
Assassin En Pointe

Denatonium (A.K.A Sam) is the worlds best assassin. At only seventeen her dangerous profession has taken her many places but for the first time ever she has the opportunity to attend a real high school. The only problem is she now must now uncover a new threat to the president as well as protect the president's twins, an almost impossible job, but add the CIA Junior division Alpha team consisting of Tayor, Christopher, Lexi and the overly narcissistic Damion Kamprillos, then it is a recipe for disaster. Fights will be fought, friends (and enemies) made. So sharpen you tongues and your brains because Sam doesn't know what the 'easy way' means.

MMIHermans · Teen
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9 Chs

02 | Not Gonna Happen!

"Hello, Uncle"

I look at the man behind me, the venom in my eyes and voice making him flinch. The other three look at me in shock, sometimes flicking their eyes to my uncle.


I glare at him and he shuts up, jaw smacking together with a resounding, Clack! My uncle, who is better known as the director of the CIA is here, in my school, after last time I am surprised he would even step foot in my territory. Though, I should not be surprised, he never was the brightest fish in the sea. Out of no where a hand lays itself on my shoulder, I turn to see that it belongs to Tayor. Does that girl have a death wish or something? I glare at her and she seems to realise what she was doing, she slowly takes her hand away and holds both of them up in surrender.

"Samantha, I..."

I whip my head back around to my uncle, my jaw clenched as are my hands. A few scenarios cross my mind, none of them pretty, so I make up my mind and stand up, motioning for them to follow me. When they don't move I glare at them until they do. I slowly thread my way through the great hall before walking out the main doors, up the stairs, to the fourth floor and down the hall to my bedroom door. Before I open it I turn back to the four people trailing me.

"Do not say anything, not a word, got it?"

They all nod their heads. I slowly unlock my door and motion for them to enter. I point to the small lounge and wordlessly walk into my closet and pull out my desk chair along with a normal chair that I keep for emergencies. I pull them into the main bedroom before walking back into the closet for my laptop of which I bring back with me when I walk back into my bedroom. I take a seat on my desk chair. My uncle had already taken the seat on the lounge, the other three realising that we were waiting walk over. Tayor sits on the bed with Chris while Damion takes a seat on the other chair, they all look relatively relaxed. I look over the four of them before talking.

"I'm going to take a wild guess ... "

Taylor opens her mouth to speak but I halt her with a hand.

"That you three are agents at the CIA, and you, you my dear uncle are here to tell me that I am going to have to work with them for some stupid reason. Now before any of you say anything just let me flick a quick email across to security."

They all stare as I open my laptop and send a quick email to the head of security, within seconds, a growl is heard in the hall and then feet stomping away. I smirk before closing my laptop and putting it on a side table. I clap my hands together and fold them in my lap, before turning my gaze onto the four people in my room.

"Let me get some things straight before I let you talk. I work alone, so whatever team thing you are trying to get me to do, forget it; and I do not take orders from anyone, so don't even try ordering me to do whatever it is you want me to do. Okay, you can say what you want to say now uncle."

I give him my sweetest smile which seems to unnerve them more then my usual glare. He takes a large gulf and breath before standing up, trying his best to look intimidating though it wasn't doing anything other then amusing me.

"Um, well, Sam, there has, been, ah, a um..."

He turns and gives a desperate look toward Damion who turns to me with a serious expression.

"There have been threats given to the president's sons, and the director thinks that you might know who it is and also might know how to stop him, that is why he wants you on our team."

He looks at me this disbelieving look, as if he doesn't really believe that I might know who it is. I just give him a calculating look back.

"Okay then, show me one of the threats and I'll tell you who it is and how to stop them"

Damion just laughs, but not in amusement more condescending.

"Don't you think we would have just flicked you an email instead of all of us turning up to talk to you ?"

I glare at him before turning to my uncle.

"You either show me the threat now or you can all get out and leave me alone."

Damion scoffs again but this time my uncle gives him a look and closes his mouth.

"No can do Sam, it's, um, a little harder to transport then normal"

I look at him in shock, is he referring to a body? What the heck!

"Plus you can't see it unless you are part of the team"

I sit up straighter and roll my eyes.

"Not going to happen, just show me a picture"

Tayor gets up and walks in front of me, her eyes blazing.

"Get your head out of your butt! People have died because of this assassin, innocent people who were just doing their jobs!"

I raise my eyes and she huffs out an annoyed breath.

"Fine, go be a cold ass bitch, we'll do this by ourselves, no matter that we will probably get killed, just like the other two teams that tried!"

She gets up and stomps her way to the door, Chris right behind her, as she reaches for the door handle I call out with a sigh.


She turns back around, sceptical, the other three look at me as if I just lost my head. I sigh while rubbing my hands over my face, I lean my elbows on my knees and prop up my head. I keep my face blank, I look to my uncle.

"Show me a picture of one of them at least, I'll figure out what happens later"

My uncle looks at the others and they respond with small nods. He slowly opens his briefcase that I had barely even noticed and pulls out a few pieces of paper with photos on them. I take them from his outstretched hand and whistle loudly when I see them. The bodies are mangled, barely even recognisable. Barely any skin is left on them and on their faces on the patch of the skin that is left a J is imprinted from something that was very hot. By the looks of it it was done before the person was killed, bruising evident around the burn mark. When I sift through my mind of all the assassins that I know who might do this I recoil physically, throwing the pictures back at my uncle before standing up and storming through my closet and into the bathroom where I turn the tap on and splash my face with cold water a few times. After a while I hear footsteps and when I look up I see Tayor standing there, her hands in her pockets, a confused look on her face.

"You know who it is, don't you?"

I nod and turn around, I walk out of the bathroom and into the closet where I walk to the back and open a drawer. I push away a few cloths and find a photo album at the bottom of the drawer, right where I put it two years ago. I pull it out and walk back into my room where one glance at the album causes my uncle to raise his eyebrows and open his mouth.

"Isn't that..."

"Yes! Now shut up!"

He holds his hands up in surrender before walking over to me and putting a hand on my shoulder. I shrug him off, placing the book onto the bed and opening it to a certain page at the back of the book.

"This is the only person who I can think of who might do that."

They all blink at me, waiting for more.

"He would be seventeen if he was alive. Two years ago he got blown up in an accident, so I now believe that someone is trying to imitate him so that we get confused."

Damion looks at me closely while I try to push away all the images of the boy. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before opening them. Damion stands up straight and crosses his arms.

"Who was he to you?"

"That is none of your business Damion"

Before I can even say anything my uncle cuts in, steel in his voice, his whole body becoming tense. A glance at me in reassurance. This seems to piss Damion off because he tightens his arms further and a scowl grows on his face.

"I'm sorry sir, but I think that it is important to know everything, and that seems to include miss prissy's relationship with the boy."

I growl, bearing my teeth like a dog.

"If you are going to insult me then get out, my relationship with him has nothing to do with the assassin because he is dead, there fore it has nothing to do with me!"

He smirks at me before looking back at my uncle.

"This was a waste of time, she can't tell us anything other then the fact that the person who kills like that is dead, plus there is no way I am ever going to let her onto the team."

My uncle gazes at Damion with his director's gaze before turning to me.

"Sam, thank you for your help, I'll give you the rest of the details of the team mission tomorrow but for now I have some meetings to attend."

I look at my uncle in shock before smirking.

"Not gonna happen, there is no way I am ever going to work with this team"



I spin on my heal, the album in my hand and walk into my closet at which I promptly put it away before returning to my bedroom. Ignoring the four people that are staring at me I grab the chair and desk chair and pull them back into the closet, placing them where they belong. I turn around and slam straight into someone. I look up, meeting Damion's chilling gaze with my own, full of venom.

"Why won't you join the team?"

I glare at him, trying to sidestep around him but he follows, effectively blocking me. He reaches out behind him and closes the door before locking it. Effectively cutting off the gazes of the others and making it harder to get out. His gaze never leaves mine however it seems to loose its coolness and his eyes become a warmer shade of purple. So I look away.

"Sam, please, we really need your help"

"I'm sorry, but it just isn't going to happen"

Something snaps and his chilling gaze is back.

"Can you stop being a cold bitch for a moment and at least tell me why you won't help us"

I sigh and take a seat, rubbing my hands over my face.

"Sam, is this because someone is imitating someone who is dead? Who was that guy to you? Lover, partner?"

I sit up straight and glare at him, my hands clench at my sides.


I look away, towards the picture on my desk, a single tear makes its way down my cheek.

"Shit Sam!"

He kneels down in front of me and moves my chin to face him.

"Sam, I'm sorry, I didn't know. Please though, avenge his death, help us hurt the person who is hurting others in his name."

I look into his eyes and see only honesty, honesty and determination so I nod, slowly at first before it becomes more vigorous. I stand up and shove him away, running to the bathroom where I quickly wash my face trying to remove the signs of that single tear. I turn around and walk back into the closet where he has now departed and has left the door open leading to my room. I walk out and back into my room. I take a deep breath and clear my throat. They all turn to my and I scowl.


Tayor squeals and rushes to hug me, Chris smirks as does Damion though they smirk for different reasons. When Tayor smashes into me I realise why Damion smirks so I poke my tongue out at him before whispering to Tayor who turns around and lets out another squeal before crashing into him. I smirk while his expression changes into disbelief. I turn to my uncle who looks slightly relieved.

"Give me the details, but for now, get out!"


Chapter 2! Yay! I am wondering however, I feel like Damion is somewhat confusing, I was wondering what you think. Thank you so much for reading the chapter 2!

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