
Assassin's Chronicle

A skilled but unfortunate modern-day assassin was killed in a freak accident. However, he soon found himself summoned to another world by an evil wizard, who had him possess the body of a boy as an experiment. After successfully planning the evil wizard's downfall, he used the wizard's body as a springboard to gain influence and power in his new world.

Hit the Southern Wall · Fantasy
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580 Chs

Deadly Party

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

As dawn broke, the campsite of Griffins Aerial Squadron became lively. The patrolling griffins landed, and the griffin knights all climbed off the beasts and began heading toward tents for breakfast. Military elites were treated very well in every country, and almost no food was unavailable to them as long as they wanted it. Right now, however, the knights did not care about what food they eat. They only wanted something warm and some ale. They needed sleep.

Perhaps it was because teams like the aerial squad were fast at both attacking and retreating, and were rarely ambushed, or perhaps it was because there had been very little disturbance, everyone in the camp seemed relaxed. After the night patrols returned, the day patrol did not immediately depart. Instead, they were still chatting with their companions.