
Asteria: Dead Island

A dungeons and dragons adventure in the lands of Asteria.

Bryce_Meyer · Fantasy
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9 Chs

A warm heart gone cold

"Hello?" The group shouted instantly noticing the knight standing before them.

The knight didn't reply.

The group slowly approached the knight, magic forming in there hands ready to attack at any given moment.

When the group got within 5 feet the knight moved, slowly taking off its helm so that the group could see who they where facing.

April screamed almost puking at the sight.

"ddddamien" stuttered Anna in shock, the guys to stunned to say anything.

Half of Damiens face had been burnt off, a glass sphere replaced his eye shining with a red hue.

The group was in shock and awe, In front of Damien a Dark shadow started forming slowly turning into the dark haired man Damien knew all too fondly.

(the shadow starts laughing maniacally)

"Do you guys like my little pet?"

Simon instantly got angry, who the fuck are you!?! Ezekiel had to hold him back.

Sloth looks towards Damien and said "Bring there body's to me, preferably alive I love watching them scream."

A table and chair appear out of nowhere and sloth sits down waving at Damien to start.

Damien shot towards the group, swinging his sword at Simon, April jumped in front of him blocking the strike.

Ezekiel stood in the back slowly forming a massive cloud, Damien instantly noticed and stopped attacking April.

Damein sprinted towards Ezekiel football slamming him to the ground.

(Damien starts chanting in an unknown language)

The air rippled then


A massive explosion of black smoke enveloped the group.

"GUYS! Stick together" yelled Simon grabbing Anna's hand.

(Damien started chanting again)

This time the group felt off

Then nothing

The smoke cleared revealing the groups tree house back in oaklahoma.

Everybody gasped, Simon turned around he didn't see Ezekiel. "Guys where's Ezekiel?" Simon questioned the girls looking at him with blank expressions. Who's Ezekiel? they responded.

(outside of Endless night)

Sloth starts clapping seeing the group of kids on the ground , Damiens in a meditative position controlling the spell called Endless Night.

The spell puts the target to sleep and allows the caster to create, controll and manipulate dreams.

"From now own your name will be dream" Sloth stated branding it onto his spine.

(inside Anna's dream)

The walls where covered in mirrors and it felt like she had been trapped here for ages. Anna started to cry.

Damiens face popped up in one of the mirrors shouting " boooooooo" Anna screamed jumping back in terror. Damiens hand shot towards her trying to grab her throat.

Blinding light shot out from Anna and a golden bubble surrounded her pushing Damien back slightly shattering the ancient magic that imprisoned them.

Damien dived into a mirror running away.

(On the outside of Endless night)

Cleo stood towering over sloth and Damien wrapping her body around Anna protecting her.

Sloth wasn't scared for he had a couple of his own beasts that could go toe to toe with her.

He didn't approach knowing all to well how dangerous she was.

"My oh my how interesting things have become who knew a divine protector would be on my rotting shores, and a juvenile one at best."

Sloth sat down watching how the events would unfold, plotting his next move.