
Assassination Kingdom

Follow Rokuza a sixteen year old boy and his friends as they find out the truth about the nation of Hoiteron and its corrupt kingdoms and how they plan to eradicate the corruption.

Squidslayer23 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Academy Enrollment

Waking the morning after the celebration I only had an hour until the appointed time. Walking straight out of the inn I started toward the academy. Reaching the entrance I noticed Arrion waiting out front. Moving up to him I called out to him, "Hey Arrion! Why are you just standing out here?".

"Rokuza. I didn't know if we were supposed to go in yet or not", he answered.

I threw my arm around his neck and drug him inside looking for someone who looked important. I spotted Gerard Rosewood in the courtyard talking to Mina and Josento. Making my way over a random knight stopped in front of us.

"Do you have permission to enter the academy grounds?", he asked.

I answered, "We do actually. Arrion and I were two of the knights who passed the exam.".

He nodded and escorted us to Gerard. Joining up with the others we exchanged greetings. Gerard said, "Now that everyone is here let us head toward the office so we can get your uniforms.".

Following Gerard through the grounds he pointed out the training grounds, cafeteria, and the classrooms. Arriving at the office Gerard went inside and came back out with four uniforms with notes on them. The uniforms were all black with ruby lining and armbands showing our rank. The notes stated each person's room and time schedules for everyday routines. Gerard announced, "Now I will show you to your barracks. Rokuza you will be the captain of your barrack and these three will be in your barrack along with four others.".

Gerard stopped in front of a two story building and gestured inside. Pointing towards the first room on the right he said, "This is your room Rokuza. The rest of you will be staying on the second floor the other four have claimed the rest of the first floor. You can decide what rooms are yours in your own time. Combat training begins in two hours and don't be late.".

Leaving us on our own we each went to our respective rooms and changed into our uniforms. After changing I knocked on all the doors on the first floor and told them to gather in the lobby. About ten minutes later four girls entered the lobby and lined up. I introduced myself, "My name is Rokuza Korizaguya, my ability is super speed and from today forth I am the captain of this barrack. I am a ruby knight along with the other three that are upstairs. Introduce yourselves left to right.".

The first girl stepped up, "I am Takino Horizumi. My ability is invisibility and I'm an onyx knight.".

Then the second stepped forward, "My name is Yukiko Usagin. My ability allows me to shapeshift and I'm an onyx knight.".

The third slide forward, "Fumiko Parham. My ability lets me control fire and I'm a ruby knight.".

Finally the fourth, "My name is Emilia Stone. My ability is telekinesis and I'm a ruby knight.".

Recording their names to memory I sent them back to do whatever they do before training starts. Walking upstairs I told the other three to go introduce themselves and get acquainted before training. I rested for an hour before heading to the training grounds. Arriving early I looked around at the weapon stands and dummies for practice. I noticed a wooden sword that had the middle of the blade missing so it looked like a tuning fork. Picking it up it felt like it was meant for me. Might have to commission a real sword in this style.

Taking the sword I moved towards the training dummy and did a couple practice swings. A hand touched my shoulder and I turned to see Gerard standing there. I must have zoned out because everyone was already lined up waiting for Gerard to start his lesson. Lining up next to my squad I waited for the lesson to start. Gerard stood in front of us and started, "If you don't know me my name is Gerard Rosewood. Now we will start with the new knight demonstrating their abilities. Rokuza if you don't mind.".

Stepping forward I gestured toward Arrion. Stepping up Arrion opened his coat and froze the air around him and formed his armor and sword. Next I pointed to Maximina. Stepping up she just slammed her fist into the ground and made a crater. Finally I gestured Josento forward. He formed a giant lance of lightning and launched it into the sky making a lightning bolt shoot back down. Then I stepped up and started running in a circle forming a small tornado on the field. Arrion froze it soon after to keep from damaging any buildings.

After showing our abilities Gerard dismissed the class. Moving along from the training grounds I went back to the barracks to read the rest of the note I was given. I have to come up with a name for the squad tomorrow. After that I rested for the rest of the day trying to think of a name.