
Assain's Addition

A teen girl who is used to be unimportant has a tragic accident happen to her one day leading her to end up in the body of the top assassin in a company. While trying to navigate figuring out how to get back in her body can she fulfill the Assassin's duties until they can go back to being themselves.

Zoe6298 · Teen
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2 Chs

The start to a very bad long day

Alissa P.O.V

I run fastly down the concrete path of the sidewalk from the only people I fear the most my bullies. I suddenly stop at the dead end of a river, they come up quickly behind so fast I didn't notice, they begin to to shake me really fast the railing of the river fills loose.Suddenly I feel it give way and before I know it i'm falling at a fast speed, my body hits the water, and before I know it i'm sinking, I feel water began to fill my lungs, my mouth is screaming help me but nobody does, nobody is there to. I shut my eyes and soon everything goes black.


Maze P.O.V

SHIT. another shoot out and some how i'm always in the middle of them maybe it's my witty comments or my deal making or the lack there of. Either way these gun shots are giving my a headache i'm just gonna walk to the back and attempt to use some long aim to hit some of these bitches where it hurts which is technically anywhere. I soon realize something hurts, I crouch down my knees and lay down I remember training *if they think you are dead then they won't try to shoot you again they will focus on other agents just make sure to pay attention and have your gun at your side*.The pain becomes to much soon and I feel my heart begin to slow down then I realize whats happen but whats happening can't be happening i'm not ready to die I have so much to live for. My body betrays me and before I know it i'm no longer in my body i'm floating or at least I feel like it.


Alissa P.O.V

I begin to wonder is this how death feels you just float into space forever and you sit there but something isn't right aren't I supposed to be in heaven or hell by now, but no i'm just floating. Suddenly the floating sensation stops i'm falling again at a extremely fast place I seem to land. So, maybe i'm not dead after all, I hear peoples voices yelling and shouting...

"She's our best we have to save her"

"you liar ur just think she is still alive and can hear you and don't want her to shoot you when she wakes up"

"that's not true"

"Yes it is"



These voices are unfamiliar to me, they don't sound like my parents, or teachers, or friend, and they can't be doctors they are to unprofessional. I just lie there wondering when can I can open what I hope to be my eyes.

2 hours later

My eyes begin to flutter lightly as I open them to the bright hospital lights. Immediate I start searching for my parents face around the room but only see to werid men sleeping in the hospital chairs.I try to jump up but realize that the IV is still in me so I don't one of them jumps awake. I glare at him and say "get out my room" immediately he gives me a fake hurt look and says "Maze wake the hell up get ur brain on straight". I can feel my eye widen as I let loose a scream he rushes over and puts his hand over my mouth in which I persist to bite him.Then, I quickly pull the IV out my arm and run for the hospital doors. I can see him chasing after time and two other men, he almost catches me when I punch him in this face as hard as I can and run the opposite way. I see another coming and try to run but he reaches me and hits me so hard I black out.


Maze P.O.V

I wake to hear strange voices saying is she ok, I open my eyes and say a man and a women with tears streaming down their face saying "honey you're awake". I must look confused because they say "honey it's your parents" I must be in hell because I know those aren't my parent because my parents died years ago and boy was I glad they weren't good parents anyway. Plus, these people don't look like my old parents. I think up a quick response " you must have the wrong room" The woman looks more saddened and says "look what they did to her she doesn't even remember us". At this point I'm so confused so I try to relax and go to sleep maybe then they will leave.


Alissa P.O.V

My breathing grows heavy and my chest feels tight as i run out of breath. The royalty of the school, or rather their lackeys, have been chasing me since the school, gaining since the fourth block. I know I can't run anymore, if I continue I suddenly stop at the dead end of a river, they come up quickly behind so fast I didn't notice, they begin to to shake me really fast the railing of the river fills loose.Suddenly I feel it give way and before I know it i'm falling at a fast speed, my body hits the water, and before I know it i'm sinking, I feel water began to fill my lungs, my mouth is screaming help me but nobody does, nobody is there to. I shut my eyes and soon everything goes black.


Maze P.O.V

SHIT. another shoot out and some how i'm always in the middle of them maybe it's my witty comments or my deal making or the lack there of. Either way these gun shots are giving my a headache i'm just gonna walk to the back and attempt to use some long aim to hit some of these bitches where it hurts which is technically anywhere. I soon realize something hurts, I crouch down my knees and lay down I remember training *if they think you are dead then they won't try to shoot you again they will focus on other agents just make sure to pay attention and have your gun at your side*.The pain becomes to much soon and I feel my heart begin to slow down then I realize whats happen but whats happening can't be happening i'm not ready to die I have so much to live for. My body betrays me and before I know it i'm no longer in my body i'm floating or at least I feel like it.


Alissa P.O.V

I begin to wonder is this how death feels you just float into space forever and you sit there but something isn't right aren't I supposed to be in heaven or hell by now, but no i'm just floating. Suddenly the floating sensation stops i'm falling again at a extremely fast place I seem to land. So, maybe I'm not dead after all, I hear peoples voices yelling and shouting...

"She's our best we have to save her"

"you liar you just think she is still alive and can hear you and don't want her to shoot you when she wakes up"

"that's not true"

"Yes it is"



These voices are unfamiliar to me, they don't sound like my parents, or teachers, or friends, and they can't be doctors they are to unprofessional. I just lie there wondering when can I can open what I hope to be my eyes.

2 hours later

My eyes begin to flutter lightly as I open them to the bright hospital lights. Immediate I start searching for my parents face around the room but only see to werid men sleeping in the hospital chairs.I try to jump up but realize that the IV is still in me so I don't one of them jumps awake. I glare at him and say "get out my room" immediately he gives me a fake hurt look and says "Maze wake the hell up get ur brain on straight". I can feel my eye widen as I let loose a scream he rushes over and puts his hand over my mouth in which I persist to bite him.Then, I quickly pull the IV out my arm and run for the hospital doors. I can see him chasing after time and two other men, he almost catches me when I punch him in this face as hard as I can and run the opposite way. I see another coming and try to run but he reaches me and hits me so hard I black out.


Maze P.O.V

I wake to hear strange voices saying is she ok, I open my eyes and say a man and a women with tears streaming down their face saying "honey you're awake". I must look confused because they say "honey it's your parents" I must be in hell because I know those aren't my parents because my parents died years ago and boy was I glad they weren't good parents anyway. Plus, these people don't look like my old parents. I think up a quick response " you must have the wrong room" The woman looks more saddened and says "look what they did to her she doesn't even remember us". At this point I'm so confused so I try to relax and go to sleep maybe then they will leave.