
Assassination Kingdom

Follow Rokuza a sixteen year old boy and his friends as they find out the truth about the nation of Hoiteron and its corrupt kingdoms and how they plan to eradicate the corruption.

Squidslayer23 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

First Meeting

District 1, otherwise known as the Foract district, is home to merchants, farmers, and of course knights. Knights are the military force for the Hoiteron kingdom and during this time of year the annual knighting tournament takes place to select 4 new recruits. Entering the tournament is a young man aspiring to be a knight. His name is Rokuza Korizaguya, a sixteen year old with the ability of super speed and trained in the art of the sword. That person also happens to be me.

It's been my dream to become a high ranking knight since I was a kid. My father is currently at the highest rank of Amber and a member of the Jade Knights, the elite personal guard of the king. My goal is to stand and fight side by side with my father, but in order to accomplish that dream I have to take the most difficult challenge for a knight candidate, The Knighting Exam. I know it will be difficult, but in order to realize my dream I must make it into a reality.

As I made my way towards the arena I saw a group of people gathered in the middle of town, I decided to get a closer look, to my surprise there was a lone man, with black hair wearing a blue shirt with black pants and strapped to his back was a weapon I've never seen, being yelled at by a knight of the lowest class, Onyx.

" Watch where you are going, peasant," announced the knight.

In response the man apologized and started to walk away, as soon as he turned the knight rushed after the man with his hand on the hilt of his sword. He drew and was on the verger of his swing when I activated my ability accelerating my speed ,to get between the knight and man with black hair, blocking his swing with my sword. The man, looking surprise, stumbled back and made a face of pure rage accusing me of illegally using my power saying, " You just broke the law. The use of abilities is forbidden within the city." I replied, "True but you also were breaking the law attacking this man without reason Knight."

"Fine but count yourselves lucky."

The knight made the smart choice and sheathed his sword and walked away leaving me with the man with the black hair. I walked over to him and introduced myself, "I am Rokuza Korizaguya, nice to meet you", and the man with the black hair nodded and shook my hand. As our hands met I felt a tingling sensation go through my body. We started walking towards the colosseum for the knight exam. On the way to the colosseum The black haired man said nothing so I decided to ask him some questions. " So what is your name?" He actually answered, which surprised me. "It's Josento." "Are you also taking the knight exam?"Josento just nodded without a word.

The rest of the way to the colosseum we were both quiet, until we stood in front of the massive stone construction. I have never seen anything like it before, the outside walls were chiseled with patterns and the walls were smoothed out instead of being rough. We soon noticed lines in front of booths near the colosseum entrance , where hundreds of contestants were registering to take part in the tournament. We joined the line on the Northwest side of the colosseum and waited until we stood in front of a wooden booth with the word "Registry" carved into the top wooden bar. As I filled out my registry form I filled in the line where my parents name went and the registries consultant started making a scene about how my father was the captain of the jade knights.I told her,"No need to make such a fuss over a kid like me, after all I am only an unranked knight."

I felt the eyes of all of the contenders on my back like someone had put a target on it. Josento had been staring at me for a few minutes when I finally noticed. I asked, "Is there something on my face?"

He answered with,"Nothing, just the look in your eyes had a strange darkness to them."

I said," Some things are better left in the dark, rather than bringing them to the light."

Strange, I thought he admired his father, thought Josento. He thought it best to leave it alone. We then parted ways to head to our waiting areas to prepare for the tournament.