
Move the Continents and bring forth Day and Night

Even though the seas and land were quiet, the land remained patchy and scattered, while the seas covered 70% of the world. The planet also had no rotation, and simply remained tidally locked to the star. More primal forces would be necessary to fix it. Sadalla decided that it was a bad idea to just try to create more land, to he instead chose to drag it with beings of immense power. His next primal force, a giant of strength, the Titan.

<Primal Lifeform created: Unnamed Titan>

Zygarde took an active role this time. Sadalla willed his avatar to direct the titan to bring the scattered landmasses together. The titan accepted its duties, and created three helpers to accomplish the task. These giants were golems made of rock, iron, and ice. Sadalla granted them life, creating three unnamed golems. 

Sadalla let time pass. Nearly three million years passed, and the titan had accomplished his task. Nearly all of the scattered masses had been turned into four primary continents of America, Afro-Eurasia, Antarctica, and Australia, with several larger and smaller islands scattered erratically in the same way as Earth had been. For the titan's efforts, Sadalla granted it rest. A magnificent temple to its power where it and its golems could rest for as long as they liked.

The pulling of the continents had also fulfilled a special intent. The heavy continents floated upon an even heavier liquid mantle layer. Moving them created ripples with the mantle. With a nudge to the Behemoth from Sadalla, these ripples became larger, and created true currents, which slowly reached the outer core, and eventually started rotating the inner core as well. Geothermal activity began, and the first hints of natural life appeared in the ocean. Most life in this stage would go extinct immediately, as it may lack any number of things necessary to survive, but it would eventually create functional life. 

With the planet's rotation started, Sadalla began managing it more closely. He settled it around 20 degrees from true north, as he wanted to create a moon that would divert the rotation slightly, in the same way as Earth's moon Luna did. Sadalla began to work on that too. He chose the two animals most associated with light and darkness, a prideful Lion and a cautious Bat. While he had not named any of the other primal forces, he chose to name these two after his home. The lion was Solgaleo, and the Bat was Lunala. 

Solgaleo and Lunala were born with a special connection. Unlike the elementals, golems, or dragons, these were based on regular animals with limited lifespan. Sadalla made them able to breed with each other at two locations, the Lake of the Moon and the Lake of the Sun, in a region that he had made similar to Hawaii on Earth. They were meant to be isolated from as many other beings as possible, so that they would be able to breed in peace every time their life cycles drew to a close.

Solgaleo and Zygarde shared power from the star with Lunala, and slowly a ball of pure rock began to form in the sky. It rotated slowly, yet perfectly in tune with the planet. The young world enjoyed its first true day and night cycle as the moon grew to its full size.