
Assassination Kingdom

Follow Rokuza a sixteen year old boy and his friends as they find out the truth about the nation of Hoiteron and its corrupt kingdoms and how they plan to eradicate the corruption.

Squidslayer23 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Day of Rest

After arriving at the barracks we all went into the lounge. I asked Fumiko, "Are you doing any better?".

Fumiko answered, "I'm almost fully recovered. I stopped overheating and now I'm just sore.".

Takino said, "I can't believe you guys took down that giant skeleton.".

Yukiko excitedly said, "I know right. I don't think I would've done any damage to it.".

"We had our hands full with the other monster. We took out around fifty undead." ,Mina said assuredly.

Arrion said, "The behemoth barely took any damage from our attacks. We have Emelia and Fumiko to thank for finally putting it down.".

Josento chimed in, "It was surprisingly smart. It threw its scythe at my lightning and stopped it mid attack.".

I asked all of them, "We have the day off. What's everyone's plans for the day?".

All of them looked deep in thought until Helga chimed in and asked, "Can we look around the city?".

I answered, "Of course. Let me go change clothes and then we can go. Does anyone else want to join us?".

Emelia was the only one to volunteer and everyone else went to their rooms. While leaving the academy Helga was asking questions about the various rooms and the training grounds. I wonder what her ability is considering she didn't know her parents. Leaving the academy we made our way to the market. Helga asked, "How do you remember where things are in a place this big?".

Emelia answered, "It takes a while but Rokuza was raised in the capital.".

I said, "All you have to do is walk the streets almost everyday and eventually you start mapping it out in your head.".

Helga looked like she was drawing a mental map inside of her mind. I looked around for a clothes stall and Helga started looking around furiously. I asked her, "Are you okay?".

She answered, "I'm okay but why is everyone talking so loud?".

I looked at Emelia and she nodded. I picked Helga up and handed Emelia some gold saying, "Buy her some clothes and meet back at the barracks.".

Hurrying back to the barracks I gathered everyone back into the lounge. I said, "Helga might have telepathy and a very advanced version of that. She could hear everyone at the market at the same time. The market is pretty loud but I want to check.".

I sat in front of her and I told Josento to wait outside the room. I thought to myself, "Helga, can you hear me?".

She said, "I can but why isn't your mouth moving?".

I asked another question, "What is Joesnto thinking?".

She answered, "He's thinking about the fight last night and trying to come up with a new way to launch his attack faster.".

I went outside the room to confirm. Josento was shocked. Before we went back into the room Emelia arrived with some clothes. We all walked back in together and Emelia handed Helga her clothes. Helga looked puzzled and asked, "Why can't you tell Rokuza how you feel?".

Emelia turned bright red and looked like she was about to cry before she ran out of the room. Mina looked shocked but went after her. I left the barracks to find Saikeya. Noticing him leave the cafeteria I caught up to him saying, "Saikeya, we have a problem.".

He turned around extremely fast and said, "Did we get discovered?".

I said, "No but the girl we rescued from the town has a telepathy ability that is extremely powerful.".

I explained the situation to him and he had a smug look when I mentioned Emelia. He said, "Besides your troubles with women I might have a friend who can help. I'll send a message as soon as possible.".

I nodded and made my way back to check on Emelia and Mina. Everyone but Mina and Emelia were outside the building. I told them, "Take Helga into town. I'll try to sort this out.".

Walking through the door I could feel an overwhelming pressure coming from the lounge. I entered slowly and noticed them staring daggers at each other. Mina noticed me and commanded me to sit next to her. She said, "Now, why can't you tell Rokuza here how you feel?".

She was bright red and her eyes were puffy and she answered, "I don't want to cause problems between us but I like Rokuza.".

Mina said, "You can try to take him but I don't think you will be able to.".

Her words stunned me. Emelia said, "Just watch me.".

Emelia left the room and Mina sat there staring daggers at me now. I asked, "Mina, why are you looking at me like that?".

She answered, "You seduced Emelia. You need to stop being so nice to other girls.".

I said confused, "I didn't seduce her. She is an important member of our team and what's wrong with being nice to the other girls?".

She answered angrily, "You might make more of the squad fall for you.".

She got up and left the room leaving me there more confused than before. I left the barracks and met the rest of the squad at the entrance to the academy. I asked them, "Did I do anything wrong? Mina said I seduced Emelia.".

Arrion and Josento just looked away. Fumiko and Takino drug me into the cafeteria. Fumiko started, "Rokuza, I know you don't realize this but girls like Mina, Yukiko, and Emelia like nice guys. Being nice to them and praising them might make them fall for you. Yukiko will probably fall the moment you do something nice for her so to keep things from getting even more complicated try not to be nice to her.".

Takino said, "I know it's in your nature to be kind to everyone but try being a little cold like Arrion and Josento.".

I said, "Thank you for your advice. I'll try.".

Leaving the cafeteria I noticed Yukiko waiting outside the door. Trying to be cold I ignored her and she started following me. Still ignoring her I heard her yelp. Turning to see what happened she had tripped. Without thinking I offered my hand saying, "Are you alright?".

Her face turned bright red and she grabbed my hand saying, "Thank you.".

After helping her to her feet I made my way to the barracks for the night.