
Assassin's Wizarding World

Alex mason was just a poor twenty something stoner and weeb. He noticed the impossible one day and learned the truth of the world. Nothing is true everything is permitted. A few world's thrown together, just writing for fun for myself. enjoy Any used characters are properties of their respective creator and I have no ownership over them. Also not my cover art just got if online.

lee_lee_0533 · Video Games
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Sia pov

We all parted ways as my sister's left i went to my bed chambers and immediately picked up mother's diary and read it again after so many years. It was magically enchanted so only a few pages thick could hold hundreds of years worth writing. I had found it after that day my mother was taken from me. She was a only a concubine of the dragon king unlike Raina and Shee's mother who was one of the nine dragon queens who ruled over all fae because of course the dragon was an incompetent fool and was incapable of anything more than fighting and fornicating. The creature really was the greatest waste ever.

The diary told how my mother first met the dragon king when he brought the pilfered artifacts to the Goblin king of the time. My mother was the goblin queen along my sister's mother and they ruled during the time of war. Even in war our king father and queen mother's ruled with strength and wisdom. But what happened when the dragon king saw the queens and desired them?

If my father would of of loved his wives, he would of told the dragon to duck off and protected his wives but that is not what he did. My useless father offered up both his wives to the dragon and personally put the enemy's weapons in the royal vault while a dragon had his way with the queens under the kings blessings. The dragon eventually put my sister's mother on the throne of the earth queen bit my mother was nothing more than warm place for him to put it when he was not fighting.

Somehow that piece of shit father of mine was overjoyed to have the great protector plowing his wives. both women felt the greatest pride in being treated like a bargaining chip to gain power for the goblin nation. But that didn't save me from having to watch with my sister's as thier mother turned to flames then to ash when the dragon flew to the sun killing himself and his queens along with the invaders.

I was the one who had to comfort them and hold them while they wept. Our father simply shook his head after one of his wives burnt to death and told my mother to have it cleaned before leaving. My mother was destroyed after that as well. She had lost her best friend and only true ally in the whole goblin nation. She had no right to weep but was expected to blindly follow her Kings orders, as a woman she had no rights.

I now know the invaders curse was no curse but a blessing. After the blessing women became the dominating force in fae society. No longer did we have to serve and be told what to do but we were the ones giving orders. The dragons death and the curse were the best things to ever happen to us, even if my mother could not see that. Her husband now treated her as a servant and not a wife or queen. She quickly became depressed and while my sister's and I needed her the most she would sit alone rubbing a dragon scale while crying.

I watched her slowly go mad and how she eventually took her own life but what did the goblin king do at this time. He could of comforted his daughters and mourned his wives, comforted his daughters or even just been a father in any way. But no, he ordered the two most beautiful seelie in the land so he could feed them meat from strong under fae to evolve new queens. His family was all but gone and instead of spending time with his daughters he wanted to think with his dick.

He then did the unthinkable. He went further into his own self importance and waged war on all other fae trying to declare himself new high king of the fae. He stole the dragon crown from it's guardians to ensure that a new dragon of the olds lineage could not be chosen. But that even was not enough, as he made a pact with a group of human wizards and fae to hunt all sentient offspring of the dragon king ensuring that one could never get to the crown.

It was then my sister's and I were banished and hunted as well because he saw us as a threat to his rule. Those were some of the happiest days of my life. It was just us surviving in the wilds by our wits and strength. We were able to evolve to seelie and our fathers hunters could not recognize us even when we were in the same tavern as a group of them. One even tried to offer Raina a spot as one of his wives. The fool was killed two days later on the roads. Our hate for the dragon and goblin kings only grew over the centuries and I knew our day of revenge was approaching.

It finally came as the wars raged across the human and fae world's. The accords of light and dark were written. My sisters and I had gotten into the accord meetings as vassals of the High elf queens. Shee had developed a relationship with one of the queens daughters. Her name was titania and even I had to admit she was an amazing woman. She was beautiful, intelligent and most importantly cunning. She along with our young goblin shaman Cre helped us hide in my father's castle so that when all other delegations signed the accords and left, we were hiding in our old home unknown to any.

As soon as we found the chance we struck.

Our father and his two new queens were sleeping together in thier chambers. I had never seen him so happy with our mothers and it disgusted me. We along with Cre crept into thier chambers and captured them. It was glorious. My own father didn't even recognize us when we had him tied to a chair to watch us eat the flesh of his new queens. He was begging and offering us positions as his queens for his life. Such a pathetic man. Goblins are some of the most powerful sensory fae and as royalty he could of learned we were his daughters if he just used his gifts but he was too much of a panicking invilid to even use his brain.

Eating the flesh of the queens allowed Raina and I to evolve and when he saw the resemblances to his former queens he knew who we were and tried ordering us as our father to release him. We all had a good laugh at that before cutting him up and feeding the pieces to Cre which gave her the power to evolve to an orc. It also allowed Shee to evolve into a queen as the third royal position was now empty. It was then we began our rule.

But I knew that only one could threaten us, the dragon king. We found the journals of our mothers and what the dragons seed gave them but also how they became obsessed with thier love for the highest of all fae. My father's records were even more useful. He had records in volumes on the dragon including his beast offspring that did not need to be hunted but could be useful and many powerful weapons of the wars. So we made our plan and declared to the world our loyalty to the future dragon and laid our plans.

It almost fell apart when Shee lost herself after Titania's capture. We spent decades searching only to learn from the norn that she was taken by a group calling themselves the daughters of Artemis. No one knew where they were and according to the norn only a man with the eyes of an assassin could find thier home. But the Assassin's eyes were a wizard genetic skill very few possessed so we lost our hope. But now we have hope again a captured dragon was ours.

Alex laid there after Sai left the cavern thinking about his situation and how he got himself here. It seemed that since coming here he had went from one shit storm into another. He was about to be used for a sex slave apparently which does checkout with goblins from stories but duck that. He had to get out quick and he had to kill the queens especially Sai. That one was bat shit crazy. He just needed to find a way. Then he remembered Hippie.

Alex pov

" Hippie I am in need of service." he spoke out loud hoping she would answer. I felt my words have power but it seemed to only make my shackles glow warm for a split second, then nothing. Son of a bitch. Ok so this was meant to trap a dragon so my tattoo should work. I focused on my lightning and was overjoyed to feel it wrap around me. I then willed the blade to come from my wrist and it obeyed.

I was pissed now. As the blade reached the cuff around my wrist it passed right through making no difference. It was like the restraint tuned to smoke but still held me. I was so enraged I activated my eyes. Then I saw it, the circuit like lines of light of the isu design. Why would they make chains to stop thier own weapons unless they were afraid of betrayal. I wondered if this was actually game of thrones because it seemed everyone was out to Fuck everyone else figuratively and literally.

The lightning was coursing over me and I had a bout of accidental magic covering the cavern floor in lush green grass. How was that supposed to help. I wished desperately for a wand as I had no skill in wand less and no way to break free. It was only then I looked over and noticed the busty red head queen looking at me with an unreadable expression.