
A boy who accepted reality.

Somewhere in the sea of Japan, there was the island of aste Rico. It was the only peaceful island in the world that wasn't involved in an endless war. And on this island lived an eight year old boy by the name of Ginro. Before reaching the island, the boy lost his parents, after which, during the usual shootout for people, the soldiers found Ginro half-dead and lying near the burned-out house. They saved him and gave him to an orphanage located near the sea of Japan. However, after learning that he has a sister. Without thinking twice, they ferried the two of them to the island. So the boy ended up on the island.

-How is he a doctor?" Is everything okay? Will he live? Are you sure you're a doctor?" How many people have you cured? Can you guarantee its safety? the terrified teacher continued to bombard the school doctor with questions.

-You have nothing to be afraid of. Nothing happened to him, and nothing will happen. After all, he is healthy as an ox.- the doctor replied, trying to push the annoying teacher away from him.

As the doctor said, Ginro's life is not in danger. After all, he wasn't particularly injured. Except that now his pelvis hurts from the sharp contact with the corner of the Desk. But even with the pain, and lying on the bed right now. It also shows no emotion. He just keeps looking at the blue sky through the window. Yes, the sky that should be completely polluted. On this island, you can see it crystal clear, not even the smoke from the stoves. The cool afternoon breeze continues to lift the kites up. Children run happily through the streets. Elderly people communicate with each other sitting in a rocking chair. Farmers harvest and fatten their livestock. Looking at all the happy faces, one gets the feeling that there was no war at all. And that it was all just a dream. However, no matter how good it is here, the fact that now the war can not be canceled.

-But I'm still worried about you, Ginro. That's why, as your homeroom teacher, I'm letting you go home. Get a good rest and come to school tomorrow."Oh," said the teacher, calming down a little.


-As always silent. Come on, go home. I'll let your sister know you're leaving.


*And left again in silence. I would say at least for decency "goodbye", what an impudent child he is*- the teacher thought, looking at Ginro's departure.

-Aren't you spoiling him too much?".. Miss Elizabeth?- the doctor asked, sorting through the medications.

-You can tell me, too." I don't spoil him at all, I just do what's best for him. This boy has already lost a lot. Home, parents, favorite pet, and even memories of your own sister. Yes, and this is the only thing I can do for a child who knows the whole reality. Elizabeth replied, sitting down on the cot.

-That's right. The boy clearly had a hard time. But there's nothing we can do except keep an eye on him. And let him choose how to live. We have no right to interfere with his future life.

-Your truth.

Whether their words were just guesses, or not. Even they didn't know it. However, the fact that Ginro could not perceive the world in the same way as children of his age was true. Even just walking down the street, he didn't think about anything fun. And he couldn't have any fun. Knowing that there is a war going on right now. He simply didn't want to admit that he was stranded on this island where there was no hint of war. Each time, he remembers the faces of the soldiers who saved him and fed him, even though they were starving themselves. He remembered them, and despised them more and more. He was getting more and more angry just remembering the day they found him... On the way home, Ginro looked around. Again, looking at the children who continue to laugh merrily, looking at the workers who work tirelessly, looking at the Pets playing with each other, Ginro is increasingly wondering "why am I here, and why haven't I died yet?". The psychological trauma of a great loss makes itself felt.

-I heard the fishermen caught another body today." Apparently, he was the girl's father when he was alive. Which was caught the day before yesterday.- with great enthusiasm, the owner of one store of goods told, and his listener was clearly a regular customer, or a close friend of this seller.

-Really? This is the ninth one in a week! And how they manage it.

-Yes, Yes! I mean the same thing. The war is probably still going on, since the corpses are still floating from the main island. But it means that we... -


After not listening to the seller's gossip, Ginro continued on his way. The corpses he found didn't interest him in the least, so he just kept walking. And the number of captured corpses is often only growing. So it doesn't surprise anyone... When he reached the house, Ginro silently went inside and closed the door behind him. The house where he and his sister lived was relatively small. But it had two floors, on the first floor there was a living room and a kitchen. On the second floor there were two bedrooms and a bathroom. The warming was independent. Therefore, a fireplace was placed in the living room of each house. This was Ginro's new home.

-Are you back yet?" Your teacher called me, and she said you were lying on the floor in class. Is everything okay? a pleasant female voice came from the kitchen.


-Still silent? Look, if you keep doing this, you'll soon turn into a fish.


Without saying anything, Ginro went to his room. After changing into casual clothes, he lay down under the blanket. Ginro continued to lie in the dark until he fell asleep. Late in the afternoon, his sister woke him up and called him to dinner. Sitting at the table, sister Ginro as always overdid it with beer and passed out, while managing to say a lot of all sorts of information that Ginro did not listen to. Once again covering his sister with the blanket, he went to his room to sleep. Usually in the evening after dinner, children prefer to play something. But it didn't make sense to Ginro, so he went to bed. When he woke up in the morning and had Breakfast, he went back to school on the familiar route. On the way to school, he looked around again, but nothing caught his attention. He just watched everything he could. It was the same as always. Even on the way to school, Ginro couldn't show emotion. After all, knowing the reality, he can not live in a false world consisting of emotions.