
ASOIAF: Lord of Nature

(Important: For early access to arcs and other interesting works, make sure to join 'the Den of Fics' using the code 'denoffanfics' on Discord) "After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." - Those were the words of a very suspicious but quite calm old man. What killed me? Was it a shot to the head from a burglary gone wrong? did I suddenly develop powers that stimulated my body to the point of death? Or had covid finally gotten to me after months of paranoid isolation? ‘No, apparently it was a heart attack according to the old geezer in front of me’. Join our unfortunate MC, as he tackles the mystery that is life, save an ungrateful world and hopefully find love along the way. (Disclaimer: I do not own A Song of Ice and Fire nor its characters. Those all belong to George R. R. Martin, aside from my OC.)

FitzMagna · Book&Literature
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63 Chs

Chapter 31 (R18+)

Note: This chapter contains sexual content, if you are not interested in its contents or are underage, you may skip the parts marked as R18+, you have been warned.


(Visenya Blackfyre, Undisclosed)

Without warning a small pop alarmed the former queen as she reacted instantaneously to the unexpected sound. Without hesitation, she held her dagger toward the would-be attacker's neck, "Don't even think about it." Visenya gritted out.

Only for her to hear a familiar chuckle in response. 

Turning her head, she met the enchanting eyes of her sheepish lover, who barely held back the dagger from plunging right into his eye.

"Sorry, I was too excited." Erlend apologized.

Sighing at her partner's words, Visenya dropped the dagger, before suddenly grabbing his head and forcefully entangling their tongue.

It had been too long since they last saw each other, and she very much wanted to make up for lost time. Erlend clearly agreed with that thought, as they took their sweet time to enjoy each other in a dance of wills, only breaking the kiss up once she felt the need for air again.

As she got her breath back, she stood there staring at his face, trying to capture every nook and cranny, eventually shaking her head to clear her mind.

Grabbing his hands, she dragged the young conqueror to her seat. Once she was sure he was comfortable, she unceremoniously dropped herself on his lap. "So… Since when could you appear like that?" Visenya asked.

"Only recently, I wanted to surprise you, though that wasn't the wisest decision," Erlend responded.

"What could've given you that idea?" She snarked sarcastically.

Erlend simply chuckled and brought her closer to him. It felt good to finally be in his arms again, just because they had prepared for this for so long, didn't mean she was pleased with their temporary separation.

Gently brushing his wild hair aside "I take it everything went well on your end?" She murmured.

"Yeah, it went better than expected. Aerys and Tywin's folly helped smooth things out. I have to thank you for suggesting the letter to Tywin."

To that, Visenya simply shrugged her shoulders, "The old lion was always willing to do something, he just needed a nudge in the right direction." Making it seem like Robert's forces had come victorious had ensured that Tywin would go through with the sacking.

Her lover's Shadow Wardens made sure neither Tywin nor his bannermen knew of what truly occurred at the Trident.

"Too true, the realm is better off with those three windbags out of the picture."

She had long lost whatever connection she had with her sister's descendants, watching them consistently make the same mistakes over and over again, had desensitized her to their deaths. Their fate was of their own making, she had no obligation to protect nor save them.

Aerys deserved his fate, the fact that Tywin and his brat were caught in the aftermath was just their own bad luck. Anyway, it wasn't like many cared for them, and they would only prove to be pests to her lover's reign should they have survived.

"How's those fat pigs doing? They better not be giving you any trouble." Erlend looked at her with concern.

Before responding, she captured his lips once more, finding it endearing that he was worried on her behalf. "My brother and his fat Cheesemonger are no trouble at all. They dare not strike against me, especially with how much influence I have over the Golden Company."

"Don't underestimate them. Those fools always have something to fall back on." He cautioned, for admittedly good reasons.

Her 'brother' could be quite the schemer and it would be best if she remained guarded with him. He and his friend did not grow this strong without being dangerous in their own right.

"Forget those annoyances, I take it you finally married that Tully tart."

Erlend shook his head at her words, "They're important for the future of my family, love, it wouldn't hurt to get along with them." No doubt referring to his other cadre of paramours.

"Only when they prove themselves worthy of my respect."

Erlend didn't push any further, something she heavily appreciated. While seducing those girls was always part of their plan, it didn't make it any less annoying that she'd have to share him, for the time being at least.

She was the one to get to him first, as far as she was concerned she'd always be there better, and there was nothing they could do to change it.

Smirking at the futility of their future attempts, her mood improved as she leaned on her other half.

A thought appeared in her mind as she recalled what had occurred earlier, "What form of magic was that earlier? I've never heard of it before." Visenya asked curiously.

"Hmm… that was Apparition, a magical ability that allows me to travel instantly from one location to another."

No doubt there was more to it but she did not care about the details at the moment, she was more pleased with the implication that it would make things more convenient in the future, "Fascinating, this means we'll be able to see each other more often now." Visenya hummed in thought.

"Indeed, why do you think I appeared here as soon as I got a handle on it?" Erlend smirked.

Rolling her eyes, Visenya lay on her beloved with a relaxed expression, not caring about the particulars. No doubt he'd reveal more about his abilities sooner, there was very little the two kept from each other.

"Euron likely will find a way to get ahold of a dragon horn, if he doesn't already have one. He's growing bolder now that he'd escaped Bloodraven's control."

"No worries, it will be of little use to the mad squid, at the least, it will make things easier for you once they attack. I doubt the dragon whelp had informed him about the true purpose of the horn."

"That's the plan anyways, if it wasn't for the information you provided about the horns, the Isles would have disappeared from the surface already."

Visenya looked bemusedly at her lover, she was sure his tone was that of someone jesting, but she also knew full well that he had the ability to do so.

A shame his caution held him back for the time being. Yet it was something she could hardly fault him for, her siblings' brash actions had seen their sister perish in consequence. She wasn't exactly keen on things going awry for them due to arrogance or pride once more.

No, it was better to move cautiously this time around.

With existences like the Night King and that pyro-demon around and very much active, it wouldn't hurt to be careful in how they went around doing things. Especially for her, seeing how close she was to the heart of the demon's faith.

For these reasons, she had encouraged him to take out his rage and his most devastating magic on those horse savages, no one would question their disappearance much, and unlike other deities, their god hardly had actual influence on the mortal plane. 

There was also the fact that other deities and seers rarely paid attention to them either, it was only after Daenerys' rise that attention was squarely brought upon them, and that was unlikely now, given her and Erlend's actions.

No doubt, his dragons appreciated the full meal those hordes provided. It was always a treat seeing them up close, not even his Uncle and Aunt could get close to majestic beings without Erlend around.

It pleased her that they trusted her enough to not mind her presence. Regardless, she had far better things to do right now, her lover was one such thing.

(R18+ Incoming)

Their lips met, dancing to an all too familiar rhythm.

Her soft lips crashed against his, his arms wrapped around her waist and she in turn wrapped herself around his neck. 

The intensity of their embrace was glaring, as their tongues fought to dominate each other. She pushed him deeper into his seat, all the while her muffled moans hardened his length.

She did not care if the guards could hear them fucking and going at it like rabbits in heat. Her Valkyrie would remain silent on the matter.

Pulling back from her lover, Visenya reached to help Erlend out of his tunic, her hands wandering all the while, feeling him up wherever she could.

It didn't take long for her eyes to feast on her lover's chiseled chest, sucking and licking at his rock-hard abs. In response Erlend grunted in pleasure, his arousal poking at her nether regions much to her delight.

Not wanting to play passively, her lover acted immediately.

She gasped, when his fingers found their way around her body, moving to help her out of her own clothes with practiced ease. Not stopping there, her lover moved toward her flower, his fingers gently teasing her folds, expertly removing her soiled panties in the process.

Buckling at the pleasure, she retaliated by moving her lips onto his neck, aggressively marking her territory without hesitation. Let those harlots see it, he was hers to do with as she pleased.

Her moans and mewls synced with his grunts and gasps, only getting higher as they did their best to outdo each other. 

Erlend changed his focus to her breasts, kissing and licking at her hardened nipples while his fingers played with her lower half. With her moans no longer being muffled by his mouth, her voice getting audibly louder than his own. 

Only for him to suddenly stop, much to her chagrin, his voice deepening with lust, "Let's take this to bed darling, I'm feeling quite thirsty…" Erlend clarified.

Visenya whimpered, urging him to continue with his ministrations.

Not wanting to leave his lover hanging for too long, Erlend pulled up his lover's flower to his face. Firmly placing her legs on his shoulders as he prepared to go down on her, much to her delight.

In the process, he slowly made his way towards the bed, carrying her with no difficulty. His breath tickled at her nether regions, sending tingles through her body, as he prepared to dive right into the scrumptious meal she was providing.

His nose was hit by the smell of her expectant pussy, it could only be described as having a tangy feel to it, undeterred Erlend spread her legs as he peered right at his lover's shiny, dripping wet pussy.

Visenya moaned as her lover began lightly licking her outer lips in a slow, wet circular motion, "Mhhhhmmmm…..Ooooh ... .Ahhhh," Her moans were like music to his ears. 

Her thighs quivered upon him, as he unhurriedly made his way closer to the bed, stopping when his tongue reached a particularly sensitive spot. Erlend continued to trace her lower lips with the tip of his tongue, gliding his tongue around her lower regions with expertise, licking around it much to her pleasure.

"Oooooo…..ahhhh ... .Mhmmmm," Visenya moaned as found herself quickly approaching her end.

Erlend didn't stop there, moving to her exposed clit and sucking at it, his tongue simultaneously licking whenever he could at the same time. His tongue did its best to bring the utmost pleasure to her.

She screamed loudly in response, begging him to continue without fail, just in time for him to feel her pussy throb as she squirted her love juice onto him, pouring it into his mouth without restraint.

Erlend did not hesitate to swallow it all, before swiftly going back to licking at her clit, for there was more to come. Finally, he placed his other half on the bed and began worshiping his lover's body as she lay panting, attempting to catch her breath, her pussy throbbing red at the release he brought her to, doing its best to recover

Her eyes fluttered at him in anticipation, while Erlend reached down to pull down his breeches. 

Without a word, she spread her legs wide open for him as his cock sprang into action.

"Fuck...me," She says.

That was enough for him, as Erlend moved closer, his length nearing her folds, and then gently pushing it in. Visenya groaned as her lover finally thrust into her, her tight walls wrapped familiarly around his length, eagerly embracing it fully.

With how wet her lower regions were, it did not take long for him to start fucking her. Knowing that now was not the time for gentleness, he started to fuck her tight pussy hard and fast. 

At that moment, as they lay eyes on each other's flushed faces, his length entrenched inside her, they began kissing each other eagerly and without restraint. Visenya moaned into his mouth, as he fucked her hard and fast, his length pounding and slamming into her aching pussy.

The chamber echoed with their moans and cries, her breasts swaying almost hypnotically as Erlend pulled back, before roughly entering into her once more, thrusting deeper with each stroke.

She was so unbearably tight, that it felt as if they were taking each other's virginity once more. The sounds that spilled from her lips spurring him on.

Feeling himself nearing his release, he thrust harder into her, getting closer and closer to reaching the end. Her legs instinctively wrapped around him, inner walls clamped firmly on his length, wanting to milk as much as she could from his lower half, not letting go as they looked into each other's eyes.

"MHHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMM!" Was all that was said, as they finally let go.

His cock pulsed as he spilled his seed inside her, painting her womb with his essence.

Her legs weakening at the pleasure that ran through her body, he was able to pull his length out of Visenya as she finally relaxed her hold over him, her pussy gushing out a thick mixture of their releases onto her thighs and cheeks. 

Their bedsheets would definitely need to be changed after this.

Erlend quickly rolled her over, and pulled her back onto his cock, causing Visenya to moan as he arched her back, not feeling satisfied with just one round.

Grinning at her flushed and panting face, "We have to make up for lost time." Was his last words, before thrusting back into her.

(R18+ Ending)