

She was a happy person.... Then she met him and he filled her life with cupcakes and rainbows then infiltrated her heart which she gave him.. .

She loved him and he loved her....They had their own little world..

Then without any word he left breaking her heart into a million pieces. He never cared does love mean nothing to him or does she mean nothing.

It took a while to get over him but she finally was starting to change again finding herself between the mess he made.

Until one day....

When another person came into her life with all means to occupy hus place....

She met him once on a sunny day talked first on a rainy day and after that it rained till new year.

He thinks that he is the ruler of the world and can rule anyone's hearts until mine which was gripped by a vine.

Want her by all means neither force or words can't stop him.

He helps her get over him because he wanted her to only think of him. He warned her ex to stay away did everything in power to be the only person in her eyes. But can he be?

She started talking to him.... Thinking that they could at least try to be friends if they don't hit it off. But forgot that from the beginning he stated that he wanted her.

How wrong was she to think that they could at least be friends when they were not meant to be how wrong was she to trust him how wrong was she to believe him.

Can't correct your mistakes but can dwell on them.

He unknowingly started changing her to his taste and she unknowingly started to change. It started small but changed her life completely.

Now she was tired of his overbearing and possessive nature.

She tried her best to talk him out of it but he refused. He said by hook or crook he has to marry her just due to a stupid superstition.

She reasoned but he gave her a blind eye. She begged he refused. She blackmailed he did not give fuck.

She is stuck...

Unknowingly in this journey she lost her true self bit by bit..

From a bright cheerful girl who could climb mountains and swim miles she changed into a lost puppy who is scared of every feeling inside her heart who is scared of every coming day who is scared of disappointing her parents and friends who is scared of facing herself.

Did she deserve this?

One whom she gave her heart broke into a million pieces and never turned back..

Until the second one arrived then he remembered that there was a girl he once loved then he said he could fix a burn with a band aid..

Hypocrisy right?

She turned him down but he became her little support.

Was my heart exchanged for this?

Her first love ended here.

The second one wanted her heart and soul without giving anything in return.

Can she continue to live like this?

They say people can live without water and food but can't live without hope.

She started writing thinking she would tell her story but unknowingly found her way out. Every word she wrote was the answer to her question.

There was always someone who pushed her.

When she cried that person cajoled. When she stopped that person pushed.

Now all she wants to do is win.

Would she be able to write her own history?