
Chapter 6

Katie had to admit that she was having a very nice time with Harry at this ball, and it made her feel glad that he had asked her out. He had been the perfect company so far. It probably helped that she had never been the fangirl type, and she knew Harry appreciated that company. They had always shared a close camaraderie that came with being the two youngest in the Gryffindor Quidditch Team.

As such, she felt oddly comfortable in his presence.

They had only had one small lull in their oddly intimate evening when Harry took a leave for a few minutes to deal with something. She did not ponder much on it, busy as she was in fending off any teasing or speculative questions her fellow chasers had regarding how her night might be ending with Harry or whether she had planned for something to happen.

Truth be told, she had indeed thought about it. After all, how couldn't she? Harry was regarded as one of the biggest catches in the entirety of Wizarding Britain, forget Hogwarts. Ever since he'd come of age, he had been on the Witch Weekly's list of most desirable bachelors, mostly at the top of the list. She had not missed the way several witches had been glaring at her ever since she had appeared on his arm, and it made her oddly thrilled.

He could have his pick of witches but he had chosen her. The woman in her liked it, a lot.

However, even though he had this power at his disposal, he never strayed from the path of a gentleman. Throughout their dance, she had never once felt him do something commonly considered inappropriate or which crossed any boundaries she might have set. He was a perfect partner in every sense of the word.

Yet, there was this niggling voice in the back of her mind that wanted him to make a move. The talk with Angie and Alicia did not help matters either. All it did was make her feel more desirous of his touch.

And then it happened. Nothing too risqué, but the domineering way in which he came over and wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer was enough to tell her that something had suddenly changed. His touch felt powerful, possessive even.

When Angie and Alicia left, all she could do was brightly smile at his proposal to continue their evening, even though her stomach was a pit of butterflies fluttering about, making her spine tingle in anticipation. Something had indeed changed, and she wondered just what else the night had in store for them.

They took their place again on the dance floor which was more crowded than minutes before. It forced them to stand much closer to each other – something she found very fortunate considering her state of emotions. She recognized the music as Jazz, and it was not quite what she was much used to, having heard the music only a few times when her father played it around their house on an evening of fun.

He held her in his arms and they were close, but she could see that he kept enough distance between them so that she was not plastered against him. Harry led the dance, and she had a feeling that he'd done this before. She did not ask him though, instead inhaling his masculine scent. He smelled sweet and smoky, if it made sense, with just a hint of the red wine they had tried several minutes ago.

"You seem different now," he intoned softly and she raised her gaze to his intense emeralds.

Yep, something's different about him right now.

"How so?" She asked coyly. Harry smiled and pulled her slightly closer. She gasped when she was pressed flush against his body and his hand came to rest on the slightly exposed skin of her lower back. She could feel his intimate touch and she found she liked it. Very much so.

"You've been looking kinda jittery for a while now, for one," he replied, leading them into the dance. "Almost as if you want something but are not sure how to go about it."

Katie's eyes widened slightly. He had hit the nail on the head.

"Well, you seem different too," she replied, putting a lot of effort into smirking even though her toes curled at the way he was caressing the bare skin of her lower back. His hand never ventured downward even though she wanted it to, but just the touch of his hands on her bare skin made goosebumps rise all over her body.

This time, it was Harry's turn to look curious, but he was equal parts amused. The slight quirk of his lips was a dead giveaway.

"You seem more… aggressive, but not at the same time. I could say that you're caught in two minds as well," she chuckled. Harry joined in.

"Sorry, this is the first time I've attended an event like this with someone else, and you look so beautiful right now that I can't help it."

Katie blushed at the compliment. Sure, she knew she was pretty. But often she was seen as one of the blokes. The same held for Angie and Alicia, and the three of them often talked about how it irked them. Yet, those two had the twins to order around, which left her by herself. To hear something like this from a person in Harry's position was indeed very flattering.

The situation had suddenly become very intimate between them and they kept gazing into each other's eyes as they swayed to the music. It was a slow tune now and she took advantage of that fact to step even closer to him. The sudden change in his eyes was enough to clue her into the fact that he had guessed her intentions correctly, and she gasped when his hand crossed the boundary of propriety for the first time that evening, pushing through the gap under her dress to land on the small of her back, right where the curve of her ass began.

It was only a finger, but the touch set her on fire. She could do nothing but rest her face in the crook of her neck to hide her flushed face. He chuckled, leaning his head sideways to rest on hers.

"Never knew you could be so bashful," he whispered in her ear, and she shivered at the feeling of his hot breath on her sensitive skin.

"Shut up."

He chuckled again.

The music came to an end barely a few seconds later, signaling a small break for the lead band. Katie pulled back from him, looking up through her eyelashes to see him looking at her in amusement.

"We've got a few people waiting for us, it seems," he gestured with his chin, and she looked over to see their fellow Quidditch teammates unabashedly staring at them with knowing smirks.

"They're gonna be pain in the arse from now on," she mumbled as Harry took her hand and led them off the dance floor. She was surprised when he leaned down to whisper in her ear, "Who cares as long as we have fun?"

He dropped a soft kiss on the side of her neck – the first intimate one of the night – making her shudder. She glanced at him to see a smile curving his lips as he kept his eyes forward.

"Mind if we borrow your lovely date for a few more moments, Harry?" Alicia asked smirking. Harry gave her hand a small squeeze and nodded. The girls wasted no time and quickly pulled Katie away, and Harry looked over to see her blushing face as she listened to her fellow chasers blabbering about whatever.

"Having fun, Harrykins?" Fred asked slyly.

"A bit too much fun I'd say, Gred," George said with a similarly sly smirk.

Harry did not reply though. His eyes were affixed to a certain someone in the distance, and he noticed something peculiar. Seeing his attention elsewhere, the twins looked over as well.

"What're you staring at, Harrykins?"

Harry was staring at none other than Susan Bones, and it looked like she was not having a good time at the ball. She was dancing with some blonde bloke who he did not recognize.

Perhaps someone from Beauxbatons or Durmstrang.

It was easy to notice her discomfort and he was surprised that more people had not picked up on it. She had the telltale look – face set into a frown and eyes darting around in the hope that someone might intervene.

Harry did not know what was going on and before he knew it, he was stepping forward. Belatedly, he realized that Katie was there and he looked over to see she was still engrossed in an animated discussion with Alicia and Angelina. He turned toward the twins.

"Mind keeping her company until I return?"

The twins had also seen what he had, and they gave twin nods of understanding.

"Be sure to send the lad our way if he's acting out, Harrykins," Fred said seriously.

"We'd make sure to sort him out," George nodded.

Harry quirked his lips a tad and nodded as he walked away.


Susan Bones was having a bad time at this Yule Ball.

Scratch that. She had been having a horrible time, and it all had to do with this loudmouth whom she had agreed to attend with.

He was from Durmstrang and was built like one of those brutes from up north, standing well over six feet. She did not know him, and neither did he. Thus, she was surprised when he asked her to the Ball. She had never had a date before, and it was her best friend who had enthusiastically accepted on her behalf, much to her combined ire and embarrassment. However, the damage had been done, and the bloke had left with a promising smile.

On being confronted, Hannah had a quick response.

"Seeing how you've been showing no interest in dating, I think it's my right to hook you up with someone."

"I'm not hooking up with anyone!" She had retorted hotly.

"Not literally, Sue!" Hannah had said in exasperation. "Just… enjoy a nice evening with a foreigner. Seems like a nice enough bloke, and it isn't as if he'd try anything. Your aunt is famous even across borders."

That much was true, she supposed. Her aunt Amelia Bones was a no-nonsense woman who was regarded as one of the most ruthless heads of the DMLE in existence, and as such, most regarded her with apprehension. It was perhaps one of the reasons why she'd neither had a relationship nor had any boy ever approach her. It was frustrating at times and made her wish she was someone else.

However, as the night went on, she could do nothing but devise multiple ways in which she could murder her best friend for making her put up with this moron. And a moron he was if he believed his tall tales would make her swoon and jump his bones.

She could have easily taken her leave but she found it impolite. After all, she did not want to spoil his evening. There was also the fact that he was their guest and she was the niece of the head of the DMLE, and as such, she could not afford to be a part of any drama lest people somehow use it to target her aunt.

As such, she had no choice but to listen to his drivel. Even that would've been tolerable, but the idiot had the intention of getting into her pants. She could have spotted it when he asked her to the ball, but she had not paying attention. However, when she arrived at the ball and saw the look on his face, she had this feeling that girls across the world got whenever they felt that stare. The way the night had evolved so far had only solidified that thought in her mind, and for a while now she had been looking around for any possible escape. Anything, as long as it did not create a scene, was fair game.

She could not even make an excuse to get away. She knew about guys like this one – they were persistent, and she was sure he would be the same. He would insist on accompanying her under the guise of being a caring gentleman and the only scenario in which she could get rid of him would require a scene. It was a no-go.

She cursed Hannah once again for leaving her alone with this guy and going off with her date to enjoy the evening. Even though she knew her friend deserved to enjoy her night with her date, she could not help but hope that she was having as miserable a time as she was, particularly because it was her fault she was in this predicament in the first place.

"You look beautiful tonight. Have I told you that?" He asked in a thick Bulgarian accent, and Susan did what she had been doing throughout the night. She gave him a demure smile and looked away, not at all interested in seeing the expression on his face.

She had her hands on his shoulders as they swayed to the music and she was looking away from him. Her mind was filled with thoughts of getting away from it all when she suddenly froze.

His hand had slid down and she could feel it squeeze the curve of her rear right where it began. Her hands involuntarily tightened on his shoulder and her mind surged with sudden panic. She had never been in a situation like this before, and she did not know how to react.

Perhaps he took the tightening of her hands on his shoulders as her silent approval as he dragged his hands further down and fully grasped her rear.

"You have a nice ass," he stated brazenly and Susan was so embarrassed and shocked that she could do nothing but dart her eyes around wildly. No sound escaped her lips as he continued to fondle her rear over her dress. Her breaths came out in short gasps at his unsolicited touch. Her mind had gone haywire at his unexpected forwardness and try as she might, she could do nothing but stand there in shock.

Only a whisper of "Please don't…" escaped her lips, which he ignored with a chuckle.

She felt him slowly pull her toward him until her front came in contact with his. This time, she gasped out loud.

"You seem tense. I believe you could do with a massage," He whispered in her ear, his accent thick and his voice gravelly. "How about I give it to you somewhere private? Given how hot you are, you must have a lot of experience. I'm sure you know a few places where we would be undisturbed."

Her eyes shot open wide in shock at the insinuation and what he was doing in full view of everyone. Yet not a single person seemed to even glance in their direction, too engrossed in either their dance or the festivities.

"I've fantasized over you for the past two nights. You've no idea how much I've been looking forward to this," he whispered.

One of his hands left her rear and started to slide up her side. Susan could only stand there, frozen in shock, as it traveled upward until it reached the front of her belly. She knew what he was going to do and her hands tightened on his shoulders even more. There was nothing else she could do. Her body was frozen, her mind was blank, and her limbs refused to obey her commands.

Suddenly, his hold on her relaxed and she stared in a mix of shock and confusion as he stepped away from her. Slowly, she glanced up and saw the vacant look in his eyes. She could do nothing but stare at him as he turned around and walked out of the Great Hall, leaving her standing amidst the crowd of rambunctious students who were dancing wildly to a rock song played by The Weird Sisters.

The voice behind her made her jump, and she whirled around to see none other than Harry Potter staring at her in concern.

"You okay, Miss Bones?" He asked as he walked closer and she inadvertently stepped back. He paused and slowly held his hands up.

"Wrong question. Sorry for that. You don't have to fear anything from me," he said gently. Susan continued to eye him with slight wariness.

Harry sighed, cursing himself for taking too long to come to her rescue. He had thought that she was simply uncomfortable, but when he saw the asshole start to feel her up and how she reacted to it, he had hastened to get rid of him. However, it seemed he had been both late and right on time.

A quick Confundus charm had gotten rid of the bloke and he had sent him to an abandoned classroom. He would soon be informing the twins where he was so that they could do whatever they had planned to do to him. It was not his concern. What concerned him was what this girl had suffered. He knew the company of a male was probably the last thing she wanted right now and he began to actively search for Hannah Abbott who he knew was the girl's best friend.

However, his eyes found those of Katie and he saw the rest of the Quidditch team with her. All were staring at them. Harry gestured for them to come over.

"We saw it all," Katie said as she came closer and Harry saw the other two chasers flank Susan on either side. Harry quickly cast a privacy charm around them.

"He's in the abandoned classroom on the third floor, you know the one, right?" Harry asked, looking at the twins who nodded seriously.

"You two," Angelina began, looking at the twins who turned toward her. With gritted teeth, she said, "Make sure he learns his lesson and it sticks with him for life."

The twins did not need any encouragement or instruction. They simply gave a curt nod and walked away together.

"You should retire for the night," Katie said softly to Susan who looked at her and nodded. "Come. I'll take you back to your Common Room."

Katie took her hand and walked forward before she suddenly felt a tug from behind. Looking over, she saw Susan's apologetic face.

"You don't need to trouble yourself. I'll go on my own."

"Yeah, fat chance of that happening," Katie chuckled. "Come on. It's no trouble."

Angelina and Alicia exchanged looks before the latter stepped forward.

"She's right, Katie," she said, to the brunette's surprise. "You stay here and enjoy your evening. Angie and I will take the little badger home."

Katie glanced at them and nodded.

"Okay. Take care, Bones," she said. Susan looked at her and nodded. Her eyes fell on Harry and she opened her mouth before abruptly closing it when he raised his hand and gave her a small smile.

"Have a good night, Miss Bones, and I'm sorry I didn't reach here sooner," he said, nodding. Susan bit her lip, intending to tell him he had nothing to be sorry for, but words failed her. She could only manage a pleading look, feeling relieved when he nodded in understanding. She smiled at him gratefully and nodded.

Harry and Katie watched the trio walk out of the Great Hall before they sighed as one. He took her hand as he led her over to a small couch and wrapped his arm around her. Katie leaned her head on his shoulder.

"That was a very good thing you did," she whispered.

"Anyone else would've done the same," he replied. She hummed.

"Maybe, but none of these people even noticed something was wrong. Only you did. That counts for something."

"I just happened to notice it, that's all."

"Learn to take a compliment, Harry," Katie sighed fondly as she took his hand, interlacing their fingers together. "It's the only thing I find infuriating about you. You don't take compliments well."

Harry chuckled.

"Glad to know I don't have any other infuriating traits," he teased.

"I didn't know you had such a big head," she replied, squeezing his hand.

"How can I have a big head when you're yet to give me one?" He retorted before quickly snapping his mouth shut. His eyes widened.

"Oh? I didn't know you'd been thinking about that," she teased, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye. He was quite flushed and his eyes were wide in surprise.

"I'm sorry. Don't know what suddenly came over me. It just came out."

Katie smirked.

"Is that so?" She asked as she leaned closer. Harry turned his head toward her and saw she was staring at him with a small smirk on her lips that looked particularly kissable right now.

He nodded.

Still smirking, Katie leaned closer until their lips were only a hair's breadth apart. Their eyes involuntarily closed as she whispered, "Well, I hope it doesn't just come out when it matters the most."

That did it for him. He immediately shot to his feet, pulling a surprised Katie with him, and started darting forward. Katie let out a small giggle and followed behind as they passed through a throng of students from all three schools alike, all of whom were happily dancing together.

Harry led the way, and he somehow gravitated toward the same broom closet he had fucked Fleur in some time ago. It was private. It was secluded. And it was one of the safest places they could find on this floor.

No sooner had they walked in that Katie jumped him, mashing her lips against his. Harry somehow managed to cast the necessary charms around them and his wand went clattering to the floor as he pulled her flush against his body and kissed her back.

The electricity shot through both of them simultaneously as Katie felt his soft and delicious lips engulf hers. Goosebumps exploded across her body just as they had when he had touched her beneath her clothes on the dance floor, and the same Harry was back now. She could feel her womanhood warm up in anticipation as her panties dampened. Her nipples were hardening and she could feel them poking the inside of her bra, desperate for his touch.

Slowly, he pulled away and Katie could not help but lean forward again, desperate to keep kissing him. Their lips parted and as she licked, she could taste him on her lips.

"I love this side of yours," she whispered as he kissed her again, and this time, he pushed her against the wall and pressed himself fully against her, slamming his hard prick into her belly. Katie immediately submitted to the feeling of having his raging manhood pressing into her as their tongues interlocked in a passionate kiss.

Her legs spread and he walked in, spearing his clothed manhood right over her inflamed pussy. Katie gasped in arousal and gripped his hair hard.

"Now you've done it," she growled as she pulled away. Harry watched, aroused, as she got down on her knees and began fiddling with his belt. She made quick work of his trousers and pulled them down, leaving him with an obvious tent in his boxers.

Coyly, Katie glanced up at him and dragged his boxers down his legs. His manhood sprang free, right in front of her face.

"Merlin, Harry," she gasped. "I had no idea you'd been packing this!"

Harry chuckled. Her compliment was a huge boost to his male ego and he caressed her cheek.

"Why don't you take care of it then? A big head, I think were your words, eh?"

Katie smirked and leaned forward, reaching with her tongue and Harry breathed out raggedly as she swirled it around the crown of his prick. She glanced up in mirth.


"Born ready," he said pompously. Katie giggled and dove right in, plunging her mouth onto his length and taking half of it within the warm confines of her sinful, hot mouth.

"Ahh yesss…" Harry groaned. "Suck my cock, Kitty."

The brunette preened at the sounds he made and his commanding voice sent a pleasurable thrill straight into her inflamed pussy. Her toes curled as she started to bob her head back and forth, feeding his cock into her mouth. Yet, roughly half of his length stayed outside and she wrapped her hand around it, holding him by the base and stroking it.

His angry purple bulbous head, slick with her thick saliva slid out of her mouth and she spat even more on it, furiously stroking it with her wet hand. Before Harry could get a word out, she plunged her mouth onto it again, taking more than half of his length inside. He felt her wet tongue lapping away, her puckered lips forming a slutty 'O' around his girth as her free hand started to play with his balls, making him involuntarily start to thrust inside her mouth.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed as many women might, Katie showed her grit and determination as she devoted herself to the task at hand with even more enthusiasm. She began to eagerly bob her head back and forth, intent on feeding as much of his saliva-laden prick inside her wanton mouth as she could, and fuck was she eager. Harry had easily guessed that she was not used to this, and he would not be surprised to hear that he was her first, but what she lacked in experience was more than made up with her diligence.

Her single-minded focus yielded fruit soon enough and Harry watched with disbelieving eyes as her lips wrapped around the base of his shaft. Her mouth was engorged with his thick rod and she looked up at him with her spoiled make-up and his cock fully inside her mouth. Fuck but she looked hotter than ever before.

With a loud gasp, she pulled his length out of her mouth and began to furiously stroke it again. Breathing heavily, she glanced up and grinned.

"How was that for a big head?"

Harry's response was to grab her by the throat and manhandle her. He pushed her against the wall with her back toward him and forced her face around to furiously kiss her. Katie was equally enthusiastic as she shoved her tongue inside his mouth.

"I'm going to fuck you now, Kitty," he growled as he pulled back. Katie grinned tauntingly.

"What the fuck are you waiting for then? A formal invitation?"

Harry let out a feral grin and wandlessly vanished their clothes, making her hiss as her naked body was trapped between his own naked body and the wall. He grabbed hold of his prick and positioned it against her entrance from behind.

"I'm going to make you my bitch, Kitty. No cock will ever do it for you when I'm done with you," he promised.

"Are you going to fucking bore me with your drivel or will you just do it, you bastard?" She hissed.

All sense of propriety was gone and there was nothing but a deviant pair that wanted nothing more than to have a raw, animalistic fuck.

Katie wiggled her curvy yet toned rear in invitation and arched her head back, moaning out loud as she felt Harry's massive rod penetrate her from behind. She gasped in pleasure, "Merlin, you feel even bigger inside me!"

"I've not even gone in halfway yet," he chuckled.

"Seriously!?" She moaned. "Fuck me…"

"Oh, I fully intend to," he smirked, slapping her ass hard as he bottomed out inside her. "Merlin, Kitty. If only I'd known you had an ass like this… I would've rammed into you long ago…"

"Oh fuck yesss…" Katie groaned. "Oh fuck… now you… shit… now you know it… ram away whenever you want… fuck!"

Harry grinned and slapped her ass again.

"Merlin yes!" Katie cried out as he continued to piston in and out of her, slapping her round rear. "Oh you're stretching me out so good!"

The unmistakable sound of two bodies slapping together in lust reverberated around the cramped broom closet as Harry kept thrusting from behind. He plunged deeper and deeper into her pussy, and he felt he could happily get addicted to her tight, hot depths.

Her pussy was stretched brilliantly and clung perversely to his thick shaft as it lurched forcefully in and out of her. He had to marvel at how expertly she was taking in his size and how ecstatically she was responding to his thrusts with her own. His cock was coated in the inexplicable wetness of both her mouth and her pussy.

Their intense fuck was surreal, primal, and as soaked and inflamed as her pussy. Every time he pulled out and rammed straight back in, she moaned in delight and the slick sound of her wet pussy welcoming his big cock made its imprint on both their minds.

His balls slapped erotically against the top of her womanhood, flicking her clit with every collision. His fingers were right atop hers, holding her hand against the wall as he had his face buried in her dark hair.

"Fuck me!" She cried out. "Oh keep fucking me, Harry! Give me that cock! Oh Merlin I love you fucking me so much!"

Harry relished the feeling of this gorgeous brunette writhing under him in abject pleasure and without breaking contact, he stepped back until he reached the wall further into the closet. The moment he reached the wall, he lowered himself until he was on his knees with Katie facing away from him.

The brunette quickly caught on and fell on her hands and knees. She hiked her rear and looked over her sweaty shoulder at him with a delirious grin.

"Go on, fuck me Harry!"

Harry smirked and resumed thrusting at a furious pace. However, this time, he leaned forward and paid special attention to a significant component of her alluring assets that had gone untouched until now. His palms grabbed hold of her dangling tits and he squeezed firmly. Katie moaned ecstatically.

"Ah yesss… play with my tits, Harry… touch my nipples… oh just like that… fuck yesss…"

Harry kept slamming inside her as he played with her tits, twisting and pinching her puffy nipples every so often. Her tits felt phenomenal in his hands. She was not as big as Fleur but she was perfect.

Meanwhile, Katie kept thrusting back against him. His prick was massive and girthy and she could feel the wetness of her lower lips that were stretched so erotically around his manhood in a desperate need.

He had claimed that no cock would ever do it for her and she was inclined to agree. There was no way any cock could top his.

"Oh Merlin! Fuck yesss! You're fucking me so good, Harry!"

Katie could hardly believe the words that had come out of her mouth in whatever time had passed since they had left the Great Hall. Her words were inflamed, and it felt as if she had become an entirely new woman in her lewdness for Harry.

She didn't know how, but he had managed to discover a side of her that she never knew existed. Not only that, he had even brought it out of her and showed her that it existed, and never did something feel so liberating. She did not think she was an attractive woman, even believing she was more boyish than most, but the way Harry had treated her since the moment he asked her out made her feel more feminine than ever before.

She felt him pick up speed and she grinned. They were in the endgame now. She could feel her orgasm approaching and she knew the same must be true for him. It was intoxicating to be one with him at such a primal level and she knew he must feel as thrilled as she did as he journeyed with her to these sexual heights.

The wet smacks of their raw fucking intensified further, and so did Katie's moans of pleasure.

"Ooohh! Ooohh! Yess! Fuck me! Oh please fuck me! Fuck!"

Harry grunted. His balls had begun to tingle and he could feel a massive orgasm on the verge of exploding.

"Fuck me Harry!" Katie cried out in jubilation. "Fuck me with your manly cock! Ruin me for another man, Harry!"

"I'm close, Kitty!" He groaned, his grip on her handful tits tightening moments before his ejaculation. "I'm going to cum!"

"In me!" Katie cried out.

Harry's balls pulsated and he grunted as he delivered a massive load of his thick, hot seed deep inside his teammate's wanton pussy.

"Fuckkk! Ohh fuckk! Ahh yesss! Fuck me Harry! Give me your cum! All of it! Ahh fuck yesss!"

Katie's harrowing cries filled the closet as her orgasm exploded right when he shot the first load inside her. He pulled her flush against his front, still holding her by her lovely tits and Katie immediately tilted her head to the side, meeting him halfway into an intense kiss. His cock continued to pulse and contract, sending rope after thick rope of his cum deep into Katie's womb.

Moments went by and the silence in the closet was challenged only by their combined panting. They breathed heavily as Harry slowly pulled his cock out of her sodden pussy, watching how a stream of his cum leaked out of her, dripping on the floor.

"Merlin, you stretched me out," she murmured, looking down at her pussy before her eyes fell on his cum that was smeared all over her still pulsating vagina.

Harry simply sat with his back against the wall and pulled her against him. Katie sighed contentedly and cuddled up to him. After a fucking like that, she was all too happy to be with him as much as possible.

"I hope that was not the last time?" She asked just to make sure.

Harry glanced down at her and smirked.

"I plan to keep fucking you whenever I want, Kitty. I hope you've got no problem with that?"

Katie smirked back and pressed her lips against his.

"Not a damn."


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