
Asteria's Travels

Follow Asteria as she gets reincarnated into her long-time favorite video game world and goes on adventures. This novel is based on Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2, I do not own anything and this is purely fan-fic. Not everything will go as the original game was though for those who do take note of that.

Vooples · Fantasy
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New Beginning

Feeling the vision start to get dark. I could barely see my family gathered around my hospital bed to see me off with tears one last time. but all I can feel at this point is a great sense of release from all my struggles.

How odd that I finally pass away from terminal stage cancer right on my 18th birthday.

On my left are both my parents, my mother seems to be holding my hand, but I can't really feel her touch anymore. But it's alright now. Everything always hurt too much before. I also feel like it's ok for me to rest now.

Finally closing my eyes for the last time. I could feel no regrets at this point. I fought everything I could with the time I had left and it's finally my break.

After closing my eyes, I could feel myself drifting off to who knows where. like the vast universe is calling. Is this heaven? I can't seem to see or hear anything but I can tell I'm moving...

I can't really tell how long I've been drifting. Has it only been minutes of years already? I feel confused trying to understand my situation.

After an undetermined amount of time, I can feel myself settle down and stop moving, after which heavy fatigue takes me over and I can feel myself drift off to sleep.


feeling a light breeze of air drift across my face. I lightly stir from my sleep and look at the ceiling which clearly doesn't belong to a hospital, nor any modern home. It seems to be a very rustic style of house shabbily put together like an old wood cabin. Sunlight streams in from the window and a few of the gaps between the planks of wood that make up the wall, fully displaying all the dust fragments floating in the air in an almost mesmerizing way.

Looking to the right. I can see what I was laying on was actually hay with a light blanket acting as a sheet. despite that... Right now it feels very comfortable... Or is that from not being sick? Am I even still sick? Where am I in the first place?

Looking past the bed, I get a clear view of the entire room. It's not very big. There is a small desk under a wooden window with what looks like the leftovers of a candle that melted long ago.

Under the desk appears to be a log stump that would act as a chair for those looking to use said desk.

On the wall directly opposite the desk seems to be an old fireplace with a large stack of firewood that lines up along the wall, all the way to the foot of the bed I'm currently in. Is it saved for winter I guess? Above the fireplace seems to be a few iron bars, where you'd possibly use for a cooking pot. The cooking pot seems to be placed upside down near the head of the bed, Maybe to act as a little bedside table when not being used I'd guess. On the opposite wall to the bed is the door that is lightly swaying in the refreshing summer breeze.

Beside the door hung up on the wall are a few tools that seemed to be for many purposes, an axe, a saw, a farming hoe, a small Sickle, and a few more. A rather large knife is also laying on the desk near the burnt candle.


Sitting up, I marvel at the amount of comfort I'm in right now. when you go for the majority of your life dealing with sickness you get used to pain. and most people take the comforts of a normal body for granted. Health is always the most important.

Looking down at my body, I was wearing a simple white cotton shirt with a pair of brown pants that seem quite poorly made, Is it burlap? well, that's not too important. lightly pulling my shirt up I can see the most beautiful set of abs, My skin feels smooth too.

My breasts also seem much bigger than before as I was too weak and sickly before. Like a twig swaying in the wind. This body seems to be quite strong it seems.

lowering my shirt again, I could feel the supple muscles in my body, ready to spring like a lioness ready to hunt her prey anytime I need.

Slowly standing. I could feel myself in full control of myself, I could feel tears sliding down my cheek... and started crying in my overly emotional state. Do I really not need to be sick anymore? I can finally walk on my own too!


After what was probably an hour of crying tears of joy, I finally come back to myself and make sure nobody is still here. Sure enough... Just myself it seems.

Grabbing the big knife on the desk I make my way to the door and give it a little push and take my first steps outside..... It was simply beautiful.

With trees big enough to have 3 men wrap their arms around and probably still not be enough. A beautiful forest surrounded a little clearing where the cabin I was sleeping in resides. To the west of the cabin looks to be old ruins made of stone bricks. There seemed to be carvings on them, but time made them unrecognizable now.

On the southern side of the clearing, I could see a beautiful little stream heading from the east and curving to the south. In the eastern direction following the stream, I could see a cliff with a small waterfall. and southwards seems to continue downwards into the forest.

Although the forest is big and the trees are equally as big. they leave enough gaps in the branches to make beautiful streams of light hitting the ground every few feet. Making the land look very picturesque.

Looking back around the house. I could see mostly flowers... and a small field that was probably once used for herbs or crops. Most of the flowers are pinkish-red except for a small few with other colors. It seems to be a Red Iris flower.


Looking up at the sky. the sun was almost directly above me, showering me with warm rays of summer heat, but it's not too hot at all. It's very comforting.

Despite knowing this was my first time being here. It has an eerily familiar vibe in the back of my head.

Walking to the little stream. I get myself a good angle without the risk of blinding myself from the sun's reflection and get a look at my reflection.


I couldn't help yelling out involuntarily with shock at the biggest discovery so far. I'm very familiar with this face. Maybe way too familiar, I did create it after all. This was my game character's body.


Many years ago now. A company called Arenacraft created a game called Guild Wars, followed by Guild Wars 2 about 9 or 10 years after the first one's released. Both have gotten quite old by now but it was my first big online game, and I stuck with it for a long time. through thick and thin. In the first Guild Wars, the max level was only 20, and in Guild Wars 2 it shot up to level 80. But through the various additions to the game. It eventually hit 100 which was quite the challenge. You could also have up to 14 classes in the game which stacked your level. Ultimately getting to level 1400 if you were to achieve such an amazing thing, following that and a few other very strict requirements you'd finally manage to achieve the title, God Amongst Mere Mortals title. truly showing how much hard work you've put into the game.

Since I was sick and stuck in the hospital every day. I just so happened to be one of those few players who happened to get max level on all the classes and crafting professions.

I was also blessed with very rich parents... and when you add that into my die-hard fan behavior. I purchased everything in the online shops, All the new clothing and anything I could purchase with money basically.

The only reason nobody said anything or got upset was because of my condition. Who'd want to ruin the only good thing a girl had left?


Looking at my reflection in the water, It finally makes sense why I'm so healthy... If this is my game character's body. Wouldn't I be considered a God or at least at the level of a Demi-God?

"Status" I called out. I had too, Who hasn't seen at least a few Isekai novels nowadays and behold.

<Name: Asteria Ravenheart

<Gender: Female <Level: 1400

<Warrior: 100/MAX <Ranger: 100/MAX <Guardian: 100/MAX

<Monk: 100/MAX <Necromancer: 100/MAX <Revenant: 100/MAX

<Mesmer: 100/MAX <Elementalist: 100/MAX <Engineer: 100/MAX

<Assassin: 100/MAX <Ritualist: 100/MAX <Thief: 100/MAX

<Paragon: 100/MAX <Dervish: 100/MAX


<Weaponsmithing: 500/MAX <Armorsmithing: 500/MAX

<Leatherworker: 500/MAX <Huntsman: 500/MAX

<Articifer: 500/MAX <Jeweler: 500/MAX

<Tailor: 500/MAX <Scribe: 500/MAX

<Chef: 500/MAX

Non-Class skills_____________________________________

<Item Box: Unlimited/MAX <Identify

<Familiar: Shadow Raven/Corvina


It looked all too familiar except for a few minor details. In the game, I had to equip bags to carry items. but now I have the legendary Item Box with unlimited capacity? and the game never had an Identify skill either.

Opening the Item Box. I could see all the items I had in the game from all my character's bags and bank account. Gold included!

Closing all the open tabs. I sit down in the grass and release a heavy breath. It's a bit much to take in all at once. I certainly won't complain though.

Thinking about all the implications. my first thought goes towards one of my warrior healing skills, Healing Signet that constantly regenerates my health. Although not a lot and game characters don't age anyway... But this is real life now... With a skill like that, Will I even age? It's best not to think about things like that for now.

Now I just need to know where I am.

Looking through my skills, The last one looks to be the most useful in this situation. But this is real life now. Is it safe?

After pondering for a short bit I put two fingers in my mouth and let out a piercing whistle into the sky to see if anything responds.

A moment after I can feel a subtle heat coming from my back, followed by a black cloud pouring out of my back and settling up on my left shoulder before finally semi-solidifying into the shape of a raven with four burning red eyes.

Despite the creature looking like something you'd see coming out of the gates of hell, I could feel the love coming from her eyes as she looks into mine... I don't think she'll peck my eyes out, I hope?

"Hi girl, Think you could help me out? I'm not sure where we are right now."

She gently nudged her beak against the side of my face, Does that mean yes?

It was only a moment later she shot up into the sky and I was having a mild panic attack. You see I can share the vision for one pair of her eyes. She has 2 pairs after all.

To the southeast, I can see a small castle with either a long bridge or maybe its water aqueduct for a reservoir. To the west, I can barely make out a small village or maybe a town? To the north, I can see a city. attached to a giant wall that seems to go for miles and miles from east to west. But that answers my question.

I'm in the Kingdom of Ascalon and judging by the state of the wall and the surrounding nature, I'd make a guess that I've arrived before The Searing. One of the great events of this world. But how long before have I arrived here?

Tell me your thoughts. For those who wish to poke some jabs at some things that are different, It's a Fan Fic and I'm just having fun.

Vooplescreators' thoughts