
Assassins Academy

Riku is thrown into a world of aspiring assassins and must survive through the daily life of a student at Assassins Academy. Follow him as he climbs to try and become the worlds greatest assassin.

Brightshadow · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
49 Chs


Yujiro at work was still receiving praise and felt at peace while his seniors signed his documents for his paid time off.

Yujiro was packing up his belongings and he hummed happily as he filled his box.

"Boss there's a gift here for you, it says from your wife"

A co-worker of Yujiro stuck his head through his office door to let him know.

"Oh? Give it here"

The package was bright red having the shape of a heart.

It appeared to have chocolate inside…

as Yujirio opened it he was petrified.

There was a human heart inside.

Beside the heart were pictures of his wife's body riddled with lacerations and wounds. The final object within the box was his wife's wedding ring still attached to her finger.

Yujirio was mortified, he covered his mouth trying to force back down the residents of his stomach that tried to escape.

Before he could muster rage or grief, his phone rang..

[I see you're enjoying our gift?]

"You little fuckers!"

Yujiro screamed at the phone trying to control himself as he looked through the blinds of his office.

[Now, now. I would advise you to calm down, after all, we do have a child in our presence.]


Yujiro's eyes held tears on the verge of overflowing but he clenched his fist and bit his tongue.

he inhaled attempting to hold his composer.

"Son, I'll come to get you soon. You guys just tell me what you want."

While speaking, Yujiro was slowly gaining back his composure.

He started to put on his ballistic vest, loaded his pistol, tucked another pistol in his waist closer to his back, and affixed a mini dagger in his socks, while packing in a few grenades from the station's arsenal into his personal suitcase and then finally adorned his flowing brown jacket.

[Now you listen here.

Come to the docks, the same place you robbed us of over a billion dollars.

And maybe you will get to see this brat alive one more time!

And I don't think I need to tell you to leave your entourage behind. ]


Yujiro held in his rage, held his composer, and left his police precinct. His face held an expression as though death was encompassing him mentally as he left. He wished his coworkers a pleasant day working his utmost to hide his face.


While the wind was still picking up at the docks Yujiro exhaled deeply as he exited his car.

Holding only his personal suitcase, he shrugged his jacket firmly over his body and finally stepped off to the precise place he had done his grand bust.

This ports' harbor consisted mainly of large Intermodal containers used for storage, export or recently imported products on a large scale. These containers were often stacked onto each other creating a shallow maze, however where Yujiro was now standing was a small open ground within the shallow maze of cargo containers.

Yujiro stood still with his nine millimeter pistol showing slightly through his large brown jacket.

Finally sliding out from behind a red cargo container was the culprit who had taken his family.

His view had emerged only after Haru was shown covered in bruises.

Haru's eyes that were once beady and bright with a brown shimmer were now swollen with purple swelling to compliment.

The instant his half vision eyes made contact with his father Haru lost control, his tears that before had felt all cried out had resurfaced like a river whose damn had just been devastated.


The quiver and anguish in his voice echoed on the metallic cargo crates.

Fully emerged from behind the cargo container was a man wearing a white mask contradicting his deep black suite that was closely fitted.

In his hand was a pocket knife, held firmly to Haru's jugular vein. His white smooth mask was carved in such a way that his mouth could easily be seen and his speech could flow unmuffled.

"Now listen! If you-"

Before allowing the masked individual to utter another syllable Yujiro's glock bullet made a tunnel through the masked man's skull.

Yuhiro dashed forward to catch Haru before the man even fell to the ground. He had no intent to stop moving, he tucked Haru's head deep in his shoulder as he ran.

Yujiro glimpsed behind only to see a group of armed masked men on the top of the containers encircling the open area he was just at. The well dressed gang all fired in unison at Yujiro's back as he dashed off deeper into the harbor.

Yujiro heard the bullets roaring behind him but managed to slip behind a cargo container. He held his son tighter and took a deep breath; despite the gun fire all around his son was still alive he was a few degrees calmer.

The gang members after ceasing their gun fire walked over to where they had seen Yujiro disappear to.

The gang members upon seeing a small green egg shaped object roll out from behind the container their eyes opened wide.

The four gang members leading had no time to react, they saw only a white flash as they were blasted several feet away.

The remaining five gang members looked traumatized as they saw their brothers' faces melted firmly into the white mask that they wore.

The parts of their faces that were not covered by their white mask was reduced to the white creamy bone with dangling ligaments holding small chunks of facial flesh.

These five remaining gang members, now scared, sent the youngest among themselves to scout the unknown corner Yujiro had disappeared behind.

The young lad with gun trembling and sweat flowing behind his white mask creped around the corner cautiously only to find it clear. He turned around to call the other members behind him only to see another green egg drop amongst them.

They looked up in harmony to glance at their reaper, before any of them could react the bright light had taken over their vision.

The final gang member around the corner was frozen. He only moved after a dismembered arm had slapped him in the face. Before he could get back to reality completely Yujiro had already plastered his heart on the container behind him with three shots.

"Boss no one is responding"

[It's just one man! send in everyone and make sure he is alive when I get there!]

The voice over the phone was heavy and overpowering leaving the masked man to gnash his teeth before shouting through his ear piece.

[Everyone move in now!]

Men in neatly fitted black suits and white masks cocked their rifles as they flowed into the port from all sides.

The sound of gunfire rang through the port making it sound like a middle eastern war zone gaining some freedom.

It had already been ten minutes. Yujiro's back was against another container.

He was severely beaten up, hardly standing, his shoulder bleeding profusely, his jacket was riddled with bullet holes and based on the blood stains he had had more than his fair number of grazes and close calls.

Looking further out taking a bird's eye view of the port one could see a trail of dead bodies. Severed body parts and explosive scares on the route leading up to Yujiro.

He took a deep breath, and dragged his body with each step. The gun he was carrying with him originally had long since run out of ammunition. The weapon he was using now was actually an AK-47 Rifle he had taken off a corpse.

Yujiro ran into more armored thugs as he leaned against the container leaving a streak of blood while walking. Yujiro without hesitation planted two rounds in each of the men until his rifle was empty.

Behind him he heard two more men running. Without any choice Yujiro gritted his teeth and threw the rifle at the men behind him. Before they could recover, Yujiro had simultaneously jumped for a gun off one of the men he had just killed.

Yujiro jumped but before he could even reach the ground he was shot straight threw by the thugs behind him.-

Yujiro awoke to his face being swollen, hardly able to see, while still bleeding from his shoulder and now through his abdomen.

He looked like hell and felt like hell.

Despite this he was happy. He had already hid his son and diverted enough attention to himself. He was at peace knowing his son was safe.

With his hands and feet tied and all his weapons taken Yujiro was powerless. He could only observe as a fat man decked out in a full white suit walked up to him. He grinned as he got closer to Yujiro.

"Mr Sato, how nice to meet you.

It is just a shame that it is on your last day that we meet.

I am Grengy Hanzo, but everyone calls me boss."

Yujiro spat blood on Grengy before allowing him to utter more words.

-"You cunt!"

Yujiro already knew of Grengy. He had been investigating him for a few years now but never had any solid leads on him.

But he was well aware of the murder, robbery and rapes that this man had masterminded.

"Fine, behave badly if you wish.

But first look at what our cargo sensors picked up, stowing away in our containers.."

A henchman came running with a young boy in hand. The boy was screaming and kicking, putting up his futile fists.

"Just like his father isn't he?"

Grengy asked, rubbing the boy's cheek with a long deep black dagger.


Yujiro screamed at the top of his lungs trying to cause verbal trauma.

"Leave him alone?

Silly Yujiro, this brat is the reason you're still alive!"

Grengy swung his fist while still holding a knife at Yujiro. The Knife left another deep wound on Yujiro's already swollen face.

"You're just alive so you can watch as I steal your children just like you stole over a billion dollars from me.."