you be my friend?" I inquired hesitantly. "Of course, you can just call me Lana," she replied warmly.

"Okay, Lana," I said with a newfound sense of camaraderie, "let's head to my place. I'd like you to meet my mother." Lana nodded in agreement, and together we made our way home.

As we entered, I called out, "Mom, I'm home!" In a flurry of excitement, my mother rushed in, her eyes quickly taking in Lana's presence. "Is that your girlfriend?" she asked with a teasing glint in her eye.

"No, Mom, she's just a friend," I replied, a hint of red coloring my cheeks.

"What? My little baby has a friend now?" Mom exclaimed, her voice a mixture of surprise and delight, which only served to embarrass me further.

Changing the subject, I turned to Lana. "By the way, where do you live?"

"Oh, I live on the left side of town," Lana responded casually.

"The left side? Near the blacksmith's place?" I asked, surprised by the coincidence.

"Yes, that's right," she confirmed.

As the sky darkened outside, my mother interjected, "Lana, it's night now, and it's dangerous for kids to be out alone. Why not stay here for the night?"

"Are you sure, ma'am?" Lana asked, a polite note of hesitation in her voice.

"Of course, you're Len's friend after all," Mom insisted warmly.

With arrangements settled, we prepared for bed. I made myself comfortable on the floor, insisting Lana take my bed. As morning light filtered through the curtains, Lana prepared to leave for her house.

"See you later, Lana," I said, waving goodbye.

"I will see you," she replied with a smile, and with that, she was off.

Level: 17

Race: human

Age: 8

Strength: 48

Agility: 87

Vitality: 58

Intelligence: 94

Wisdom: 97

Charisma: 86

Magic Power: 67

Magic Control: 34

Skill: stop: fire ball:

 Affinity: time magic. dark magic. fire magic.

Magic item: ???

Resistance: time stop magic

Luck: 28

Stamina: 183

Mana capacity: 753