
Assasin System

Aaliyah was a travel blogger who loved exploring new places and cultures.but despite her life as a well-known blogger, Aaliyah spent all her money on romance video games and with that Aaliyah knew a lot about dating except that she never dated anyone. Aaliyah loves action and adventure games and was unbeatable . But her life ended abruptly when she was killed in a car accident. She woke up in a new world called Larcin, where magic and monsters existed.

Ava_000 · LGBT+
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101 Chs

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Lydia and Remy walked slowly towards the arena, feeling nervous and reluctant, and they had no desire to hurt each other. But they had no choice. The headmaster had made it clear that if they refused to fight, they would both be eliminated from the tournament. And that would mean losing the chance to win.

They reached the center of the arena, where two swords were waiting for them. Remy picked up the big sword, which was almost as tall as him. Lydia picked up the small sword, which was light and swift. They looked at each other, trying to smile, but their eyes betrayed their fear and sadness.

"Are you ready?" The headmaster asked, his voice booming through the magic microphone.

"No," Lydia whispered, but no one heard her.

"Then let the fight begin!" The headmaster announced, and a loud bell rang.