
Assasination classroom: Saikyõ sensei

Assasination classroom x lookism verse there’s gonna be moves and maybe lookism characters in it but staff from the assasination classroom will definitely be in it and like always I created my own characters

Fuqyou · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


The following day, the students gathered eagerly, buzzing with anticipation for their continued lessons under Saikyō sensei. Having witnessed the incredible power and skill of their inhuman teacher firsthand, they were both in awe and trepidation.

As Saikyō sensei arrived, the class fell silent, watching his every move. He surveyed them with an unreadable expression, arms folded across his chest. "Good morning, my beautiful students!" As he spoke he was immediately met with a ninja star being thrown at him. "Too slow!" He caught it and said cockily then put the ninja star in his drawer. "This is being confiscated, Megumi."

Megumi smacked her teeth and looked out the window, avoiding Saikyõ's gaze. She then saw Sora investigated in a notebook. "Uhh what are you doing?" She scooted her chair to Sora's desk. "Hm? Oh I'm collecting data on Saikyõ sensei, here's what I have so far: 7,0 400 lbs of fat and pure muscle despite his incredible speed. 25 years old, Afro-Asian. Skin type: light brown. When fighting against girls, he mainly uses maneuvers to dodge and block. But when fighting against boys he uses pressure points, throws, and mainly kicks but never punches. What do you think?" Sora asked with a smile. "Hmm, this is good data, I guess it makes sense you don't have any of his weaknesses since we only knew him for a day." The two of them laughed and then realized that someone was behind their seats and they turned around slowly to see Saikyõ sensei crouched down at their chair level, with a nervous expression on his face and a bit of sweat on his forehead. "T-that's five hundred flips for everyone." As he said this the classed growned.

On the front yard

"Seriously who the hell keeps data about someone like this?" He said to himself while watching the kids do ninja like flips. Karasuma came out with an annoyed expression. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked as he watched the kids do flips. "This is a little agility practice, don't worry!" He said eagerly.

Karasuma eyed Saikyō sensei skeptically. "Agility practice, huh? Looks more like excessive punishment to me."

Saikyõ waved a dismissive hand. "Nonsense! These young souls need to be forged in the crucible of discipline. Only then can they hope to master the power I aim to impart."

Karasuma's frown deepened. "And what 'power' would that be, exactly? I was under the impression your role here was to train them to kill you."

Saikyō sensei chuckled, seemingly unperturbed by Karasuma's thinly veiled skepticism. "Karasuma, your vision is far too narrow. These students have the potential to achieve greatness far beyond the confines of your little assassination plot."

He gestured grandly to the struggling students. "I seek to unlock the full breadth of their capabilities - physical, mental, and yes, even metaphysical. To transform them into beings worthy of being my success- I mean killing me!"

Karasuma's brow furrowed. "Your successor? Just what are you planning, exactly?"

Saikyō sensei's expression turned almost wistful. "Don't think too much about it, short boy!" He said while looking down at Karasuma with a smile.

Karasuma's eyes narrowed. "In other words, world domination."

The man chuckled. "Such a crude term. I prefer to think of it as... realizing humanity's true destiny." His gaze hardened. "And these students are the key. With their aid, I shall cast off the shackles of mortality itself."

Karasuma stared at him, an unreadable look on his face. "I see. And what if they refuse to play along with your 'grand vision'?"

Saikyō sensei smiled serenely. "Oh, they won't refuse. Not once they understand the true scope of what I offer."

He turned to Karasuma, eyes gleaming with a fervent intensity. "These students are special, Karasuma. They possess the raw potential to become more than mere humans. To evolve beyond the constraints that bind the rest of your kind."

Karasuma's lips thinned. "And if they choose not to follow that path?"

Saikyō sensei's expression darkened. "Then they will be... dealt with accordingly."

Karasuma's jaw tightened and he clenched his fist, but before he could respond, a commotion arose from the exhausted students.

"Sensei, please! We can't do any more flips!" Tomohiro cried out, his arms trembling.

Saikyō sensei tsked, shaking his head in mock disappointment. "Alright stop." The exhausted students collapsed onto the ground, gasping for breath. Saikyõ sensei observed them with a smile. "Okay kids now-" As Saikyõ was about to say his lesson plan a bunch of black cars pulling up to the school yard. "Who is that?" Karasuma asked Saikyõ who stayed silent.

Saikyõ turned to the students with a dark expression. "Go inside, now." The students felt a sense of danger and they hurried inside and looked out of the blinds. "I've never seen Sensei with that expression before, it was so menacing." Sora said while looking out the window. "Shh, I wanna hear." Tomohiro shushed as a man walked out of the car. "Who is that?" The kids asked in unison.

The tall middle-aged man walked up to Saikyõ sensei, Karasuma was confused because he knew who this man was. "You're Charles Choi of HNH group. What are you doing here?" Karasuma asked in shock and turned to Saikyõ.

The man, now identified as Charles Choi, fixed Karasuma with a chilling smile. "Why, I'm here to collect what is rightfully mine, of course."

Karasuma's brow furrowed. "Rightfully yours? I'm afraid I don't understand."

Choi's gaze shifted to Saikyō sensei, his expression darkening. "I believe you know exactly what I'm talking about, Saikyō. Or should I say, Dyu Lee."

Saikyō's jaw tightened, his facade of calm beginning to crack. "So, you've finally tracked me down. I must say, I'm impressed."

Choi let out a humorless chuckle. "Impressed? Ha! I've been searching for you for years, you elusive bastard." His eyes narrowed dangerously. "And now that I've found you, I intend to take back what you stole from me."

Karasuma's eyes widened as the pieces began to fall into place. "Wait, are you saying that Saikyō sensei is—?"

"The very same Dyu Lee who embezzled billions from my company and disappeared without a trace," Choi spat, his composure beginning to crack. "And now I'm here to ensure he pays for his crimes."

Saikyō, or rather, Dyu, regarded the enraged businessman with an unsettling calm. "So, you've finally tracked me down. I must say, I'm impressed by your persistence."

Choi's face contorted with rage. "Impressed? You think this is some kind of game?" He gestured wildly towards the school. "You've been hiding out here, playing at being some kind of superhuman teacher, taking over the government or what not, while I've been tearing the world apart looking for you!"

Saikyõ chuckled, and turned his back on Choi and walked towards the school. "Old man, you're getting old, you should really find something better to do with your life, then follow a man like me, or using minors to your advantage."

"You're right, but gun and goo are almost 20 now, they're not minors anymore, maybe I should use your kids when you die." Choi chuckled while looking at the ground with his eyes closed. He then looked up and saw Saikyõ towering over him with a menacing expression. "If you touch those kids I'll-"

Then Saikyõ saw someone walk out of another car, behind Charles Choi, a muscular man with yakuza tattoos on his arm and sunglasses on his face, covering a scar between his eyes. "Dyu, long time no see." He walked up to Dyu and Karasuma. "Stay back Karasuma, this man is: Yuzuru Yamazaki or better known as: Gun." Dyu said as he walked up to Gun and looked down at him.

The tension in the air was palpable as Dyu Lee, now known as Saikyō sensei, confronted his past adversaries - Charles Choi and Yuzuru Yamazaki, also known as "Gun".

Dyu fixed Gun with a steely gaze. "So, the infamous Gun himself has come crawling out of the shadows. I must say, I'm not entirely surprised to see you here, standing alongside this old fool."

Gun regarded Dyu impassively, his expression unreadable behind his dark sunglasses. "It's been a long time, Dyu. Or should I call you Saikyō sensei now?" He let out a humorless chuckle. "I must admit, I'm impressed you managed to evade us for so long."

Choi's face was a mask of barely contained rage as he stepped forward, pointing an accusatory finger at Dyu. "Enough with the pleasantries! I'm here to collect what you stole from me, you goddamn thief!"

Dyu raised a hand, silencing Choi with a gesture. "Patience, old man. All in due time." His gaze shifted to Gun, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "I assume you're here to try and apprehend me as well?"

Gun shrugged nonchalantly. "Orders are orders. Though I must admit, I'm curious to see what you've been up to all these years."

Dyu chuckled, a dark gleam in his eyes. "Oh, you have no idea. But I'm afraid your little game of cat and mouse ends here."

Karasuma, who had been silently observing the exchange, finally spoke up. "Saikyō sensei, or should I say, Dyu Lee... Just what the hell is going on here?"

Dyu turned to Karasuma, a wry smile on his face. "Ah, Karasuma. I suppose an explanation is in order." He folded his arms across his chest, his expression turning serious. "I'll explain later, best friend."

Karasuma's smacked his teeth. "We're not friends."

Dyu ignored Karasuma, his gaze shifting back to Choi and Gun. "Yes, these two gentlemen have been hunting me for years, ever since I absconded with a substantial portion of the company's funds." He let out a mirthless laugh. "I suppose you could say I've been... playing a little game of my own."

Choi's face was a picture of barely contained rage. "A game? You call embezzling billions of dollars a game?" He took a menacing step forward. "I'm going to make you pay for what you've done, you son of a bitch!"

Dyu raised a hand, halting Choi's advance. "Now, now, let's not be too hasty. After all, you came here to collect what's rightfully yours, did you not?" His expression hardened. "Well, I'm afraid I have no intention of simply handing it over."

Gun stepped forward and removed his glasses, revealing his pitch black eyes with white irises. "Then I guess we'll have to do this the hard way."

The students, who had been watching the confrontation unfold from the school windows, exchanged worried glances. Sora leaned in, his brow furrowed with concern. "This doesn't look good. Karamasu is in serious trouble."

Megumi nodded, her fingers gripping the windowsill tightly. "Yeah, and those other guys don't look like the kind you'd want to mess with either."

Tomohiro swallowed nervously. "Do you think Saikyõ can take them on? I mean, he's strong and all, but there's three of them..."

Sora's expression hardened. "We have to do something. We can't just let them hurt Karamasu!"

Megumi placed a hand on Sora's arm, her voice low and urgent. "But what can we do? We're just students. We're no match for those guys."

Back on the yard

Saikyõ removed his shirt revealing his physique. Charles saw this and chuckled. "Just like your father, although I'm guessing you didn't remove your pants because we're in front of a school. It doesn't matter anyway, since you'll die today."

As Dyu and Gun stared each other down the fire alarm went off. "Shit the kids!" Dyu and Karamasu yelled causing Dyu to button his shirt back up and him and Karamasu ran to the school entrance.

Gun and Charles both got back into the car. "This ain't over also your father says hi, son of the ultimate king Tom Lee!" They sped off and Karamasu and Dyu ran in the school.

"Kids! Single file line-" Saiykõ yelled but then saw the kids by the fire alarm. "What the hell is going on?" Karamasu asked as he walked towards them. "Well, those guys looked pretty dangerous, and we knew they had to be affiliated with criminal activity so if the fire department came and saw men fighting in front of a school yard things would get worse." Kimimaro said with a smile.

Karumasu and Saikyõ looked at each other with a shrug. "Nice thinking, but still, ringing the fire alarm when there's no fire is bad so…150 FLIPS NOW!" Saiykõ yelled causing the students to groan and complain.

"This guy, is quite a character, I'll have to keep an eye on him." Karasuma thought to himself then felt a hand on his shoulder. "Hey best friend, how about a sparring session after the kids are done with their flips!?" Saikyõ asked enthusiastically. "We're not friends." Karasuma said, shrugging his hand off his shoulder and walking off.