
Assassins of The Forsaken

Given up when only an Infant Vincent Hopper was raised by his Uncle a man who was apart of organization known as The Brotherhood of Infernos as they fear and respected Assassins who order has been around a long time. Vincent became a member right away on the day he was brought to them beginning to learn at a young age taking on their harsh training without mercy that even only a few have been able to survive through it. After years of learning all that he has learned and surviving the harsh training Vincent became the ultimate killer and was sent out to the world to do whatever orders he received from The Brotherhood of Infernos on his journey.

mattfuncool · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 4: First Assassination request

4 years pass as Vincent has now 16 as he stands before the 4 Masters of the Order. This was the day for those to become a full member to the Brotherhood and Vincent was ready to take that step to become one of them.

"Today you stand before us Vincent in becoming apart of The Brother of infernos." one of the Masters spoke while those already members and those who are not yet members were listening.

"Are you ready to walk down this path that lay before you lose your humanity and become the weapon of nightmares to walk this world."

"Yes I am ready to walk down this past with no reget."

"Then take this uniform of our and wear it to show that you're one of us." someone who was already a member walk up to him holding the Uniform.

Vincent took off his clothes becoming completely naked in front of everyone then he grab the Uniform putting it on.

Once the Uniform was on another master spoke.

"Now that you're one of us, you must never turn your back to the order no matter what do you understand. We are family now and should never turn your back on family."

Vincent got down on one knee bowing his head to the masters.

"I understand. I Vincent swear completely loyalty to The Brotherhood of Infernos."

"Good to hear, now go stand among your brother and sister." one of the masters order him as he has done what he was told to do standing with the other while watching those who were like him becoming full members too.

After it was all over, everyone want on with their business while Vincent was getting ready to leave the order now that he a full member and will also be receiving Assassination request as well.

Before he could began leaving, he was stopped by his Uncle.

"I am proud that you're one of us now nephew." Noah said while holding something in his hand.

"I am happy to know that you're Uncle maybe one day I can become a Master like you."

"Truth be told, I didn't expect to become one, I was surprise they chose me to replace one of them that pass away and not only that it seems there still more for me to learn given I have been apart of this order a long time."

Vincent was interested in learning more about being a master of The Brotherhood of Infernos, but something caught his attention and was the paper in his uncle's hand.

"I see you notices the paper in my hand here, how about you take a guess what it could be."

"Could this be a Assassination request." Noah then show Vincent a big smile as it seems he got it right.

"Correct nephew, I thought it would be nice of me to give you this as a gift to you."

"I am honored uncle." Vincent received the paper, but there something more Noah wanted to give him and that was information about his parents.

"Nephew listen closely as I have something important that I am going to tell you."

"What could that be uncle." Vincent start to wonder what it could be that important for him to know.

"It about your parents, I believe it is time for you to know about them."

Vincent was shock that he was about to learn about his parents, he always wanted to know, but gave up about it sometime ago, so Noah began to talk about them.

"Your father name is Dean and your mother Sedaina." hearing those two name made Vincent began to have questions popping up in his head that he wanted to ask his uncle right away, but he allows his uncle to go on talking.

"Dean your father was a Knight who served a king who was killed and lose his kingdom, so your father had no choice, but to escape barely alive and that when your mother come in. she save your father's life from death, I don't know much about her as she from a warrior tribe don't know what happened to them as she live alone."

While Vincent was listening to his uncle not saying a word.

"Not long the two of them fall in love having 2 twin boys you and your brother Sebastian."

"I have a brother!." this surprises Vincent.

"Yes you do, now let me finish."

"Sorry uncle keep going." Noah kept on talking.

"Sadly your father didn't have the chance to keep on living as him and your mother was attacked by creatures known as werewolves. One of them killed your father and your mother was the only to live after the battle. Not long your father was buried and soon I found where your mother lives paying respect to your dead father and taking you away from your mother."

Noah then finish what he had to say Vincent and walk pass him before he had the chance to ask the man any questions, but the man stopped for a moment to say one more thing something.

"I know, you have a lot of questions you wish to ask me, but your going to have to wait until we meet again."

That was all that Noah had to say to his nephew leaving him to have many questions that needed answers, but Vincent dear no go after his uncle thinking it best to wait until then see each other again.

Vincent left the The Brother of Infernos with his first Assassination request. He read it seeing that the request was made by a man who wants his brother killed who a king that rule the kingdom Slomore seem this guy wants to be king.

This took him a few good days to reach Slomore, but nonetheless he made it without taking any stops, the only thing stopping him from entering the kingdom was two guards posted outside to guard the front entrance.

They stop him from because he was looking suspicious to them and those guys have a job to do making sure nothing that can be a threat to their home enters.

"Sorry, but your going to stop for a sec there stranger, what business do you have in our kingdom." one of those guards stand in Vincent way and ask him.

Vincent can tell these two men don't know the order he belongs to and that good make it easy for him to do his job.

"Oh I am just a simple travel passing by might even have the chance to look around in your lovely kingdom."

Vincent pass some money into the guard hand while saying this, the guard notices the gift that was being given and accepted with a wicked smile.

"I see then welcome to our kingdom, I hope you have a lovely time at your stay here." the man said while putting the money away in his packages before his partner can see.

Seem Vincent was right to bible this guard as it could be it he not getting paid enough or just a greedy person.

"Thank you sir." Vincent then walk pass that man entering inside while the other guard look to his friend for expiration.

Inside Slomore Vincent wasted no time, he seeks out a tavern and he found one within time.

The Molten Plate the place was called and Vincent walk inside, once inside, he got a few looks from the people, but pay not mind and made way to a man who seemed to be the owner of this place.

"Hello stranger what would you be having." The owner ask.

"What I want is information on your king or anything that may be used to me."

"Information on my king, I am sorry stranger, but I am not your man to be asking for such a thing."

Vincent then throw some money in front of the man and it was a lot to chance this man mind.

"Shit alright look, I am just a simple tavern owner here not much to tell, but I do know from the men who serve the king coming here from time to time getting drunk talk about their king royal guard. The man's name is Markward Traub, he a married man with a little girl, but he not a faithful one at that as he like to spend a little of his money on some whores whenever Markward had the free time."

"I see this is helpful to me." Vincent then turn his back to the owner leaving his tavern without another word.

The day became night as Vincent was standing on top of a random building looking for his target and soon he spotted Markward walking along the street of Slomore with a women hands around one of his arms.

He can see the two making their way to dark alleyway where no one can see them or what they will be doing together in that alley.

Vincent makes his way to that alley seeing the man was getting his cock suck by the whore and she notices him as she quickly stop blowing the royal gaurd Markward.

"Hey! What the hell you think you doing bitch, I paid good money ..." Markward was cut off with his face being smashed against a wall knocking him out cold.

"You done your job well here your money." Vincent show the money that was for her as she reaches for it, but something unexpected happen as her throat was cut clean open.

Shock and surpier the whore look at Vincent before falling face down to the cold ground. Not showing any emotion to what he has done, so he grabbed the royal guard Markward leaving with him to somewhere between the two can be alone.

Well here another chapter for you all to read and enjoy.

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