
Assassin Travelling Worlds

R-18 ? Yes it is there. Axel Murphy is a normal looking guy who has a very simple and normal life. He is a college student whom no one ever wanted to be in their group. So all of his life was loner. And since he is an orphan there was also no one in his family. And in all of his life he was tormented and bullied by others until one day when fate brought the mysterious and powerful Assassin System into his life. This system is about to change the entire life of Axel in a way he has never imagined his life would take such a drastic turn.

Pritam_Mohapatra · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

The Assassin

[Assassin System Booting Up]

[Boot Up Successful]

[New Host Detected]

[Assassin System Coming Online]

[You have chosen the Assassin System]

[You are now the Host of Assassin System]

[Are you ready to be an assassin ?]


[YES] [NO]






[YES] [NO]

While lying completely bloodied in that secluded and isolated alleyway, he heard that certain mechanical voice in his head and some interface like video games which he has only seen in the computers at his school appearing right in front of his eyes.

"What are these things ? Can this thing actually save me ? Can I get another chance to live ? Can I get my revenge on those who have wronged me ?"

These thoughts invaded the mind of Axel in that dying state of his and that time only one screen appeared in front of his eyes asking him, "ARE YOU READY"

"All my life upto this point I have been devoid of any happiness and hope. Till now I have been wronged and lived a life of misery. I have been humiliated. No one ever tried to save me nor anyone even tried to talked to me. For no reason everyone in this world just hated me. And if there is a chance for me to get a new life to change everything that has been qromg in my life then I will not let this chance slip away from my hands."

The dying Axel got filled with his determination of revenge and make things right for his own life in those last moments of his life.

And then once again while his eyes were up looking at the endless sky, a screen appeared in front of his eyes and the text on the screen were,


[YES] [NO]

Axel: "YES."

After receiving the input from Axel, a new screen appeared in front of his eyes.

[Input accepted]

[Binding System With The Host]

[Binding Successful]

[Initiating Healing Process For The Host]

[Injecting High Level Medicine Into The Blood Cell Of The Host]

Soon the mysterious system began to heal all the wounds of Axel be it the wounds inflicted on his body or the wounds inflicted internally.

Not only this but the blood which stained the body of Axel also got cleaned from his body and the blood which was lost also got regenerated.

Axel lying on the ground just watched the virtual screen in front of his eyes which showed his vitals and recovery status.

Within fifteen minutes Axel got healed completely with no marks, scars or wounds left on his body.

[The healing of The Host is successful.]

[The Host is perfectly fine.]

[The Host has met with all the conditions of The System to undergo Physical Metamorphosis.]

With the appearance of this new notification, Axel automatically stood up on the ground as if someone has made him up and he is not up all by himself.

After standing up on the ground, a green energy light engulfed the entire body of Axel which temporarily blinded him as well.

And when Axel opened his eyes he saw that he is floating in the air of a vast unrecognizable space with nothing in that space.

And then Axel looked at himself and found out that there is not a single thread of dress in on his body and he is completely naked.

Then a new notification appeared in front of his eyes...

[The Host is ready for undergoing physical metamorphosis.]

Axel: "What physical metamorphosis ? And where the fuck I am ?"

[Answering The Host. The Host is currently in the special healing space of The System. And here The Host will undergo the physical metamorphosis to get ready to become an assassin.]

More than the understanding of the answer, confusion aroused in the mind of Axel but since he has chosen this path all by his own accords to walk down so he immediately kept all that confusion aside.

[Showing the current vitals of The Host before physical metamorphosis]

[Name - Axel Murphy]

[Age - 16 years]

[Occupation - None]

[Skills - Household chores and cooking]

[Physical Metamorphosis will begin in T-3 seconds...]

[3... 2... 1...]

[Physical Metamorphosis of The Host has been initiated]

[Engulfing the body of The Host in Deep Levels]

Soon Axel's body got engulfed within green energy ball and inside the ball Axel's eyes turned completely green and soon green colored lights began to enter into the body of Axel.

Soon those green lights reached at the deep DNA and blood cell level of Axel's body and began to change all of his blood cells.

The green light at first increased the number of blood cells inside Axel's body and after that the green light traveled towards the bones and organs of Axel.

The green light began to turn the bones and limbs of Axel grow in size from it's current size which Axel felt extremely painful as his bones and organs are being prematurely growing in size.

This kind of excruciating pain which Axel is feeling is not something which everyone have seen or handled because he is going through the physical change which usually every human being faces at the correct time.

But now he is being subjected to premature adulthood and physical changes.

"Aaaahhhh... aaarreggghhhh..." At first Axel felt extreme pain but then he began to feel that his pain is going away and this became possible because of the green light which acted like a very strong painkiller for Axel and this green light also put Axel in a deep slumber for the time being till the process is not completed.

Soon the internal changes of Axel took effect as the facial and physical structure of Axel began to change.

His entire body which was that of a sixteen years old boy turned into the body of an adult who is in his twenties.

His feeble and average type body has now turned into the body of fully grown man with good height and weight and along with that he has also gained some muscles and his dick has also increased in it's size.

[The process of Physical Metamorphosis is successful]

[Waking Up The Host from the slumber]

Soon the green light that covered Axel's body wore down in an instance and with that movements began to happen within Axel's body showing the sign of his waking.

Soon Axel opened his eyes and found himself in that same vast and open space but then he looked at his limbs and body.

"What the hell is this ?" Seeing his body changed so drastically shocked Axel to his core as he found his limbs and body larger than before and he even found his dick grown in size from before.

Axel: "Hey you system tell me what have you done to me ?"

[Answering The Host. The Host has gone through the physical metamorphosis to become The Assassin.]

[The Host has become an adult now. This physical change was required to meet the criteria for becoming The Assassin.]

Axel: "So you want to say that you have made me an adult to become an assassin ?"

[Yes that's exactly correct Host]

[I am The Assassin System which you have awakened]

Axel: "How ?"

[The Host awakened the system by touching the gun to which the system is bound]

[Now I will proceed to make The Host the best and top Assassin in the entire multiverse]

Axel: "Wai---"

[Initiating Assassin Registration and Host Binding Process]

Before Axel could have said anything further, the system began the process of making Axel an assassin.

[Transferring the knowledge and theoretical skills of an assassin into the mind of The Host]

Axel: "Aaaaaaaaa...."

Soon a bright blue light entered into the mind of Axel which is containing all the skills and knowledge of an assassin but all of those knowledge and skills are being very difficult for Axel to comprehend altogether as he cried loudly in pain while holding his head.

[WARNING!!! Detecting high level of mental breakdown and pressure on the mind of The Host. Stopping the transfer for the time being]

[The simultaneous learning of knowledge and skills are being very difficult for The Host to comprehend]

[Applying mental safety protocol. Dividing the skills and knowledge into levels. Locking the levels for the time being]

[Once again Initiating the transferring of knowledge and skills of Beginner Level Assassin Class]

This time Axel felt his pain going away from his head and now he is comprehending all the beginner level knowledge and skills of assassin.

[Transfer of Beginner Level Assassin Class knowledge and skills are completed]

[Initiating stat power up of The Host]

[Strength, Durability, Agility, Reflexes are levelled up. Adding a new stat of The Host. Mental Enhancement has been added to the stats and is levelled up]

[Showing The New Stats of The Host]

[Name - Axel Murphy]

[New Alias Name - AM]

[Occupation - The Assassin]

[Class - Beginner]

[Strength - Level 10]

[Durability - Level 10]

[Agility - Level 10]

[Reflexes - Level 10]

[Mental Enhancement - Level 10]

[Initiating transfer of Beginner Skills]

[Skill Marksmanship has been added]

[Skill Stealth has been added]

[Skill Camouflage has been added]

[Skill Beginner Level Weapon Mastery has been added]

[The current skills of The Host has been added to the skillsets]

[The Host and The System has been bound together successful]

[Initiating The Registration of The Host into The Table Of Order]

[Registration Successful]

[Finding an handler for The Host]

[Handler found successfully]