

I will be updating every Day except for weekends! This is a GL that also will have some love triangles. This is also action packed and will get your blood rushing! You may want just straight up girls love but this also has a straight relation ship almost occuring for this love triangle between Ayame, Himari, and Atsuto. I hope you like it! The relationship will go back and forth between those 3 characters.

Echo_Nexius · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

New Mission

~Ayame's p.o.v.~

"Hey meet me after school in the alley way of the sweets shop, our territory."

I just need to have a meeting with everyone about how to deal with the people who broke into the shop last week. But I also need to talk to Ari-Chan about something privately...

*Ding dong*

it's time for the next class! Ok now a random test in this class, SO MANY TESTS!? Why today I got a mission from the company I work for, Dark Viper. We chose this group because when they get calls they decline people who want us to kill someone who has done nothing bad. If our company gets a call and said person askes up to kill someone just because they don't like them we decline. But if they ask us to kill someone who was abusive we accept. her and I are in the top 10 assassins in the group. That is why we were just chosen to kill the leader of north Korea... But we live in Japan. Of course we get free tickets, but school. How are we going to do out assignments, we might have an online school regimen.

School is over and we haven't met up yet but we're walking together so I'll ask something. "Ari! Uh-umm c-can I ask you something?"

She probably already knows what I'm about to say.

"Yeah you can ask whatever you like."

Okay maybe she doesn't know?

"Umm why did you, uh you know k-kiss me like that... you know you added the... you know."

Crap I was probably way too awkward.

"W-well uh I-I don't know. My body I feel like it just moved on its own you know. I pinned you without thinking, I-I also kissed you without thinking..."

~Himari's p.o.v~

Why is she asking this now?! Completely out of the blue.

"O-oh ok." Was that really what she wanted to talk about?

"Well Ari-Chan I'm going to tell you what I actually wanted to talk about. We got a job offer in Korea, we will get free tickets. So what do you say do you wanna go?" Ok so I'll probably go either way just cause I don't want to go to school. "Okay I'll go!"

~Ayame's p.o.v.~

I'm glad she's going I really didn't want to go with a random person, that I knew but still I want to go with my friend! But I wonder if it's going to be awkward because of the kiss? Normally when we do these types of trips we sit next to each other. It's mandatory, I'll just try to forget about it while we're on the mission.

"Yay! That's great!"

I just hope she doesn't bring it up.

"Well what class will we get, well since we're top 10 hehehe."

Oh yeah I forgot top ten always gets first class. *karate chops her head*

"How did you forget!? We always get the same seats every time Ari!" Was I too harsh... Nah.

"O-Oh yeah, Ouch! I forgot."

Haha! I start laughing and smiling. "Oh yeah we're leaving next week." So MONDAY, I'm going to have to wake up at 5 am cause the flight is at 6:30. We have to drive a whole city over then leave?! That's F*CKING STUPID.

"Oh ok what time are we leaving?"

Oh god I forgot to tell her. "We're leaving at 6:30 in the morning so you're gonna stay at my place for the rest of this week, we have to wake up at 5 am. So we have to get used to it, and I'll drive to your school... On my bike haha!" Why am I always so awkward...?

"Th-the whole week!?"

I knew she was going to say that, "Well yeah, the company asked and so we can get used to waking up early."

Oh the sunset! It's so beautiful, the pinks, reds, oranges, and yellows blending into the dark sky at the very top. The slight purples making the sky look seamless from light to dark. We're almost at the sweets shop. The alleyway dark as ever, the brick walls, and the gutters dripping mucky water.

"Alright everyone! So I called for a meeting , I needed to discuss something. I'm gonna take roll just so I know everyone is here. If I say your name, say whatever you want. Aight, Shoyo."

ha I feel like I already know what he's gonna say.


Oh god called it.

"Alright, Eijiro."

Dude they say the same thing everytime.


Simple as always.



"WHAT? Good morning."


F*cking you know it's just gross especially in public man!

"Okay fine fine."

The f*ck does he mean by fine fine how is he ok with doing that in public? "What do you mean 'fine fine' it's plain out disgusting in public. Himari, I already know your here so finally Yui."

She's such a quiet person, but pretty damned strong.

"y-yeah I-I'm here..."


Hahaha now I'm laughing so hard after I said that, I'm starting to tear up. I'm laughing so hard!

~Himari's p.o.v.~

Boss is laughing so hard! Yui looks like she's gonna cry, boss is so happy, Eijiro is being monotone as ever. Shoyo... he's just being him. Sakura fell asleep again... what the f*ck, Kuro is not flapping the jack, he just looks like he wants to. He's weird. Boss is better here than at schoo--- (cut off by her own thought) SCHOOL was so awkward.

"Yui gonna cry?" Why am I taunting her? I'm just gonna get punched.


Oh thank god I caught her punch, she would have broken my nose!


Everyone went quiet, the boss is really scary when she gets angry.

"Okay so, I called for a meeting because me and Ari aren't going to be her on Monday, Saturday, and Sunday. Eijiro, you're in charge while we're gone, call me if anything goes wrong, got it?"

He is the coldest it makes sense.

"Got it."

~Eijiro's p.o.v.~

Huh, why did I get chosen to be boss while there out? Legit no one is scared of me. Yeah I'm strong but it takes a lot to tick me off unlike boss, I'm really monotone too so I don't know why I was-

"There's no need to doubt yourself you will do great!" She let out a smile that can change the whole atmosphere. It's so cute!

"Thanks boss!" I genuinely smiled, that's new.

"Boss you can make so many people and it looks like you're not even trying. How?"

Himari is right for once, how does she make people happy effortlessly?

"Oh you're wondering about that, well I actually don't know. I think I just say something that my school self would say which is me, it's just like POOF! School me comes out and does a surprise mother f*cker. You know?"

To be continued...