
Assassin's Road Trip

For his entire life Baron Boom has trained to be a weapon. Yet just before his grandfather had sent him on his first mission Baron's father appears out of nowhere to pluck him for his own personal adventure. Believing to still be on his mission Baron must now protect his father on their continent spanning road trip until the family reunion is over.

Wade_Willsomething · Fantasy
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4 Chs

3. Desire, Needs, and Wants Station/ Cabin

My childhood house was a towering mansion of glass and wood that dwarfed the gigantic trees of the forest. Dubbed The Cabin, it was three stories tall and a football field wide, filled with more than what you could imagine and with just enough to satisfy a retired emperor.

My jet hummed right outside. Sitting on a modest couch, that had been placed in the middle of the main halls spacious golden floor, I was pretending to read a fashion magazine. At what hour does Baron usually wake up? Having just sent a maid to knock on his room, it might have been a better idea to have sent a warning that I was coming. This abruptness wasn't ideal but I was short in time. Besides, with me being early there was time to chat with-

"Rejoice! The prodigal son has returned!" A voice full of fake triumph announced.

Father was at the top if the golden stairway, still in his night gown and barefoot. Despite this, a bottle of champagne and a wineglass were already in his hands. Holding the bottle like a trumpet he made tooting noises with each step down, and I stood as he approached.

"A few months isn't that long dad and isn't it a bit early to start warming yourself?" I asked flatly.

"Mmhhmm. Not at all, not at all. Perfect time for it actually," the old man mumbled sipping from his glass. "It's not everyday I get a visit from the warden himself, best to celebrate any chance I get."

He carried his plump figure to where I had been sitting and took it, sighing with relief. Looking at me for a moment, he waved the half empty bottle and offered the glass. I shook my head and shifted in my feet.

"Your eyes look like shit," he commented looking at me even closer. Something between a sneer and a smile quickly formed on his face. "You're actually thinking about the future, aren't you? Just in time too for your next fuck up, and who says people don't improve."

I waved away his comment, replying, "This time's gonna be different dad, I've learned a lot from my past-"

"HA- cough, cough -ha! Fuck! You could say that again!" He jeered putting down the champagne before he choked.

Glaring at him, I continued, "I didn't come just to borrow Baron, there's something I've been meaning to ask-"

"Is this what I'm relegated to now? It wasn't enough to keep me locked up in this glorified prison pen but now you want me to spit out advice like a fortune cookie!"

He stood up, his face was more red with wine than I realized and just before he could start shouting tears welled up in his eyes.

He let out a shaky breath and in a low voice said, "You're gonna fail just like how you failed before. This little plan of yours isn't going to be you fixing the world, it'll be you kicking down what's left. And when it's all over all the little toys your polishing will kick you down too and stick you in a cage. Just... stop while you're ahead."

A silence grew for a few seconds. He raised the glass to lips and found it empty, reaching for the bottle I gently put and on his shoulder.

"I think you've had too much to drink dad."

"Dad," A high voice, barely above a whisper, asked.

I flinched and spun to see Baron standing at the top of the stairway, with black hair and caramel skin, he was dressed in a small business outfit that sported a crooked orange tie and a big red backpack. His eyes were a deep amber, reflecting the light. His mouth hung open in shock but in a second instantly changed into a smile that lit up his face.
