
Assasin System

Aaliyah was a travel blogger who loved exploring new places and cultures.but despite her life as a well-known blogger, Aaliyah spent all her money on romance video games and with that Aaliyah knew a lot about dating except that she never dated anyone. Aaliyah loves action and adventure games and was unbeatable . But her life ended abruptly when she was killed in a car accident. She woke up in a new world called Larcin, where magic and monsters existed.

Ava_000 · LGBT+
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101 Chs


"Sorry, it just came out," said Lydia, a little embarrassed, before starting to walk in front of me and never looking back. 

"It's okay," I say, clearing my throat. I think I've never been this close to anyone before and maybe I should start keeping my distance from Lydia or I'll start having feelings for her. B

"Well, what do we do now, we can't end our date on this," said Lydia, turning around and looking at me with her big blue eyes. She smiled nervously, trying to lighten the mood. I started to think. What could we do to make this date memorable and not awkward?

Last time when I was there with Elise I think there was an ice cream shop nearby, well I don't know if Lydia would appreciate a simple ice cream when she's a princess but I can't think of anything better at the moment. 

I walked past Lydia so I could talk to her. I wanted to see her face and make her feel comfortable.