
Assassination Couple

Alia_Rodriguez · Sci-fi
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36 Chs

Chapter 11

He left..

But he'll be back.

As he was leaving, his back was facing us. I looked away from him and look at Vilea who is smirking at me. She looks creepy when she smirks so much.

"It happened, didn't it?" She said smiling widely. What happened? What is she talking about? I made a confused and she just laughed at me. "You don't need to hide it, you just need to say it"

"I don't know what you're talking about. Tell me what you're talking about so I wouldn't be so confused" and she just chuckled. She took a sip on her milkshake and looked at me again.

"You guys did it, didn't you?" She said in a serious tone. I'm still as confused as ever and she asked me to lean over. "You're not a virgin anymore, aren't you?" She whispered and I shushed her.

"We're at a public place! This isn't a place to talk about those things!" I said. Leaning back to my seat.

"Oh so you did do it" She said as she smirked and laughed at my face.

"No we didn't!!" I unexpectedly shouted. Then as I realized I shouted I covered my mouth immediately and I bow my head realizing how embarassing that was.

"Okay, Let's be serious already" She said. "Mr. Bryche told me to take you to the agency, he said he needs to talk to you about your mission with the overseas worker"

"Great" I said sarcastically "I hope the overseas worker is a woman"

"Mostly, overseas workers are men, especially agents of Blue Dogs Company"

"It would be good if I get lucky to have a female partner"

"Let's discuss more of it at home" She said as I looked amazed on her empty glass. "That's fast"

"I guess I'm just hungry, I'll probably eat at home, wanna eat with me?" She asked and I responded with a nod.

As we arrived in her house, her dog came in to greet her and her husband, Altair, is lying on the couch watching TV. the place is a mess, dirty plates, leftover food, and the DVDs are everywhere. As he saw her, he got up and started to pretend and clean up.

"What. Is. This." Vilea said in a serious tone with her arms crossed. I guess Altair is afraid of Vilea so much.

"Uhhh food and movies?" He asked as he looks like he's trembling. "Wanna watch with me?" He smiled as he held one of the DVDs.

"Clean up your mess and after you finish, get to your room. We need to talk about your cleanliness and orderliness of your things" She told him.

"Then can you give me a kiss?"

"Nope. Not until you finish cleaning, you are not getting those" then he started slacking off again. I think he wouldn't really work before he gets what he want. "Ugh fine"

They walked towards each other and she gave him a kiss and Altair starts cleaning, happily. He notices me. "Oh hey Anette" We waved at each other "Nice dress" I forgot the dress I'm wearing was quite catchy. "Thank you"

"Finish your work already" She told him then she turned to me "Sorry. He just tends to be like this every time he's on his day off" She told me. And I responded with a chuckle before we fixed everything we needed before we go to the agency. She told me to not change my clothes anymore since we will be back again soon but I told her that people might get suspicious. But she insisted and when she insists on something you can never EVER take it down.

We arrived at the agency and as we entered, we were greeted by Mr. Bryche. "Good morning champs, how are you doing today?"

"We're doing fine, just shocked that you suddenly called us so urgently" Vilea explained. Uh huh real urgent huh?

"I apologize for that matter. Especially you Anette, I heard of your meeting with your boyfriend yesterday and sorry for calling you in so early" He said as we walk to his office. He even knew about my date?

"It's alright sir. He also has things to do. And how did you know about my date yesterday?" I asked, confused. We entered My. Bryche's office and I closed the door.

"I have my own ways. Anyway, the overseas agent just arrived a little while ago, we talked about meeting you the other day that's why I just told Vilea, because I couldn't reach you."

"I'm sorry sir, it will never happen again" I apologized as he offered us to sit down.

"Now.." He said "Would you like to meet the overseas worker?"