
Assassin system: Rise of a nobody

Join discord server for novel discussion https://discord.com/invite/A8fVrq2d _______ Do you wish to change your destiny? If yes, take the pills." # # Alex, a 73-year-old man, was leading a miserable life in an era where old people were considered wretched. It all began when a new pharmaceutical company discovered a key to extending lifespan with a youthful elixir. However, the price of this elixir was so high that Alex, a former military man with no family or savings, could not afford it. His life became even more miserable as he was treated like trash by those around him. His miserable existence continued until one fateful night when he met his demise due to unforeseen circumstances. When he awakened, he found himself in another world, inhabiting the body of a young man named Li Wei. Just when he thought the surprises were over, a notification appeared: (DING! DING!! DING!! Assassin System detected a new host. Assassin System merging with the new host: 10...30...70...100. Assassin System completely merged with the new host.) Alert! Alert!! Alert!!! Threat detected within range. New mission unlocked: Defeat the enemy. Reward??? _…_…_…_…_… "People live and die, yet they live in fear of death. But I fear neither death nor God. I determine my own destiny, I am death, and I am your nightmare." _____________________________ Please note that all characters and locations mentioned in the books are purely fictitious and bear no resemblance to any real-life events or individuals. This statement serves to disclaim any association between the content of the books and reality.

B_DRAG · Eastern
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140 Chs

Chapter 33. Preparation.

Alex visibly startled, took in Chen Wei's words and instinctively glanced down at his attire.

A quick survey was all it took for him to comprehend the astonished look etched on Chen Wei's face and the implication behind his words.

Yesterday's battle had left his clothes in a sorry state, shredded and scorched in various places.

The sight of it was akin to a ragged attire one might associate with a wanderer or a madman.

The fabric was marred further with dried blood stains, painting a vivid picture of the violence he had been through.

"You might want to consider changing before we set off," Chen Wei suggested, his voice echoing in Alex's ears again.

Chen Wei's words resonated with Alex's thoughts. He recognized the need to change his attire before proceeding to the location of their upcoming mission.

His current appearance, ragged and blood-streaked, was not only unbecoming but also strategically flawed.

Being bait in an operation to lure out a Qi beast, it was hardly a wise decision to be adorned in blood-soaked clothes.

Nodding in agreement, Alex murmured, "I'll go change now." He pivoted on his heel, turning away to the opposite direction to where Wu Lina and the others were.

With every step, his pained body protested, but he continued to distance himself from the group, making his way towards solitude.

After a considerable walk, he had created ample distance between himself and the others, placing himself out of their line of sight.

His keen eyes scanned the surrounding terrain, vigilant for any signs of life. After a moment of careful scrutiny, he found himself truly alone.

Assured of his privacy, Alex did not hesitate to shed his tattered clothes, leaving himself exposed to the elements.

He unfastened the water bottle strapped around his waist, using the liquid to wash his face.

Ripping off a relatively clean piece from his discarded clothing, he dampened it with water and scrubbed his body, doing his best to cleanse the grime and dried blood.

The healing pill he had ingested was beginning to take effect, easing his pain and gradually mending his wounds. It was a slow process, but every bit of relief was welcomed.

Having done a rudimentary cleanse with the dampened cloth, Alex reached into another bag strapped to his waist. From it, he retrieved a fresh set of clothes - the uniform of the Cloud Moon Sect.

Without a moment's hesitation, he slipped into the clean attire.

His cleansing had been far from thorough, a hasty scrub with water-soaked fabric, but it was a significant improvement from his previous state.

Now donned in the sect uniform, Alex was ready to face the upcoming challenges, his appearance no longer that of a blood-soaked warrior, but a disciple of the Cloud Moon Sect, ready for the mission ahead.

Once the final touches of cleanliness were administered and a fresh garment adorned his figure, Alex turned on his heel, setting his path back to the place the others were gathered waiting for his return.

His footsteps were light, but firm, reflecting his determination and readiness for the task ahead.

The journey back was brief and it didn't take long for him to reach the other, they have sensed his approach even from a considerable distance.

As if drawn by an invisible magnet, their gazes collectively turned toward him as he neared.

"Seems you've completed your change of attire," Wu Lina noted, her tone devoid of emotion, merely stating a fact.

"Yes, I have," Alex responded, his voice as calm as a still pond. However, a ripple of impatience disturbed this tranquility as he added, "I am ready now. Let's proceed."

Instead of ushering them forward, Wu Lina steered the conversation towards the lingering issue. "Your injuries.."

Alex, however, didn't permit her to finish, interjecting with, "What about them?" His tone was a careful balance, a tightrope walk between respect and disrespect.

"Are your wounds fully healed? Any hindrance can jeopardize the mission's success," she questioned, her eyebrows arching slightly, while her gaze scrutinized him with the precision of a hawk.

Without a moment's delay, Alex retorted, "They've healed sufficiently for me to fulfill my role in the mission." Once again, his voice danced prudently on the edge of respect and disrespect.

Wu Lina held his gaze for a few moments longer before a simple flick of her wrist brought a white pill into existence.

The pill hadn't been there before, and yet, it appeared as if by magic. In reality, it was a demonstration of the capabilities of a spatial ring - a marvel of cultivation world.

A spatial ring was a cultivator's treasure, a miniature universe at their disposal.

All it required was a connection between the cultivator's Qi essence and the ring itself, and items stored within could be summoned at will, just as Wu Lina had demonstrated.

Yet, the true marvel of a spatial ring lay not in its ability to materialize objects, but in the vastness of the space within.

Depending on the ring's quality, it could house a small mountain of items, all without adding a feather's weight to the cultivator's burden.

Moreover, a spatial ring preserved the stored items in their original state, regardless of the time elapsed.

It served not as a mere storage device but a preserver of sorts, making it an invaluable asset for any cultivator, a reason why Alex yearned for one.

"Swallow this pill. It will aid in your recovery," Wu Lina instructed, her hand presenting the white healing pill.

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