
Assistant Hero

Death was always close to me, and death only proved to be the beginning as I awakened to a reality far more sinister than the one I left behind. Assigned the title of the 'Assistant Hero', my destiny is bound to a chosen savior, a hero who does not have knowledge of my existence. My purpose? To serve the selfless role of helping him from the shadows while he's oblivious to my existence. I must aid them from the shadows, ensuring their success while remaining hidden, for revealing my existence would make me a target, just like the hero. ***** Disclaimer: Disclaimer: This novel contains depictions of various views, beliefs, and ideologies that are solely for fictional and narrative purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the personal views, beliefs, or opinions of the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real events, persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The author's intent is purely to create a work of fiction and not to endorse or promote any particular viewpoint or belief. ***** Created a Ko-fi account: Any dono is appreciated: ko-fi.com/perseus_silver

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 19: 3 Years (2)

Perseus POV

Three years?! That's a load of bull!

I clenched my fists, my nails digging into my palms as I fought to contain the torrent of emotions threatening to consume me. The sheer audacity of this stupid empire to exploit us for generations and then have the gall to punish us for daring to fight for our freedom.

They've been killing and torturing us for generations, and now all of a sudden...we're condemned to three more years of servitude, to be shackled and chained like some common criminal.

"Your Majesty, I offer to purchase these prisoners and have them serve me in my private manor." Cedric volunteered.

The king's expression darkened visibly, his eyes narrowing in barely contained fury at the audacity of the suggestion. Yet, despite his anger, he made no move to stop the boy.

There was a palpable tension in the air as the king weighed his options, his gaze flickering between Cedric and the prisoners standing before him. It was clear that he was displeased by the turn of events, yet he seemed unwilling, or perhaps unable, to intervene.

"I refuse!" I exclaimed loudly

Cedric turned to me, a perplexed expression crossing his features.

"Why?" he asked, genuine curiosity evident in his tone as I met his gaze squarely.

"I'd rather not stay anywhere near this royal palace," I replied, "And I have no desire to serve any of the nobility who have taken advantage of my people for generations."

"How dare this brat?!" the white-robed mage shouted, "We gave you mercy and you spat back at our fac-"

"Stand down, Ashford." the king ordered, "We did give them a choice, and since he decided to reject mercy, so be it, it just proves that we were right about...them."

There was no guarantee that staying with the prince would keep me safe. We'd be tracked at all times, and there was always the looming threat of assassination attempts. Hero or not, he's like 7, he isn't that strong yet, and so it's too dangerous.

While the prospect of servitude was far from ideal, being sold to a possibly weaker buyer presented an opportunity for escape. 


3rd Person POV

As everyone was being moved away, King Aldric sat upon his throne, his expression a mask of composure. Internally, however, his thoughts were a mixture of disappointment and anger.

His gaze drifted to his son, Cedric, who accompanied his new servants, Despite Cedric's aspirations and his possibility of being a hero, Aldric knew that his son had much to learn about the burdens of leadership and the sacrifices required to maintain order within the kingdom and the world.

If he spares criminals like these slaves, the world may never be saved, they betrayed the world once, and there's no stopping them from doing it again.

As the king contemplated the fate of the slaves before him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of disdain for their actions. In his eyes, their revolt was not only unnecessary but also a reckless display of defiance against the crown, against him.

Even as he sentenced the slaves to three more years of servitude, he considered it a lenient punishment compared to the severity of their crimes.

Cedric will need to learn how to make tough decisions, he will need to be properly nurtured if he will be tasked to save the world, so the king thought about severing his son's connections to those slaves.

"We'll start with the stupid one." the king thought aloud


Perseus POV

[Quest complete]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[New quest available]

[Quest: Make sure the hero receives the sacred weapon.]

"I understand your reluctance, but I implore you to reconsider," Prince Cedric asked as I was being led away from the others, "I can assure you that you will be treated with the utmost respect and kindness under my care."

"I appreciate the offer, but I refuse."

Frankly, I understood why no one else objected and why the others tried to make me reconsider, but...I can't get strong within his manor or whatever, they'll be putting tabs on me and it won't be pleasant.

If I get any stronger, I'll be killed for sure this time, I got lucky that there were brave people who were willing to sacrifice themselves for me, but...I can't always rely on luck.

"Good luck on your journey, I'm sure we'll meet each other again." he said and held his hand out, but pulled it back awkwardly once he realized both my hands were entirely restrained.

"Thank you, I'm sure you'll have a bright future in front of you, milord."


I was the only one to be sold to the public, but even then, I was supposedly not that wanted, not by nobles, and not even by commoners, so I heard them saying that they'll take me to sell in the town of the forgotten.

I was locked into this cramped iron cell on a horse-drawn carriage, and as it moved, I felt the metal bars pressing against me as my stomach growled with hunger, and my throat felt dry from not having any water.

Cedric apparently did give me some food and water, but the guards ate it for themselves while laughing about them having food cooked by a royal chef for the first time and how it was wasted on me.

At least my hands and feet are free, earlier, I got these hand-restrained mitts or whatever, but I still can't escape, the mages placed me in this specialized custom-made cage. It's strong and neutralized any magic that I tried to cast or conjure up.

As I saw the Town of the Forgotten from a distance, I could tell that it was no paradise. There was an air of sadness that surrounded it.

As we got inside, it only proved my point, there was even no security on the outside, no checkpoint or anything whatsoever.

The crumbling buildings bear the scars of neglect and abandonment. Windows were boarded up, doors barely hanging on by rusty hinges, and...the bewildered looks of everyone as they saw me.

I love air.

PerseusSilvercreators' thoughts